2005.02-2005.07美國威斯康星大學(University of Wisconsin-Madison),訪問學者
[1] 國家自然科學基金“生物降解塑膠填充增強複合體系的流變學研究(11372108)”, 主持
[2] 國家自然科學基金“多功能和全電動聚合物複合材料流變特性測試儀(10972076)”, 主持
[3] 國家自然科學基金“疊加振動場下高分子熔體粘彈行為的測量與表征(10672197)”, 主持
[4] 國家科技支撐計畫“軌道交通用高分子材料減振製品關鍵技術開發(2007BAE45B03)”, 副組長
[5] 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫“綠色功能包裝材料的製備加工技術(NCET-10-0161)”, 主持
[6] 湖南省傑出青年基金“物理場強化高聚物複雜流體的回響機理與行為研究(07JJ1001)”, 主持
[7] 中國博士後科學基金“金屬粉末精密粘性成形新技術的研究(2004035647)”, 主持
[8] 湖南省科技計畫重點項目“外場作用下功能包裝材料的製備加工技術(2009GK3127)”, 主持
[9] 湖南省自然科學重點基金“可降解高分子複合材料的強化機理研究(14JJ5021)”, 主持
[10]湖南省高校創新平台基金“EVOH/納米SiO2高阻隔包裝材料的製備、結構及性能(10K019), 主持
[11]湖南省高校創新平台基金“可降解阻燃PBS/含稀土元素LDHs納米複合材料的研究(13K098), 主持
[6] 2009年榮獲“全國包裝科學技術論文獎一等獎”,排名第一
[1] 劉躍軍, 黃宇剛等:一種聚合物複合材料流變特性的測試方法及裝置,授權發明專利ZL200810143934.5
[2] 劉躍軍, 黃宇剛:一種流變測試裝置的電氣控制方法,授權發明專利ZL200810143935.X
[3] 黃宇剛, 劉躍軍等:一種基於計算機的材料流變特性測試系統,授權發明專利ZL201010172506.2
[4] 曾廣勝, 劉躍軍等:一種木塑複合發泡材料及其成型工藝與設備,授權發明專利ZL201010504170.5
[5] 劉躍軍, 黃宇剛等:一種聚合物複合材料流變特性的測試設備,授權實用新型專利ZL200820210912.1
[6] 劉躍軍, 黃宇剛:一種壓力感測器安裝裝置,授權實用新型專利ZL200820210913.6
[7] 劉躍軍, 黃宇剛:一種橫向拆裝的圓柱定位裝置,授權實用新型專利ZL200820210911.7
[8] 劉躍軍, 闕永生等:一種多用途化學反應器,授權實用新型專利ZL200920259525.1
[9] 劉躍軍, 闕永生等:一種常溫下製備無機納米粒子反應器,授權實用新型專利ZL200820210914.0
[10]劉躍軍, 范淑紅等:金屬、陶瓷粉末精密粘性成形裝置,授權實用新型專利ZL200420035031.2
[11]劉躍軍, 高鑫等:霧式錐形反應器,授權實用新型專利ZL201120233098.7
[12]劉躍軍, 高鑫等:高剪下雙向攪拌器,授權實用新型專利ZL201120233083.0
[13] 黃宇剛, 劉躍軍等:斜面鎖模的模具,授權實用新型專利ZL201220245754.X
[14] 曾廣勝, 許超, 劉躍軍:一種廢膠粉/植物纖維複合發泡材料及其製備工藝,授權發明專利ZL201010517373.8
[15]曾廣勝, 徐成, 劉躍軍:一種竹塑複合發泡材料及其製備方法,授權發明專利ZL201010519081.8
[16] 曾廣勝, 徐成, 劉躍軍:一種木塑澱粉複合材料及其製備方法,授權發明專利ZL201010518978.9
[17]曾廣勝, 江太君, 劉躍軍:木塑複合材料強化共混塑化裝置,實用新型專利授權ZL201020568925
[18]劉躍軍, 闕永生等:一種製備疏鬆型針狀氫氧化鎂納米粒子的方法,發明專利申請號CN200910043375.5
[19]劉躍軍, 劉亦武等:一種高阻隔納米複合材料的製備方法,發明專利申請號CN201010141233.5
[20]劉躍軍, 劉亦武等:一種製備納米SiO2的方法,發明專利申請號CN201010141251.3
[21]劉躍軍, 謝偉等:可降解飽和的聚酯醯胺脲及其製備方法和套用,發明專利申請號CN201210209635.3
[22]劉躍軍, 高鑫等:一種新型四元類水滑石(LDHs)及其製備方法和套用,發明專利申請號CN201210208047.8
[23]劉躍軍, 郝宗賢等:一種LDHs阻燃紙的製備方法,發明專利申請號CN201210208539.7
[24]劉躍軍, 李奎等:一種用於聚乙烯醇熱熔加工的增塑劑配方及工藝,發明專利申請號CN201310007469.3
[25]黃宇剛, 劉躍軍等:毛細管中流體剪下應力的測量方法及裝置,發明專利申請號201110135440.4
[26]石璞, 劉躍軍等:一種新型防火隔熱用複合珍珠岩板材及其製作方法,發明專利申請號200910043386.3
[27]石璞, 劉躍軍等:白糖作為防火塗料中成炭劑的新用途及其工藝配方, 發明專利申請號200910043376.X
[28]符振球, 劉躍軍等:一種節能環保型防火保溫複合材料, 發明專利申請號200810143933.0
[29]顏愛國, 劉躍軍等: 一種磁性納米膠印油墨, 發明專利申請號201010506836.0
[30]顏愛國, 劉躍軍等: 一種大量合成單分散四氧化三鐵納米晶的方法, 發明專利申請號20100616730.6
[1] 劉躍軍; Qu, Jin Ping; Cao, Xian Wu:Mathematical model of shear rate of polymer melt dynamic extruding through capillary[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2005, 95(5): 1056-1061.
[2] 劉躍軍:The formula for apparent viscosity of polymer melt extruding through a capillary under a superimposed vibration[J]. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2005, 44(8-9): 1657-1668.
[3] 劉躍軍:A model for primary normal stress difference of dynamic extrusion of a polymer melt through a capillary[J]. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2006, 45(12) : 1317-1322.
[4] 劉躍軍: Rheological equation for polymer melt under the action of vibration[J]. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 2005, 34(2): 54-58.
[5] 劉躍軍; Qu, J.P.; Fan, S.H.; Cao, X.W.: Relationship between shear stress and shear strain of polymer melt under vibrating force field[J]. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 2004, 33(2-3): 120-124.
[6] 劉躍軍; TAN Man Ling; FAN Shu Hong: Apparent morphologies of coarse plate martensite[J]. ISIJ International, 2004,44(4):725-730.
[7] 劉躍軍; Xu, Bai Fing; Shi, Pu; Cao, Xian Wu; Qu, Jin Ping: Characterization formula for shear stress of polymer melt dynamic extruding through capillary[J]. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2005,13(4): 395-402.
[8] 劉躍軍: Elastic behavior analysis of polymer melt extruding through capillary with an additional sinusoidal vibration[J]. Polymer Bulletin, 2006, 56(6): 599-606.
[9] 劉躍軍, JinPingQu: Polymer melt flow through capillary with an additional vibration component[J]. Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2006, 26(5): 475-486.
[10]劉躍軍; HUANG Bai-yun; TAN Yu-hua: New space morphology and habit plane of low carbon martensite[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2005,12(3): 46-50.
[11]劉躍軍; HUANG Bai-yun; TAN Yu-hua: Apparent morphologies and nature of packet martensite in high carbon steels[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2006,13(3): 40-46.
[12]劉躍軍; LI Yi-min; TAN Yu-hua; HUANG Bai-yun: Influence of Austenitizing Temperature on Apparent Morphologies of As-quenched Microstructures of Steels[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, 13(2): 122-129.
[13]劉躍軍; Qu, Jinping; Cao, Xianwu; Shi, Pu: Analyses of dynamic rheological behavior of polymer melt based on novel experimental equipment and procedures[J]. Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, 2005, 20(2): 45-48.
[14]劉躍軍; TANG Shao-yan: Overlay welding for corrugating roll[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, 13(1): 32-38.
[15]劉躍軍; Fan, Shu-Hong; Shi, Pu: Shear flow analyses for polymer melt extruding under superimposed vibration[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2005, 12(2): 193-196.
[16]劉躍軍, LI Xiang-gang, HUANG Yu-gang. Characterization Theory and Technique for Polymer Melt Under the Superimposed Vibration[C]. The XVth International Congress on Rheology and The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, August 3-8, 2008, Monterey, California, USA.
[17]劉躍軍, Yong Sheng Que, Jun Yang, Ai Guo Yan. Kilogram-scale synthesis of Mg-Al-CO3 LDHs nanosheets using a new two-stage Reactor[J]. Powder Technology, 2010, 201(3): 301-305.
[18]劉躍軍, T. Jiang, G, Zeng, et al. Rheological properties of neat and Calcium Carbonate particles filled polypropylene blends under axial vibration force filed [J].International Polymer Processing, 2011, 26(1): 56-62.
[19]劉躍軍, Mao L, Fan S H. Preparation and Study of Intumescent Flame Retardant PBS Using MgAlZnFe–CO3 Layered Double Hydroxide as a Synergistic Agent[J]. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2014, 131: 40736-40745.
[20]劉躍軍, LI Xiang-Gang, HUANG Yu-Gang. Development of multi-function and all-electric rheometer[C]. The International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010, Wuhan. 2684-2687.
[21]劉躍軍, LI Xiang-Gang, HUANG Yu-Gang, CHEN Yi, WEI Shan-Shan, ZENG Guang-Sheng. Principle and Application of Multi-function and All-electric Rheometer[C]. 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, 2010, Hokaido, Japan
[22]劉躍軍, Jiang Taijun, Zeng Guangsheng, Xu Cheng. Application of Nonlinear and Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis in Packaging Test[C]. 17th IAPRI Word Conference on Packaging, Tianjin, 2010, 46-49.
[23]劉躍軍, Xiumei Pan, Yiwu Liu, Lih-Sheng Turng. The effect of a vibration force field on the crystallization and barrier properties of polymer nanocomposites[C]. 2013 ANTEC, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2013.
[24]LI Xiang-Gang, 劉躍軍, HUANG Yu-Gang. Dynamic displacement control error of multi-function and all-electric rheometer[C]. The International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010, Wuhan,2684-2687
[25]LI Xiang-Gang, 劉躍軍, HUANG Yu-Gang, WEI Shan-Shan, CHEN Yi, ZENG Guang-Sheng. The Influence of Vibration on Mean Viscosity of Polystyrene Flowing through a Capillary [C]. 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, 2010, Hokaido, Japan
[26]WEI Shanshan, 劉躍軍, LI Xianggang, HUANG Yugang, WANG Xiayu, ZHANG Ping. The Preparation and rheological behaviors of PA6/SiO2 nanocompiste[J]. Front. Chem. Eng. China, 2007, 1(4):332-337.
[27]Li X.G., 劉躍軍, Li D.Xi.. Method of Calculation of Instantaneous Shear Stress of Polymer Melts Extruding Through a Capillary under Vibration[J]. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 2012,51(6): 1228-1241.
[28]HUANG Yu-gang, 劉躍軍. Study on Concentric Annular Gap Rheometer with Axially Movable Geometry[C]. The XVIth International Congress on Rheology, August 5-10, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
[29]Guang-Sheng Zeng, Jin-Ping Qu, 劉躍軍: Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Melting Process of High-Density Polyethylene for Multidimensional Vibration Equipment[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 120(5): 2912–2920.
[30]G, Zeng, C. Xu, 劉躍軍: Lower Temperature Plasticizing and Extrusion of Polymer in Spherical Screw Extruder under Vibration Force Field[J]. International Polymer Processing, 2011, 26(1): 40-47.
[31]Ou, Baoli; Li, Duxin; 劉躍軍: Compatibilizing effect of maleated polypropylene on the mechanical properties of injection molded polypropylene/polyamide 6/functionalized-TiO2 nanocomposites[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2009, 69(3-4): 421-426.
[32]Xianggang LI, 劉躍軍, Duxin Li, Yugang HUANG: Rheological behaviors of polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites under axial vibration force field[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013, 13: 5924-5928.
[33]Xu, Baiping; 劉躍軍; Yu, Huiwen; Turng, Lih-Sheng. Chaotic Mixing in a Single-Screw Extruder With a Moving Internal Baffle[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2014, 54(1): 198-207.
[34]劉躍軍, 毛龍. MgAlZnFe-CO3 LDHs對PBS膨脹阻燃體系的性能影響研究[J]. 高等學校化學學報, 2013, 34(2):6-11.
[35]劉躍軍, 劉亦武, 魏珊珊, 闕永生. 複合剪下力場下納米SiO2的製備及其原位改性[J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2010, 38(6): 1064-1069.
[36]劉躍軍, 闕永生, 楊軍, 劉亦武, 楊雙磊. 兩級反應器製備Mg-Al-CO3 LDHs納米粉工藝研究[J]. 矽酸鹽通報, 2010, 29(1): 219-223.
[37]劉躍軍, 劉亦武, 魏珊珊. EVOH/ 納米SiO2 複合材料的加工流變性能及套用[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2011, 27(5): 124-127.
[38]劉躍軍, 劉亦武, 魏珊珊. 納米二氧化矽接枝聚合改性及在EVOH中的套用[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2011, 27(6): 114-117.
[39]劉躍軍, 高鑫, 劉亦武, 范淑紅. 多元LDHs/EVA納米複合材料的製備及性能研究[J]. 功能材料, 2012, 43(15): 2009-2013.
[40] 劉躍軍, 潘秀梅, 劉亦武, 譚井華. 不同結晶性能聚合物/納米SiO2複合材料的製備與阻隔性能[J]. 功能材料, 2012, 43(22): 1-6.
[41]劉躍軍, 毛龍. 含稀土元素LDHs對PBS膨脹阻燃體系的協效作用[J]. 材料研究學報, 2013, 27(6): 589-596.