

  • 中文名:劉顯強
  • 職業:北京工業大學副研究員
  • 職稱:博士
  • 研究方向:原子結構、電子結構
劉顯強 (博士),北京工業大學副研究員
· 納米超晶格材料的界面及對稱缺失效應;
· 亞穩相及非晶相的原子結構研究;
· 半導體原子化學
  • N. Yan,X.Q. Liu*, L. Zhang, X.D. Han and Z. Zhang, The amount of Ge tunes the atomic structure of amorphous GexTe1-xalloy, Chem. Phys. Lett. accepted, (2012).
  • X. Q. Liu*, X. B. Li, B. Zhang, S. B. Zhang, E. Ma, Z. Zhang, and X. D. Han, Truncated Lorch-window method revealing the off-octahedral Ge in nanocrystalline Ge2Sb2Te5,Phys. Status SolidiB 249, 1914–1918 (2012).
  • N. Yan, Y. Cheng,X.Q. Liu*, Z.T. Song, Z. Zhang, In situtransmission electron microscopy investigation of SixSb100-xphase-change materials,Materials Letters8420–23 (2012).
  • X. Q. Liu, X. B. Li, L. Zhang, Y. Q. Cheng, Z. G. Yan, M. Xu, X. D. Han,S. B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and E. Ma, New Structural Picture of the Ge2Sb2Te5Phase-Change Alloy,Phys. Rev. Lett.106, 025501 (2011).
  • Xian-Bin Li,X. Q. Liu, Xin Liu, Dong Han, Z. Zhang, X. D. Han, Hong-Bo Sun, and S. B. Zhang, Role of Electronic Excitation in the Amorphization of Ge-Sb-Te Alloys,Phys. Rev. Lett.107, 015501 (2011).
  • Y. Cheng, X.D. Han,X.Q. Liu, K. Zheng, Z. Zhang, T. Zhang, Z.T. Song, B. Liu and S.L. Feng,Self-Extrusion of Te-Nanowire from Si-Sb-Te Thin Films.Appl. Phys. Lett.93, 183113 (2008).
  • X. D. Han, S. L. Zheng, Y. F. Zhang, K. Zheng, S. B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. N. Zhang,X. Q. Liu, G. Chen, Y. J. Hao, X. Y. Guo, Polarization driven covalently-bonded octahedral-twinning and backbone-peripheral-helical nanoarchitectures,Nano Letters8, 2258-2264 (2008).
  • X. Q. Liu, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, L. F. Ji and Y. J. Jiang, The Crystal Structure of High Temperature Phase Ta2O5,Acta. Materialia55, 2385 (2007).
  • X. Q. Liu, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, L. F. Ji and Y. J. Jiang, Structural correlations of the enhancement of dielectric permittivity in the ( Ta2O5)0.92(TiO2)0.08system,Appl. Phys. Lett.,90, 211904 (2007).
  • X. D. Han, Y. F. Zhang,X. Q. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y. J. Hao and X. Y. Guo, Lattice bending, disordering, and amorphization induced plastic,Journal of Applied Physics98,124307 (2005).
  • X. Q. Liu,X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, The correlation between modulation structure and dielectric properties inTa2O5-TiO2system, Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society 26, 434 (2007).


