- 中文名:劉艷明
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:江西景德鎮陶瓷學院
1999.9-2001.7 哈爾濱工業大學動力機械及工程 碩士
1994.9-1998.7 江西景德鎮陶瓷學院 學士
2007.4-2009.1 北京理工大學宇航學院講師
2007.4-2009.1 北京理工大學力學博士後流動站博士後
2004.12-2007.3 北京航空航天大學航空宇航科學與技術博士後流動站博士後
2. 流動控制技術;
2. 中國人類工效學會人機工程委員會委員
1. 本科生《空氣動力學A》;
3. Yanming LIU, Tuo SUN, Chaobin GUAN and Baoguo WANG. The influence of synthetic jet excitation on secondary flow in compressor cascade. Journal of Thermal Science. 19(6):500-504. 2010
4. Yanming LIU, Chaobin GUAN, Tuo SUN and Baoguo WANG. The investigation of aerodynamic characteristics in compressor cascade with endwall synthetic jet excitation. The 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, Matsue, Japan. 2010
5. Liu Yanming, Wang Baoguo, Liu Shuyan. The Influence of Different Phase Excitation on Mixing Control in Coaxial Jets. Journal of Thermal Science. 18(4):364-369. 2009
6. 劉艷明, 王保國, 劉淑艷, 伍耐明. 合成射流激勵器陣列對共軸射流摻混的影響. 航空動力學報. 24(3):566-572. 2009
7. 劉艷明, 王保國, 劉淑艷, 伍耐明. 合成射流激勵器實現共軸射流摻混控制研究. 推進技術. 29(6):681-683. 2009
8. 劉艷明, 鐘兢軍, 王保國, 劉淑艷. 具有不同翼刀壓氣機葉柵的二次流結構分析. 航空動力學報. 23(7):16-21. 2008
9. 劉艷明, 王保國, 劉淑艷. 大功率合成射流激勵器設計及其流場特性研究. 推進技術. 29(5):552-556. 2008
10. Liu Yanming, Wang Baoguo, Liu Shuyan. Numerical Investigation of Controlling Mixing Control in Coaxial Jets Using Synthetic Jet Actuator Arrays. ASME Paper MNHT-52278. 2008
11. Liu Yanming, Wang Baoguo, Liu Shuyan. Numerical Simulation of High-Power Synthetic Jet Actuator Flowfield and Its Influence on Mixing Control. The 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science. p:394-398. 2008
12. Liu Yanming, Wang Baoguo, Liu Shuyan. Numerical Simulation of High-Power Synthetic Jet Actuator Flowfield and Its Influence on the Mixing Control. Journal of Thermal Science. 17(3): 207-211. 2008