



  • 中文名:北京中能聯合低碳技術研究院
  • 性質:研究團體
  • 優勢:跨行業、多學科、綜合性
  • 解決問題:為低碳領域的技術提供諮詢和服務


我們為了將先進實用的低碳技術和項目得到有效推廣建立了一個項目融資平台——“綠色低碳網 綠色低碳投資網”(英文縮寫是:GLCI)。


Beijing Zhongneng United Low-carbon Technological Institute is a research group concerning the implementation of application and promotion of policies and technologies in the field of low carbon in China. The experts and technicians in the institute have the trans-industrial, multidisciplinary and comprehensive advantages. This research institute mainly provides the consultation and service for technological and economic decisions in low-carbon area, the low-carbon technology and project finance for enterprises and investment businessmen by hosting international and domestic green low-carbon investment, forums, academic exchange and exhibition, and the training and technological service on the aspect of energy-saving and low-carbon administration. What’s more, the institute also provides service and carries out researches for international organizations, domestic government and enterprises at all levels on carbon emission, carbon trading, low-carbon economic policies, developing strategies, new energy, energy conservation and emission reduction, and low-carbon industrial park planning and designing.
Beijing Zhongneng United Low-carbon Technological Institute cooperates closely with some famous universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and North China Electric Power University , some research institutes such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Forestry Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory, National Engineering Research Center, state-level enterprise technical centers and so on in the fields of solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass, geothermal energy and other new energy. The institute has a good cooperative relationship with Dubai International Capital Company, Swiss Investment Company, Yinhe Dahua Low-carbon Industry Foundation, and the GCC consortium, so it owns outstanding financing channels and ability.
In order to promote the advanced and practical low-carbon technology and projects, we established a project financing platform—the Green Low-carbon and Green Low-carbon Investment Network(GICI for short).


