- 中文名:劉藝濤
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:電力電子與智慧型電網技術
- 任職院校:深圳大學
2014–2015,新加坡南洋理工大學,NTU-Rolls Royce聯合實驗室,博士後
1. 深圳市科技計畫基礎研究,碳化矽併網逆變器電磁干擾研究,2019-2021
2. 廣東省博士啟動,2018-2020
3. 深圳市科技計畫基礎研究,LCL濾波併網逆變器,2016-2018
代表期刊論文 :
1. Y. Liu, S. Jiang, W. Liang, H. Wang, and J. Peng, "Modeling and Design of the Magnetic Integration of Single- and Multi-stage EMI Filters," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2019 (accepted)
2. S. Jiang, Y. Liu, Z. Mei, X. Pan, J. Peng, and C.-M. Lai, "A Magnetic Integrated LCL-EMI Filter for a Single-Phase SiC-MOSFET Grid-Connected Inverter," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019.
3. Y. Liu, Jin, D., Jiang, S., Liang, W., and Peng, J. "An Active Damping Control Method for the LLCL Filter-Based SiC Mosfet Grid-Connected Inverter in Vehicle-to-Grid Application", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 3411-3423, 2019.
4. Y. Liu, S. Jiang, D. Jin, and J. Peng, "Performance Comparison of Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET Power Devices based LCL Three-Phase Inverter with Double Closed-Loop Control," IET Power Electron., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 322-329, 2019.
5. Y. Liu, S. Jiang, H. Wang, G. Wang, J. Yin, and J. Peng, "EMI Filter Design of Single-Phase SiC MOSFET Inverter with Extracted Noise Source Impedance " IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 49-57, 2019.
6. S. Yin, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, K. J. Tseng, J. Pou, and R. Simanjorang, "Comparison of SiC Voltage Source Inverters Using Synchronous Rectification and Freewheeling Diode," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, pp. 1051-1061, 2018.
7. 江師齊, 劉藝濤, 銀杉, 彭建春, "基於噪聲源阻抗提取的高效SiC逆變器EMI濾波器的設計研究," 電工技術學報, 2018.
8. X. Pan, A. Ghoshal, Y. Liu, Q. Xu, and A. K. Rathore, "Hybrid-Modulation-Based Bidirectional Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Three-Phase Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles: Analysis, Design, and Experimental Results," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 4167-4180, 2018.
More information can be found in my Google Schola
1. Y. Liu, D. Jin, H. Wang, G. Wang, J. Peng, and Z. Xinan, "SiC MOSFET Based LCL Grid-Connected Inverter with Double Closed-Loop Control," in 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018, pp. 1861-1866.
2. W. Liang, Y. Liu, S. Jiang, J. Peng, and H. Jiang, "Investigation of an STATCOM-based Energy Stored Quasi-Z Source Cascaded H-bridge Inverter Photovoltaic Power System," in 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia), 2019, pp. 1428-1434.
3. S. Jiang, Y. Liu, J. Peng, and H. Jiang, "Magnetic Integration of EMI filter for Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Inverters," in 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia), 2019, pp. 917-922.