



  • 中文名稱:劉銀
  • 英文名稱:Yin Liu
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教師
  • 教學職稱:講師
  • 導師資格:碩士生導師 
  • 招生類型:學術型,專業型 
  • 所在院系:上海市肺科醫院 




2012-2014, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University
2019,Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto


1. Yin Liu, Ke Zhou, Xin-Yun Li, Shu-Hong Zhao and Jian-Hua Cao. Expression Profiling of Myoz1 Gene in Porcine Tissue and C2C12 Cells. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(15): 1917-1921,2011
2. H.H He, C.A. Meyer, S.S. Hu, M-W Chen, C. Zang, Yin Liu, P.K. Rao, T. Fei, H. Xu, H. Long, X.S. Liu M. Brown. Refined DNase-seq protocol and data analysis reveals intrinsic bias in transcription factor footprint identification. Nature methods(IF:23.565) 11(10), 73-80, 2013
3. Wang H, Zheng X, Fei T, Wang J, Li X, Liu Y, Zhang F. Towards pathway-centric cancer therapies via pharmacogenomic profiling analysis of ERK signalling pathway. Clin Transl Med, 2015, 4: 66.
4. Yin Liu, Teng Fei, Xiaoqi Zheng, Myles Brown, Peng Zhang, X.Shirley Liu, Haiyun Wang. An Integrative Pharmacogenomic Approach Identifies Two-drug Combination Therapies for Personalized Cancer Medicine. Sci. Rep. 6, 22120; doi: 10.1038/srep22120 (2016).(IF:5.9).
5. Liu Y, Chen S, Wang S, et al. Transcriptional landscape of the human cell cycle. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2017, 114: 3473-3478. (IF:9.661).
6. Zheng R, Li Z, He F, Liu H, Chen J, Chen J, Xie X, Zhou J, Chen H, Wu X, Wu J, Chen B, Liu Y, Cui H, Fan L, Sha W, Liu Y, Wang J, Huang X, Zhang L, Xu F, Wang J, Feng Y, Qin L, Yang H, Liu Z, Cui Z, Liu F, Chen X, Gao S, Sun S, Shi Y, Ge B. Genome-wide association study identifies two risk loci for tuberculosis in Han Chinese. Nat Commun 2018;9(1):4072. (IF:12.353)
7. Combination CDK6 and BRAF inhibition for melanomas with activating BRAF mutations. Cancer Research (IF:9.130) (Under revision)
8. Expression and epigenetic profile of different CRISPR-Cas9 efficiency clones.BMC Genomics (IF:2.80) (Under revision)
1. 同濟大學青年優秀人才計畫項目,肺腺癌中EGFR基因靶向藥物吉非替尼耐藥基因的篩選和作用機制研究,項目批准號kx0151120171864,2017.01-2018.12 ,5萬,主持
2. 同濟大學國自然培育計畫,基於CRISPR-Cas9技術對肺腺癌中EGFR基因靶向藥物奧西替尼耐藥基因的篩選及作用機制研究, 項目批准號22120170107,2017.09-2018.06,5萬,主持
3. 國家自然基金青年項目,YAP1和NEK2在第三代EGFR-TKI耐藥中的功能和機制研究,項目批准號31801111,201901-202112,27萬,主持
4. 上海市肺科醫院夢想導師優秀青年人才計畫,基於MeRIP-seq技術對肺癌表觀轉錄組譜分析,項目批准號fkyq1910,201907-202206,20萬,主持


