Scandinavian Tourist Board (STB) is a joint initiative by the national tourist boards of Denmarkand Norway. STB is responsible for promoting the Danishand Norwegiantourism marketsinChina.
The main tasks of STB include producing market intelligence, carrying out promotional and PR activities, educating and supporting the local travel trade, and thus ultimately boosting lucrative, high-end tourism to Scandinavia.
STB Chinasets up its headquarters in Beijing and the liaison office in Shanghai. STB collaborates with Scandinavian entities such as the respective embassies, consulates and trade offices.
STB's vast network of both Scandinavian and non-Scandinavian travel trade companies, governmental organizations, NGOs, non-profit organizations as well as non-tourism related businesses and media compose a solid foundation for STB's many different activities. And it is, as a matter of course, at the disposal of all our partners.