



  • 中文名:劉韓星
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 信仰:無神論


1984.7 於武漢大學物理系獲理學學士學位
1987.7 於吉林大學理論化學研究所獲理學碩士學位
1990.12 于吉林大學理論化學研究所獲理學博士學位
1991.1-1993.1 武漢工業大學材料科學與工程博士後流動站 博士後
1992.10 武漢工業大學 副教授
1995.10 武漢理工大學 教 授
1997.7 武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學科 博士生指導教師
2002.3 -2003.4 耶魯大學,美國




亞洲固態離子學會 執行理事
湖北省物理學會、武漢市物理學會 副理事長
中國固態離子學會 理事
中國儀表材料學會 常務理事




1.Hua Hao, Hanxing Liu, Minghe Cao, Shixi Ouyang, Lead-free SrBi4Ti4O15 and Bi4Ti3O12 material fabrication using the microwave-assisted molten salt synthesis method ,Journal of American Ceramic Society, 90 (5): 1659-1662 (2007).
2.Zongyang Shen, Hanxing Liu, etc., Preparation and dielectric properties of Sr(Ti0.95Zr0.05)O3 ceramics doped with CaO-TiO2-SiO2 (CTS), Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 136 (1), 11-14(2007).
3.Xianjun Zhu, Hanxing Liu, etc., Preparation and characterization of LiNi0.80Co0.20-xAlxO2 as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Electroceramics, 17 (2-4),645-649(2006).
4.Zhonghua Yao, Hanxing Liu, etc., Effect of V2O5 additive to 0.4SrTiO3 -0.6La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 ceramics on sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties, Materials Research Bulletin, 41 (10),1972-1978(2006).
5.Hua Hao, Hanxing Liu, etc., Study of A-site doping of SrBi4Ti4O15 Bi-layered compounds using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Applied Physics A-Materials Science& Processing, 85 (1),69-73(2006).
6.Liling Guo, Yadong Dai, Hanxing Liu, Shixi Ouyang, Phase transition and thermochromism of the hybrid (C12H25NH3)2FeCl4 ,Solid State Phenomena, 111, 55-58(2006).
7.Yadong Dai, Liling Guo, Mingjie Hu, Hanxing Liu, The Chemical Bonding of Organic-Inorganic in Hybrid Compounds, in” Solid-State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials V “ Editors: J. Li, M. Jansen, N. Brese, M. Kanatzidis , Volume 848 of Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, FF 9.31 (2005).
8.Hanxing Liu, Hongtao Yu, etc. Dielectric Properties of (1-x)CaTiO3-xCa(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ceramic System at Microwave Frequency, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 88 (2): 453-455 (2005).
9.Hui Zhang, Liang Fang, Taohua Huang, Hanxing Liu, etc., Structural and dielectric properties of ferroelectric Sr4R2Ti4Nb6O30 (R = Sm and Nd) ceramics, Journal of Materials Science ,40 (2): 529-531 (2005).
10.Hanxing Liu, Liling Guo, etc., The Theoretical and Experimental Study on Solid Chemical Reaction Between BaCO3 AND TiO2 in Microwave Field, Materials Science and Engineering :B, 113/2, 161-165 (2004).
11.Hanxing Liu, etc., The Electronic Structure of Spinel Li-Mn-O Compunds Caculated by DV-Xa Method, Proceeding of the 9th Asian Conference on “Solid State Ionics: Science and Technology of Ions in Motion“ , Edited by B.V.R. Chowdari, H.-I. Yoo, G.M. Choi and I.-H. Lee, 583-590(2004).
12.Hanxing Liu, Zhongqin Tian, etc., A New Microwave Dielectric Ceramics with Near-Zero τf in the Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Ba(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 System, Journal of Materials Science, 39(13): 4319-4320 (2004).
13.Hanxing Liu, Xiaoqin Sun, etc., The Syntheses and Microstructures of Tabular SrTiO3 Crystal, Solid-State Electronics(Elsevier Science), 47(12), 2295-2298(2003).
14.Hanxing Liu, etc.,Structural and Electronic Properties of SBT in FEDREAM Devices,Solid-State Electronics(Elsevier Science),47(12), 2283-2287(2003).
15.Hanxing Liu,Yongwei Li,etc.,Mechanism of Microwave Synthesized BaTiO3,Science in China(Series A),40,843-848(1997).
16Yongwei Li,Hanxing Liu,etc.,Heating Effect of BaTiO3 in Microwave Field and Microstructure of BaTiO3,Science in China(Series A),40,779-784(1997).


