- 中文名:劉郁麗
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1965年5月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西北工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:精確塑性成形技術及計算機仿真
- 學術代表作:《中國材料工程大典》、《板料衝壓成形》
- 職稱:教授
- 發表論文數目:150餘篇(截至2019年7月)
1982.09-1986.07西安交通大學 機械工程系 塑性成形工藝與設備專業 學士
1988.09-1991.06 西安交通大學 機械工程系 塑性成形工藝與設備專業 碩士
1996.09-2001.04 西北工業大學 材料學院 材料加工成專業 博士
1988.09-1991.06 西安交通大學 機械工程系 塑性成形工藝與設備專業 碩士
1996.09-2001.04 西北工業大學 材料學院 材料加工成專業 博士
(1) 以複雜葉片精密體積成形為研究對象的精確塑性成形技術及計算機仿真
1. 抽芯對H96薄壁矩形波導管繞彎成形回彈的影響 , 2013,21(1),56-61 ,DOI:, ISSN:1005-0299
2. B550CL高強鋼輪輻拉深沖孔變形及損傷 , 2015,22(6),58 ,DOI:, ISSN:1007-2012
3. Deformation behaviors of double-ridged rectangular H96 tube in rotary draw bending under different mandrel types , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2016,82(9-12),1569-1580 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-015-7468-5, ISSN:0268-3768
4. Effect of Geometry Parameters on Cross-Sectional Distortion of Thin-Walled Rectangular Tube in Rotary-Draw Bending Process , TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2011,189-193,2784-2787
5. Multi-scale Through-process Modeling and Simulation in Precision Forming of Complex Components of Difficult-to-deform Material , AMER INST PHYSICS,2013,1532,150-157 ,DOI:10.1063/1.4806819, ISSN:0094-243X
6. TC4葉片精鍛過程中摩擦對模具應力及溫度場的影響 , 2010,20(z1),452-456 ,DOI:, ISSN:1004-0609
7. 葉片精鍛三維有限元反向模擬脫模準則的確定 , 2006,(2),18-23 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-196X.2006.02.005, ISSN:1001-196X
8. Experimental study of the deformation laws of hemispherical parts in the compound-forming process , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,1998,74(1-3),190-194 ,DOI:10.1016/S0924-0136(97)00267-7, ISSN:0924-0136
9. Influence of dynamic boundary conditions on preform design for deformation uniformity in backward simulation , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2008,197(1-3),255-260 ,DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2007.06.031, ISSN:0924-0136
10. Cross-sectional distortion behaviors of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary-draw bending process , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2010,20(3),484-489 ,DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(09)60166-7, ISSN:1003-6326
11. Analysis of wrinkling limit of rotary-draw bending process for thin-walled rectangular tube , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,210(9),1224-1231 ,DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.03.009, ISSN:0924-0136
12. Effect of clearance on wrinkling of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2010,50(1-4),85-92 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-009-2508-7, ISSN:0268-3768
13. Experimental study on cross-section distortion of thin-walled rectangular 3A21 aluminium alloy tube by rotary draw bending , INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD,2011,42(1-2),110-120 ,DOI:10.1504/IJMPT.2011.044888, ISSN:0268-1900
14. Development and application of the material constitutive model in springback prediction of cold-bending , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2012,42,245-258 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.05.043, ISSN:0261-3069
15. Springback Prediction Model Considering the Variable Young's Modulus for the Bending Rectangular 3A21 Tube , SPRINGER,2013,22(1),9-16 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-012-0227-y, ISSN:1059-9495
16. Improvement of the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the springback prediction model for the rotary-draw bending of rectangular H96 tube , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,66,224-232 ,DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2012.11.012, ISSN:0020-7403
17. Springback prediction for rotary-draw bending of rectangular H96 tube based on isotropic, mixed and Yoshida-Uemori two-surface hardening models , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2013,47,200-209 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.12.018, ISSN:0261-3069
18. Relations between the stress components and cross-sectional distortion of thin-walled rectangular waveguide tube in rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,68(1-4),651-662 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-4786-3, ISSN:0268-3768
19. Experimental study on the effect of dies on wall thickness distribution in NC bending of thin-walled rectangular 3A21 aluminum alloy tube , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,68(5-8),1867-1874 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-4983-0, ISSN:0268-3768
20. An analytical model for the collapsing deformation of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary draw bending , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,69(1-4),627-636 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-5042-6, ISSN:0268-3768
21. Comparison between the effects of PVC mandrel and mandrel-cores die on the forming quality of bending rectangular H96 tube , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,76,132-143 ,DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2013.09.011, ISSN:0020-7403
22. Prediction of forming limit based on cross-sectional distortion for rotary draw bending of H96 brass double-ridged rectangular tube , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,71(5-8),1445-1454 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-5552-2, ISSN:0268-3768
23. Experimental and FE Simulation Study on Cross-Section Distortion of Rectangular Tube under Multi-Die Constraints in Rotary Draw Bending Process , KOREAN SOC PRECISION ENG,2014,15(4),633-641 ,DOI:10.1007/s12541-014-0381-2, ISSN:2234-7593
24. Research on cross-sectional deformation of double-ridged rectangular tube during H-typed rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,73(9-12),1789-1798 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-5968-3, ISSN:0268-3768
25. Global sensitivity analysis and coupling effects of forming parameters on wall thinning and cross-sectional distortion of rotary draw bending of thin-walled rectangular tube with small bending radius , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,74(5-8),581-589 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-6014-1, ISSN:0268-3768
26. Effect of mandrel-cores on springback and sectional deformation of rectangular H96 tube NC bending , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2015,78(1-4),351-360 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-6657-y, ISSN:0268-3768
27. Optimal design of process parameters of rotary-draw bending process for thin-walled rectangular tube of aluminum alloy , SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD,2014,228(11),1442-1448 ,DOI:10.1177/0954405413518518, ISSN:0954-4054
28. H96黃銅雙脊矩形管繞彎應力演變規律 , 2015,(10),1209-1212,1224 ,DOI:, ISSN:2095-2783
29. Effects of geometrical parameters on wrinkling of thin-walled rectangular aluminum alloy wave-guide tubes in rotary-draw bending , ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2013,26(1),242-248 ,DOI:10.1016/j.cja.2012.12.003, ISSN:1000-9361
30. 採用Bézier曲面生成葉片鍛造三維有限元模擬的模具格線 , 2000,18(1),87-89 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2758.2000.01.021, ISSN:1000-2758
31. 工藝參數對薄壁矩形管繞彎成形失穩起皺影響的顯著性分析 , 2010,39(13),77-80 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3814.2010.13.026, ISSN:1001-3814
32. 帶阻尼台葉片精鍛過程卸載冷卻對形狀偏差的影響 , 2011,30(12),2111-2115 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-8728
33. 鋁合金薄壁矩形管繞彎成形起皺極限的預測 , 2011,34(1),47-52 ,DOI:, ISSN:1000-582X
34. H96黃銅薄壁矩形管繞彎回彈和截面畸變對工藝參數的敏感性 , 2012,22(9),2233-2240 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
35. H96黃銅雙脊矩形波導管繞彎截面變形特徵研究 , 2013,33(6),13-19 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-
2. B550CL高強鋼輪輻拉深沖孔變形及損傷 , 2015,22(6),58 ,DOI:, ISSN:1007-2012
3. Deformation behaviors of double-ridged rectangular H96 tube in rotary draw bending under different mandrel types , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2016,82(9-12),1569-1580 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-015-7468-5, ISSN:0268-3768
4. Effect of Geometry Parameters on Cross-Sectional Distortion of Thin-Walled Rectangular Tube in Rotary-Draw Bending Process , TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2011,189-193,2784-2787
5. Multi-scale Through-process Modeling and Simulation in Precision Forming of Complex Components of Difficult-to-deform Material , AMER INST PHYSICS,2013,1532,150-157 ,DOI:10.1063/1.4806819, ISSN:0094-243X
6. TC4葉片精鍛過程中摩擦對模具應力及溫度場的影響 , 2010,20(z1),452-456 ,DOI:, ISSN:1004-0609
7. 葉片精鍛三維有限元反向模擬脫模準則的確定 , 2006,(2),18-23 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-196X.2006.02.005, ISSN:1001-196X
8. Experimental study of the deformation laws of hemispherical parts in the compound-forming process , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,1998,74(1-3),190-194 ,DOI:10.1016/S0924-0136(97)00267-7, ISSN:0924-0136
9. Influence of dynamic boundary conditions on preform design for deformation uniformity in backward simulation , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2008,197(1-3),255-260 ,DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2007.06.031, ISSN:0924-0136
10. Cross-sectional distortion behaviors of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary-draw bending process , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2010,20(3),484-489 ,DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(09)60166-7, ISSN:1003-6326
11. Analysis of wrinkling limit of rotary-draw bending process for thin-walled rectangular tube , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,210(9),1224-1231 ,DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.03.009, ISSN:0924-0136
12. Effect of clearance on wrinkling of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2010,50(1-4),85-92 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-009-2508-7, ISSN:0268-3768
13. Experimental study on cross-section distortion of thin-walled rectangular 3A21 aluminium alloy tube by rotary draw bending , INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD,2011,42(1-2),110-120 ,DOI:10.1504/IJMPT.2011.044888, ISSN:0268-1900
14. Development and application of the material constitutive model in springback prediction of cold-bending , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2012,42,245-258 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.05.043, ISSN:0261-3069
15. Springback Prediction Model Considering the Variable Young's Modulus for the Bending Rectangular 3A21 Tube , SPRINGER,2013,22(1),9-16 ,DOI:10.1007/s11665-012-0227-y, ISSN:1059-9495
16. Improvement of the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the springback prediction model for the rotary-draw bending of rectangular H96 tube , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,66,224-232 ,DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2012.11.012, ISSN:0020-7403
17. Springback prediction for rotary-draw bending of rectangular H96 tube based on isotropic, mixed and Yoshida-Uemori two-surface hardening models , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2013,47,200-209 ,DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.12.018, ISSN:0261-3069
18. Relations between the stress components and cross-sectional distortion of thin-walled rectangular waveguide tube in rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,68(1-4),651-662 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-4786-3, ISSN:0268-3768
19. Experimental study on the effect of dies on wall thickness distribution in NC bending of thin-walled rectangular 3A21 aluminum alloy tube , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,68(5-8),1867-1874 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-4983-0, ISSN:0268-3768
20. An analytical model for the collapsing deformation of thin-walled rectangular tube in rotary draw bending , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2013,69(1-4),627-636 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-5042-6, ISSN:0268-3768
21. Comparison between the effects of PVC mandrel and mandrel-cores die on the forming quality of bending rectangular H96 tube , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2013,76,132-143 ,DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2013.09.011, ISSN:0020-7403
22. Prediction of forming limit based on cross-sectional distortion for rotary draw bending of H96 brass double-ridged rectangular tube , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,71(5-8),1445-1454 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-013-5552-2, ISSN:0268-3768
23. Experimental and FE Simulation Study on Cross-Section Distortion of Rectangular Tube under Multi-Die Constraints in Rotary Draw Bending Process , KOREAN SOC PRECISION ENG,2014,15(4),633-641 ,DOI:10.1007/s12541-014-0381-2, ISSN:2234-7593
24. Research on cross-sectional deformation of double-ridged rectangular tube during H-typed rotary draw bending process , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,73(9-12),1789-1798 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-5968-3, ISSN:0268-3768
25. Global sensitivity analysis and coupling effects of forming parameters on wall thinning and cross-sectional distortion of rotary draw bending of thin-walled rectangular tube with small bending radius , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2014,74(5-8),581-589 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-6014-1, ISSN:0268-3768
26. Effect of mandrel-cores on springback and sectional deformation of rectangular H96 tube NC bending , SPRINGER LONDON LTD,2015,78(1-4),351-360 ,DOI:10.1007/s00170-014-6657-y, ISSN:0268-3768
27. Optimal design of process parameters of rotary-draw bending process for thin-walled rectangular tube of aluminum alloy , SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD,2014,228(11),1442-1448 ,DOI:10.1177/0954405413518518, ISSN:0954-4054
28. H96黃銅雙脊矩形管繞彎應力演變規律 , 2015,(10),1209-1212,1224 ,DOI:, ISSN:2095-2783
29. Effects of geometrical parameters on wrinkling of thin-walled rectangular aluminum alloy wave-guide tubes in rotary-draw bending , ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2013,26(1),242-248 ,DOI:10.1016/j.cja.2012.12.003, ISSN:1000-9361
30. 採用Bézier曲面生成葉片鍛造三維有限元模擬的模具格線 , 2000,18(1),87-89 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2758.2000.01.021, ISSN:1000-2758
31. 工藝參數對薄壁矩形管繞彎成形失穩起皺影響的顯著性分析 , 2010,39(13),77-80 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3814.2010.13.026, ISSN:1001-3814
32. 帶阻尼台葉片精鍛過程卸載冷卻對形狀偏差的影響 , 2011,30(12),2111-2115 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-8728
33. 鋁合金薄壁矩形管繞彎成形起皺極限的預測 , 2011,34(1),47-52 ,DOI:, ISSN:1000-582X
34. H96黃銅薄壁矩形管繞彎回彈和截面畸變對工藝參數的敏感性 , 2012,22(9),2233-2240 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
35. H96黃銅雙脊矩形波導管繞彎截面變形特徵研究 , 2013,33(6),13-19 ,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-