- 中文名:包樂媛
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 任職院校:武漢科技大學
1997.09-2002.07 天津醫科大學,醫學檢驗專業, 獲醫學學士學位
2002.09-2005.07 天津醫科大學,醫學免疫學專業, 獲醫學碩士學位
2007.09-2010.12 英國利茲大學,遺傳健康治療研究所,分子和細胞生物學專業,獲博士學位
導師:Dr. Vas Ponnambalam, Dr. John Walker
2001.07-2002.05 天津市公安醫院實習
2005.07-2007.09 天津科技大學生物工程學院助教
2011.01-2012.04 英國利茲大學分子醫學研究所
St James University hospital
Research Fellow
2012.04-2013.12 英國牛津大學分子醫學研究所
John Radcliffe Hospital
MRC Molecular Haematology Unit, Research Fellow
2013.12- 至今 英國牛津大學分子醫學研究所
John Radcliffe Hospital
MRC Human Immunology Unit, Research Scientist
內源性免疫在克羅恩病/克隆病(免疫性腸炎)中的作用。主要研究內源性免疫,包括樹突狀細胞的TLRs 信號傳導,細胞代謝,線粒體功能,胺基酸代謝,抗原加工,inflammasome(炎性體)的激活,細胞自噬。(2013-)
套用遺傳學,生物化學及細胞學方法研究VEGFR1和VRGFR2 蛋白與蛋白的相互作用及在人血管內皮細胞內的信號傳導。其中包括運用酵母雙雜交的方法構建血管內皮細胞CDNA文庫,從文庫中篩選相互作用的蛋白,以及用GST pull-down, 表面等離子共振技術, 和免疫共沉澱的方法驗證相互作用的蛋白。用基因敲除的方法研究蛋白如何調節VEGFR1 和 VEGFR2 信號傳導,轉導,血管內皮細胞細胞周期,增值,遷移,衰老及血管形成。(博士論文課題,2007-2010)
VEGF影響轉錄因子Stat3和myocardin調節血管平滑肌細胞表型轉換的分子機制,國家自然基金青年基金(主持人,31401117, 2014-2017)
IL-24和EGF受體干擾序列融合基因的克隆及表達. 天津科技大學自然科學基金資助.(主持人,項目編號:20060206)
四肽化合物CMST1對類風濕治療作用機制的研究. 天津市高等學校科技發展基金項目. (第二完成人,項目編號:039-200011)
工業發酵微生物菌種資源標準化整理及整合. 國家自然科技資源共享平台(第五完成人,項目編號:2005DKA21204-10)
L. Bao,O. Al-Assar, L. Drynan, M. Arends, P.Tyers, R. Barker, and T.Rabbitts. A non-cell autonomous mouse model of CNS haemangioblastoma mediated by mutant KRAS. Scientific Reports. 2017, 21;7:44899.
L. Bao, C. Hannon, A. Cruz-Migoni, D. Ptchelkine, M. Sun, . Miller, W. Bunjobpol, CE.Quevedo, M. Derveni, J. Chambers, T. Rabbits. Intracellular immunization against HIV infection with an intracellular antibody that mimics HIV integrase binding to the cellular LEDGF protein. Scientific Reports.2017, 7: 16869. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16742-2
K Parikh , A Antanaviciute, D Fawkner-Corbett, M Jagielowicz, J Kinchen , A Aulicino , N Ashley , E Johnson , P Hublitz , L Bao , J Lukomska , R Singh Andev, E Bjorkland, H Koohy, A Simmons. Single-cell census of the colonic epithelium reveals goblet cell drivers of barrier breakdown in inflammatory bowel disease. Nature( in review).
Xiang Y, Liao XH*, Yao A, Qin H, Fan LJ, Li JP, Hu P, Li H, Guo W, Li JY, Gu CJ, Bao LY*, Zhang TC*. MRTF-A-miR-206-WDR1 form feedback loop to regulate breast cancer cell migration. Exp Cell Res. 2017 Oct 15;359(2):394-404
Liao XH, Xiang Y, Li H, Zheng L, Xu Y, Xi Yu C, Li JP, Zhang XY, Xing WB, Cao DS, Bao LY, Zhang TC. VEGF-A Stimulates STAT3 Activity via Nitrosylation of Myocardin to Regulate the Expression of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation Markers. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 1;7(1):2660.
Li H, Xiang Y, Fan LJ, Zhang XY, Li JP, Yu CX, Bao LY, Cao DS, Xing WB, Liao XH, Zhang TC. Myocardin inhibited the gap protein connexin 43 via promoted miR-206 to regulate vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypic switch.Gene. 2017 Mar 22. pii: S0378-1119(17)30198-1.
Liao XH, Wang N, Zhao DW, Zheng DL, Zheng L, Xing WJ, Ma WJ, Bao LY, Dong J, Zhang TC. STAT3 Protein Regulates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypic Switch by Interaction with Myocardin. J Biol Chem. 2015 Aug 7;290(32):19641-52.
Cahill TJ, Leo V, Kelly M, Stockenhuber A, Kennedy NW, Bao L, Cereghetti G, Harper AR, Czibik G, Lao C, Bellahcene M, Steeples V, Ghaffari S, Yavari A, Mayer A, Poulton J, Ferguson DJ, Scorrano L, Hettiarachchi NT, Peers C, Boyle J, Hill RB, Simmons A, Watkins H1, Dear TN, Ashrafian H. Resistance of Dynamin-related protein 1 Oligomers to Disassembly Impairs Mitophagy Resulting in Myocardial Inflammation and Heart failure.J Biol Chem. 2015 Oct 23;290(43):25907-19.
Bao L, Odell AF, Stephen SL, Wheatcroft SB, Walker JH, Ponnambalam S. Calcium binding protein S100A6 regulate endothelial cell proliferation and senescence. FEBS Journal. 2012 Oct 25. doi: 10.1111/febs.12044.
Bruns AF, Yuldasheva N, Latham AM, Bao L, Pellet-Many C, Frankel P, Stephen SL, Howell GJ, Wheatcroft SB, Kearney MT, Zachary IC, Ponnambalam S. A Heat-Shock Protein Axis Regulates VEGFR2 Proteolysis, Blood Vessel Development and Repair. PLOS ONE. 2012, 7(11), e48539.
Bruns AF, Bao L, Walker JH, Ponnambalam S (2009) Co-ordination of the VEGF-A-stimulated response in endothelial cells via VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 trafficking and proteolysis. Biochem. Soc.Trans. 37:1193-1197.
Bao L, Redondo C, Findlay JBC, Walker JH, Ponnambalam S (2009) Deciphering soluble and membrane protein interactions using yeast systems. Mol. Membr. Biol. 26: 127-135.
Lu R, Jia J, Bao L, Fu Z, Li G, Wang S, Wang Z, Jin M, Gao W, Yao Z. (2006) Experimental study of the inhibition of human hepatocarcinoma Bel7402 cells by the tripeptide tyroserleutide (YSL). Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 57: 248-256.
Wang Y, Yang J, Gao Y, Du YR, Bao LY, Niu WY, Yao Z. (2006) Regulatory effect of e2, IL-6 and IL-8 on the growth of epithelial ovarian cancer cells. Cell Mol Immunol. 2: 365-372.
包樂媛,張業尼,錢磊,等.大豆肽對高血脂症大鼠的降脂作用[J].大豆科學,2007,26 (5):752-756.
包樂媛,李會強,畢曉陽,李國立,姚智.人滑膜細胞的分離培養與鑑定.中國醫學檢驗雜誌2004, 5(5):386-388.
包樂媛,陸融,李國立,王松, 付正,賈靜,高文遠,趙琳,姚智.四肽化合物CMST1對大鼠佐劑性關節治療作用的實驗研究.中國藥理學通報, 2005, 21(9):1148-1149.
樊欣迎,包樂媛,朱婧,劉翊,杜連祥. 表皮生長因子受體干擾序列與白細胞介素24融合蛋白的原核表達 [J]. 生物技術通訊. 2009 (01);
樊欣迎,包樂媛,竇苓,杜連祥,路福平. 融合蛋白EGFRi-IL-24的純化及活性鑑定 [J]. 藥物生物技術. 2009 (04)
錢磊,包樂媛,鄂旭,路福平,杜連祥. 脫脂豆粕酶法製備大豆肽 [J]. 化學與生物工程. 2007 (03)
王建玲,樊欣迎,包樂媛,杜連祥. 融合基因EGFRi-IL-24真核表達載體的構建與表達 [J]. 生物醫學工程學雜誌. 2010 (02)
李岩,李會強,許瀛海,張靜楷,包樂媛,姚智.糖尿病視網膜病變血清IgG型抗內皮細胞抗體檢測.天津醫藥,2006, 34(3):151-153.