- 中文名:劉青
- 外文名:Qing Liu
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:中國人民大學國家發展與戰略研究院教授
- 畢業院校:武漢大學,北京大學,香港大學
- 主要成就:國際貿易,跨國投資與併購,企業創新
- Liu, Qing and Larry Qiu, Intermediate Input Imports and Innovations: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Patent Filings.Journal of International Economics,2016: 166-183。
- Liu, Qing and Yi Lu, Firm Investment and Exporting: Evidence from China's Value-added Tax Reform.Journal of International Economics,2015: 392–403。
- Liu, Qing, Larry Qiu and Miaojie Yu. Worker Training, Firm Productivity, and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese Firms,Developing Economies, forthcoming。
- Liu, Qing, Ruosi Lu and Larry D Qiu. Foreign Acquisitions and Target Firms’ Performance: Evidence from China.The World Economy,2017, 40: 1, 2–20 (lead article)。
- Buckley, Peter, Pei Yu, Qing Liu, Surender Munjal, and Pan Tao. The Institutional Influence on the Location Strategies of Multinational Enterprises from Emerging Economies: Evidence from China's Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions.Management and Organization Review,2016, 12:3, September 425–448。
- Liu, Qing and Ruosi Lu, On-the-job Training and Productivity: Firm-level Evidence from a Large Developing Country.China Economic Review,2016, 40:254–264。
- Liu, Qing, Larry Qiu and Zhigang Li. Foreign Acquisitions in China and Multinationals' Global Market Strategy.Review of Development Economics,2016: 20(1), 87–100。
- Liu, Qing, Ruosi Lu and Xiangjun Ma, Corruption, Financial Resources, and Exports.Review of International Economics,2015: 1023–1043。
- Liu, Qing, Ruosi Lu and Chao Zhang. The labor market effect of foreign acquisitions: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms.China Economic Review, 2015, 32: 110--120。
- Chen, Yasheng, Ying Ge, Huiwen Lai and Qing Liu. Efficiency Sorting in Foreign Affiliates: Evidence from China,The World Economy,2015: 568-581。
- Liu, Qing, Ruosi Lu and Chao Zhang. Entrepreneurship and spillovers from multinationals: Evidence from Chinese private firms,China Economic Review, 2014, 29 : 95–106。
- Liu, Qing and Larry Qiu. Implications of Financial Development of the South for Trade and Foreign Direct Investment from the North.Review of Development Economics,2014, 18:272–285。
- Liu, Qing and Larry Qiu. Labor Training and Foreign Direct Investment,Review of International Economics, 2014, 22 (1):151–166。
- Liu, Qing and Larry Qiu. Characteristics of Acquirers and Targets in Domestic and Cross-border M&As,Review of Development Economics, 2013, 17(3): 474–493。
- Liu, Qing and Larry Qiu. Cross-Country Externalities of Trade and FDI Liberalization,Frontiers of Economics in China, 2013, 8(1): 19-49。
- 劉青、陶攀、洪俊傑,中國海外併購的動因研究——基於廣延邊際與集約邊際的視角,經濟研究,2017.1: 28-43。
- 呂若思,黃燦,劉青,胡海燕,外資在華併購的勞動力市場效應:基於匹配與雙重差分的企業層面估計,經濟學報,2017。
- 陶攀、劉青、洪俊傑,“貿易方式與企業出口決定”,國際貿易問題,2014,4:33-45。
- 劉青、張超、呂若思、盧進勇,“海歸”創業經營業績更優嗎——來自中國民營企業的證據,世界經濟,2013,12:70-89。
- 劉青、張超、呂若思,跨國公司在華溢出效應研究:人力資本的視角,數量經濟技術經濟研究,2013, 9:20-36. (人大報刊複印資料全文轉載)。
- 蔡洪濱、劉青(通訊作者),多代理人情形下的授權結構與激勵,經濟學季刊,2008, 8 (1): 1-22 (lead article)。
- 洪俊傑、劉青、左宗文,經濟全球化新形勢與中國貿易轉型升級研究 (綜述),經濟研究,2014,11: 189-192。
- 參著,新常態下中國企業對外投資的理論創新與政策研究,科學出版社,2017(即出)。
- 參著,中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區發展機制與配套政策研究,科學出版社,2016。
- 參著,中國企業全球營商環境指數報告(2015),中國商務出版社,2016。
- 參著,《博鰲亞洲論壇—亞洲經濟一體化進程報告》(中英文),對外經濟貿易大學出版社,2012。