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2. Yu Liu, Hua Tian, Huiming Song and Jianming Liang.2010, Tree-ring precipitation reconstruction in the Chifeng-Weichang region, China, and EastAsian summer monsoon variation since AD 1777, Journal of Geophysical Researchdoi:10.1029/2009JD012330 (in press)
3. Yu Liu, Guang Bao, Huiming Song, Qiufang Cai, JunyanSun,2009,Precipitation reconstruction from Hailar pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)tree rings in the Hailar region, Inner Mongolia, China back to 1865 AD.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 282:81-87DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.08.012
4.Liu Yu, Ta Weiyuan, Bao Tingyi, Yang Zengyue, SongHuiming, Liu Na, Wang Weiping, Zhang Hongyi, Zhang Wei & An Zhisheng,2009,Trace elements in treerings and their environmental effects: A case study in Xi’an City. Science in China(D), 52 (4): 504-510
5. Yu Liu, Zhisheng An, Hans W. Linderholm , Deliang Chen,Huiming Song, Qiufang Cai, Junyan Sun and Hua Tian, 2009, Annual temperaturesduring the last 2485 years in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from treerings, Science in China (D), 52 (3): 348-359, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-009-0025-z
6. Yu Liu, Hans W. Linderholm, Huiming Song, Qiufang Cai,Qinhua Tian, Junyan Sun, Deliang Chen, Elisabeth Simelton, Kristina Seftigen,Hua Tian, Ruiyuan Wang, Guang Bao andZhisheng An, 2009, Temperature variations recorded in Pinus tabulaeformis treerings from the southern and northern slopes of the central Qinling Mountains,central China. Boreas,38(2): 285-291, DOI10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00065.x
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11.Liu Yu, Limin Ma, S.W. Leavitt, Qiufang Cai, WeiguoLiu. 2004, Seasonal Precipitation Reconstruction from Tree-Ring Stable CarbonIsotope for Mt. Helan, China since AD 1800. Global andPlanetary Change, 41:229-239.
12.Liu Yu, Shi Jiangfeng, V. Shishov, E. Vaganov, YangYinke, Cai Qiufang, Sun Junyan, Wang Lei & I. Djanseitov. 2004,Reconstruction of May-July precipitation in the north HelanMountain, Inner Mongolia since A.D. 1726 from tree-ring late-wood widths. ChineseScience Bulletin, 49(4) : 405-409.
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14. Liu Yu, Won-Kyu Park,Cai Qiufang, Jung-Wook seo & Hyun-Sook Jung . 2003, Monsoonal precipitationvariation in the East Asia since A.D. 1840: tree-ring evidences from China and Korea. Science in China (D),46(10): 1031-1039.
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19. Cai Qiufang,Liu Yu, Song Huiming, Sun Junyan. Tree-ring-based reconstruction of the Aprilto September mean temperature since 1826 AD for north-central Shaanxi Province, China.Science in China,Series D-Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(8): 1099-1106.
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