


  • 中文名:北京市新英才學校國小部
  • 外文名:The positioning of the primary school: an elite primary school
  • 校訓:中國北京
  • 創辦時間:1995年
  • 類別:國際學校


精品國小:The positioning of the primary school: an elite primary school
民族化的教育,注重中國傳統文化方面的培養,讓孩子紮下中國傳統文化的根;國際化的培養,把孩子培養成具有中華傳統文化和全球化視野的國際化人才。國小部開設3G課程(國家課程 國學課程 國際課程),形成了多元課程模式。
Nationalized education is conducted in the primary school with importance attached to the education of the traditional Chinese culture, the root of which can be planted in children; children will be developed into globalized talents with both Chinese traditional cultural background and a globalized vision . A multiple course mode is formed because the 3G courses are arranged in the primary school department (the national course, the Chinese study course, and the international course).
學部特色:The characteristics of the department:
健康的求質量 科學的創特色 人文的追求快樂
Pursue the quality healthily, uniqueness scientifically and happiness graciously.
質量關注三點:Three key points in quality
身體健康:學校每天不少於1節課的體育類課程,每天不少於1.5小時的鍛鍊時間。 (鍛鍊活動照片)
Physical health: No less than 1 PE class and no less than 1.5 hours of exercise time are arranged each day in the school .
品格健全:新英才學校科學設計出影響孩子一生的12個品格的課程:愛心、誠信、責任、理解等。 (品格活動照片)
Sound moral characters: Beijing Limai School has developed courses focusing on the 12 moral characters which exert a lifelong influence on children,sush as loving, honest, dutiful, understanding.
The tutorial system, free class-selection system and individualized education mode are adopted to find the base point of each kid in their development and lead them towards success.
特色突出四化:Four key features
Individualized: More than ten special activities are arranged appropriate to their personality and needs according to their characters and skills.
Nationalized: the education of the traditional Chinese culture is attached with importance. The Chinese teaching has the root of the Chinese culture planted in the heart of students;Chinese character recognition is focused in the education of junior students. They are required to be able to recognize more than 2,000 Chinese characters and 4,500 Chinese words;The nine objectives are insisted upon in Chinese classes for senior students and the comprehensive Chinese ability is cultivated.
Globalized: a bilingual teaching mode, which integrated the Chinese and western teaching methods is adopted. Children’s abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed. Layered English classes are arranged.
德育生活化:把德育融入到生活當中,倡導生活即課程,學校開發了《遠足課程》《三秒鐘德育課程》《生活技能課程》等課程。 (校園文化照片)
Moral education integrated into daily life: the moral education is integrated into daily life and the concept that life is also a class is advocated. Many courses are developed by the school, such as “Hiking”, “30-Minute Moral Education”, “Life Skills”.
快樂生活每一天:Living happily every day
Happiness comes from love. All the teachers in Beijing Limai School work with “love and duty”.
快樂源於尊重。學校充滿著問候聲、平等的對話和其樂融融的和諧氛圍。Happiness comes from respect. The school is full of greetings 、equal communications and homelike atmosphere .
Happiness comes from work. .Thus, Children can learn to take care of themselves in the school.
快樂源於多彩的活動。學校開設了近20門特色課程滿足孩子的不同興趣需求。 (學生的學習生活照片)
Happiness comes from colorful activities. There are about 20 special classes to meet their different interests and needs.


課程設定:The curriculum arrangement:
學前班: 語言訓練、游泳、國際禮儀、小國學、學習規範、思維、陶藝、品格、曲藝、輪滑……
The prep class: language training, swimming, international etiquette, Chinese study, English, study rules,logic, clay sculpture, moral education, arts, folk arts, roller-skating…
低年級常規課程:語文、 數學、 思維、 雙語(外教)、 英語、 形體、 游泳、 美術 、信息技術、 社會、 外教英語、 國際禮儀、 國學誦讀、 品格、 體育 、音樂。
低年級特色課程:少年NIT 平面設計繪畫 舞蹈 輪滑 十字繡 繪畫 POP設計 科學實驗 陶藝 曲藝 書法 鋼琴 七巧板 攝影 足球 勞動與動手操作
高年級常規課程:語文 數學 英語 思維 英語外教 外教口語 體育 美術 音樂 信息技術 社會 形體 游泳 自然
高年級特色課程:舞蹈 輪滑 十字繡 繪畫 POP設計 少年NIT 平面設計繪圖 科學實驗 書法 籃球 手工編織 足球 曲藝 攝影 古箏 鋼琴課 書法


