劉紅榮,男,1973年3月出生,湘潭大學博士,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)博士後,湖南師範大學教授,瀟湘學者特聘教授,博士生導師。2010年,在science雜誌發表論文,美國科學院院士、哈佛大學教授Stephen C. Harrison教授對劉紅榮博士的工作給予了很高評價,認為他的工作是當今冷凍電子顯微學領域的代表作
1. Hongrong Liu,Lei Jin,Sok Boon S. Koh,Ivo Atanasov,Stan Schein,Lily Wu,Z Hong Zhou*. Atomic structure of human adenovirus by cryoEM reveals interactions among protein networks, Science329(2010): 1038-1043 (SCI, IF=32.302).
2. Changchun Cao, Xiaoyan Dong, Xiaobing Wu, Boyun Wen, Gang Ji, Lingpeng Cheng, and Hongrong Liu*, Conserved fiber-penton base interaction revealed by a near-atomic resolution cryo-EM structure of adenovirus provides insight into receptor interaction, J Virol, 86(2012): 12322-12329. (SCI, IF=5.401)
3. Bin Zhu,Congwen Yang, Hongrong Liu*, and Lingpeng Cheng,, Feng Song, Songjun Zeng, Xiaojun Huang, Gang Ji, Ping Zhu, Identification of the active sites in of a transcribing dsRNA virus,J Mol Biol, 426(2014):2167. (SCI, IF=4.001)
4. Chongwen Yang, Gang Ji, Hongrong Liu, Kai Zhang, Guangqiao Liu, Fei Sun, Ping Zhu and Lingpeng Cheng, Cryo-EM structure of a transcribing cypovirus, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(2012):6118-6123. (SCI, IF=9.681)
5. Hongrong Liu, Lily Wu, Z Hong Zhou*. Model of the trimeric fiber of human adenovirus 5 and its interactions with the pentameric penton base by cryo-electron microscopy, J. Mol. Biol.406(2011): 764-774. (SCI, IF=4.001)
6. Hongrong Liu, Lingpeng Cheng, Songjun Zeng, Canying Cai Z. Hong Zhou, Qibin Yang*, Symmetry-adapted spherical harmonics method for high-resolution 3D single particle reconstructions, J. Strul. Boil.161 (2008) 64-73. (SCI, IF=3.6)
7. Haibo Wang, Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu* and Songjun Zeng*, High quality of multi-functional NaErF4 nanocrystals: structure controlled synthesis, phase induced multi-color emissions and tunable magnetic properties, J Mater Chem C (2013), 1(2013):5520-5526. (SCI, IF=6.113)
8. Hongrong Liu, Wei Lu, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Zhigao Yi, Songjun Zeng, and Jianhua Hao, Simultaneous synthesis and amine-functionalization of single-phase BaYF5:Yb/Er nanoprobe for dual-modal in vivo upconversion fluorescence and long-lasting X-ray computed tomography imaging, Nanoscale, 5(2013):6023-6029. (SCI, IF=6.322)
9. Songjun Zeng*, Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu, Chao Qian, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Tianmei Zeng,Hongrong Liu*, Huijing Liu, BinFei and Jianhua Hao*, Simultneous realization of Phase/size manipulation upconversion luminescence enhancement, and blood vessel imaging in multifunctional nanoprobes through transition metal Mn2+ doping. Adv Funct Mater. 2014, Onlin.
10. Lingzhen Yin, Tianmei Zeng, Zhigao Yi, Chao Qian, Hongrong Liu*, Synthesis, Tunable Multicolor Output and High Pure Red Upconversion Emission of-doped Lu2O3 Nanosheets, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2013, Article ID: 920369. (SCI, IF=1.175)