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  • 中文名:劉福柱 
  • 出生地:陝西神木
  • 出生日期:1963年7月 
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:動物遺傳育種
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學




現為世界家禽協會會員、中國畜牧獸醫學會家禽分會會員、動物營養分會會員。擔任國家教育部學位中心和國家自然基金委評審專家。擔任過Poultry Science,Canadian Journal of Animal Science,Journal of Applied Poultry Research,Animal Feed Science and Technology,動物營養學報,西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),西北農業學報,中國農業大學學報,南京農業大學學報等期刊臨時或長期審稿人。








國家水禽產業技術體系專項(CARS-43,農業部,2017-2021),參加 350萬元
優質雞肉生產關鍵技術研究示範(陝西省,2016-2017),參加 10萬元
略陽烏雞生態養殖關鍵技術研究與示範(陝西省,2015-2016),主持 15萬元
烏雞綠色生態養殖配套技術及蘆花雞良種引進及繁育研究(陝西省2014-2016), 參加14萬元
綠色雞蛋產品生產配套技術示範推廣(陝西省,2012-2013),主持 15萬元
鍺對肉仔雞生產性能和免疫機能影響的研究(校級重點基金 2001-2002 ),主持1萬元


Z. Y. Niu, Y. N. Min ,F. Z. Liu*: Dietary vitamin E improves meat qualityand antioxidant capacity in broilers by upregulating the expression of antioxidant enzyme genes,Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2018,46(1):397-401.
Y.N. Min, Z.Y. Niu, T.T. Sun, Z.P. Wang, P.X. Jiao, B.B.Zi, P.P. Chen, D.L. Tian, F.Z. Liu*:Dietary Vitamin E and Vitamin C Improves Antioxidant Ability and Immune Performance in Oxidative-Stressed Roosters by Up-regulating Expression of GSH-Px Gene, Poultry Science,2018, 97(4):1238-1244.
P.X. Jiao, Z.X. He, S. Ding, N.D. Walker, Y.Y. Cong, F.Z. Liu, K.A. Beauchemin, W.Z. Yang.Impact of strain and dose of live yeast and yeast derivatives on in vitro ruminal fermentation of a high-grain diet at two pH levels, Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 2018, 98(3): 477–487.
P.X. Jiao, F.Z. Liu*, K.A. Beauchemin, W.Z. Yang. Impact of strain and dose of lactic acid bacteria on in vitroruminal fermentation with varying media pH levels and feedsubstrates. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2017,224: 1–13
P.X. Jiao, L.Y. Wei, N.D. Walker, F.Z. Liu*, L.Y. Chen, K.A. Beauchemin,W.Z. Yang. Comparison of non-encapsulated and encapsulated active dried yeast on ruminal pH and fermentation, and site and extent of feed digestion in beef heifers fed high-grain diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2017,228: 13–22
Yuna Min, Tongtong Sun, Zhuye Niu, Fuzhu Liu*.Vitamin C and vitamin E supplementation alleviatesoxidative stress induced by dexamethasone and improvesfertility of breeder roosters,Animal Reproduction Science,2016,171 :1–6
Z.Y. Niu, Y.N. Min, J.J. Wang, Z.P. Wang, F.X. Wei, F.Z Liu*.On oxidation resistance and meat quality of broilers challenged with lipopolysaccharide,Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2016,44(1):215-220
Liu SK, Niu ZY, Min YN, Wang ZP, Zhang J, He ZF, Li HL, Sun TT, Liu FZ*. Effects of Dietary Crude Protein on the Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Serum Biochemical indexes of Lueyang Black-boned Chickens from Seven to Twelve Weeks of Age. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2015, 17(1):11-16
Jianqin Zhang, Fuzhu Liu, Junting Cao, Xiaolin Liu. SkinTranscriptome Profiles Associated with Skin Color inChickens.PLoS ONE , 2015, 10(6): 1-15, e0127301
F.X. Wei, X.F. Hu, R.N. Sa, F.Z. Liu*, S.Y. Li*, Q.Y. Sun. Antioxidant capacity and meat quality of broilers exposed to different ambient humidity and ammonia concentrations. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13 (2): 3117-3127
Y.N.Min,L.H.Li,L.Li,Z.Y.Niu,J.J.Wang,S.K.Liu,J.Zhang,F.Z.Liu*. Effects of Dietary Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) Concentrations Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chicken.Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances.2013, 12 (1):6-9
Wei Feng-Xian,Xu Bin, Hu Xiao-Fei,Li Shao-Yu, Liu Fu-Zhu,Sun Quan-you,Jiao Yu-Ping, Wang Lin-Yi. Ammonia and humidity in poultry houses affects intestinal morphology and functionofbroilers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012 11(19): 3641-3646
Y.N.Min,J.S.Shi, F.X.Wei, H.Y.Wang,X.F.Hou, Z.Y.Niu,F.Z.Liu*. Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Broilers during Finishing Phase. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances.2012, 11(19):3652-3657
Y. N. Min, L. Li, P. W. Waldroup, Z. Y. Niu, Z. P. Wang, Y. P. Gao,F. Z. Liu*. Effects of dietary distillers dried grains with solubles concentrations on meat quality and antioxidant status and capacity of broiler chickens.Journal ofApplied PoultryResearch, 2012,21:603-611
Z.Y. Niu, Y.N. Min, H.Y. Wang, J. Zhang, W.C. Li, L. Li, F.Z. Liu*. Effects of dietary dihydropyridine on laying performance and lipid metabolism of broiler breeder hens. South African Journal of Animal Science 2011, 41(4):331-336
Gao CQ, Wu SG, Yue HY, Ji F, Zhang HJ, Liu QS, Fan ZY, Liu FZ, Qi GH. Toxicity of Dietary Melamine to Laying Ducks: Biochemical and Histopathological Changes and Residue in Eggs.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010,58(8):5199–5205
Z.Y. Niu, F.Z. Liu, Y.N. Min, W.C. Li.Effects of dietary dihydropyridine supplementationon growth performance and lipid metabolismof broiler chickens.Czech Journal ofAnimalScience,2010, 55 (3): 116–122.
ZhuyeNiu,Fuzhu Liu, Qiuliang Yan, Long Li. Effects of Different Levels of Selenium on Growth Performance and Immunocompetence of Broilers under Heat Stress. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2009, 63(1):56-65
Z.Y. Niu, F.X. Wei, F.Z. Liu, X.G. Qin, Y.N. Min,Y.P. Gao. Dietary vitamin A can improve immune function in heat stressed broilers. Animal, 2009, 3:1442-1448.
Z.Y. Niu, F.Z Liu, Q. L. Yan and W. C. Li. Effects of Different Levels of Vitamin E on Growth Performance and Immune Responses of Broilers under Heat Stress. Poultry Science, 2009, 88:2101–2107.
Zhuye Niu, Jingsong Shi, Fuzhu Liu, Xianhui Wang, Chunqi Gao and Likai Yao. Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein on Growth Performanceand Carcass Quality of Broilers during Starter Phase. International Journal of Poultry Science 2009, 8: 508-511.
Zhuye Niu, Jin Fu, Yupeng Gao and Fuzhu Liu. Influence of Paprika Extract Supplement on Egg Qualityof Laying Hens Fed Wheat-Based Diet. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2008, 7 (9): 887-889
Fuzhu Liu and Zhuye Niu. Carcass Quality of Different Meat - Typed ChickensWhen Achieve a Common Physiological Body Weight. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2008, 7 (4): 319-322
C.L. Zhang,S.S. Hou,Y.H. Wang, F.Z. Liu, M. Xie. Feed input and excreta collection time in metabolisable energy assays for ducks. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2007, 52 (12): 463–468
F.Liu,J.Fu,Z.Niu,2004 Effects of Hippophae Rhomnoides fruit extract supplementation on egg quality and performance of layers in the wheat-based diet. Poult. Sci., 83, Suppl. 1:326
Y. Wang, Z. Niu, S. Hou, F.Liu. The amino acid ideal pattern for Pekin ducks during early growing period. Poultry Science 2004, 83(suppl.):18
Z. Niu, F. Liu, S. Zhai. A comparison of carcass fat variables in differentmeat-type breeds of chickens. Poultry Science, 2004,83(suppl.):9
S. Zhai, G. Qi, F. Liu. Effect of different feedstuffs on endogenous energy losses of roosters. Poultry Science,2004, 83(suppl.):312
Z. Niu, X. Liang, F. Liu. Effects of organogermanium on performance and immune response in broilers. Poultry Science,2004, 83(suppl.):169
C.L. Zhang, Z.Y.Niu, S.S. Hou, F.Z. Liu.The Effect of Force-Feeding, Fasting and Glucose Saturated Water Intake on the Contents of Some Biochemical Parameters in Plasma of Peking Ducks. International Journal of Poultry Science,2004Vol.4(4):202-205
X.F.Han, Z.Y. Niu, F.Z. Liu, C.S. Yang. Effects of Diluents, Cryoprotectants, Equilibration Time and Thawing Temperature on Cryopreservation of Duck Semen. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2004Vol.4(4):197-201
Y.N.Min, F.Z.Liu, Z.Wang, C.Coto, S.Cerrate, F.P.Costa, F.Yan and P. W. Waldroup. Evaluation of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles in Combination with Glycerin in Broiler Diets. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 2008 ,7 (7): 646-654
Y. N. Min, S. S. Hou, Y. P. Gao, W. Huang, and F. Z. Liu. Effect of Dietary Crude Protein and Energy on Gosling Growth Performance and Carcass Trait.Poultry Science, 2007, 86:661–664.
Lu WZ, Geng GX, Li QW, Li J, Liu FZ, Han ZS, Gao DW, Yan X, Yang XL. Anti-Tumor Activity of Polysaccharides Isolated from Patrinia scabra Bunge on U14 Cervical.The American journal of Chinese medicine. 2009;37(5):933-944.
Wenzong Lu, Qingwang Li, Jian Li, Fuzhu Liu, Xiaolei Yang. Polysaccharide from Patrinia heterophylla Bunge Inhibits HeLa Cell Proliferation Through Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest. LAB MEDICINE, 2009; 40(3):161-166.
Wenzong LU, Yali YANG, Qingwang, LI, Fuzhu LIU. Crude Flavonoids from Carya cathayensis Sargent inhibited HeLa Cells Proliferation through Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2009; 28 (4):568-573.
F. Z. Liu, Z. Y. Niu, and S. W. Zhai.A comparison of fat deposition and heterotic effect analysis betweendifferent meat-type chickens during growing period. Poultry Science,2005;84(Suppl.1):17
Y. N. Min, F. Yan, F. Z. Liu, C. Coto and P. W. Waldroup. Effect of various dietary enzymes on energy digestibility of diets high in distillers dried grains with solubles for broilers. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2009. 18:734-740.
Y. N. Min, A. Hancock, F. Yan, C. Lu, C. Coto, A. Karimi, J. H. Park, F. Z. Liu and P. W. Waldroup. Use of combinations of canola meal and distillers dried grains with solubles in broiler starter diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2009. 18:725-733.
田大龍,李燕蒙,閔育娜,王哲鵬,劉福柱*,牛竹葉賴氨酸缺乏或過量對肉雞生長發育及脂質代謝相關基因表達的影響, 中國畜牧雜誌 ,2018,54(10):95-99.
陳盼盼,閔育娜,王哲鵬,訾寶兵,田大龍,劉福柱*,牛竹葉,日糧賴氨酸水平對1~21日齡肉雞生長性能 和血清生化指標的影響,中國家禽,2017,39(9):29-34
訾寶兵,董志強,陳盼盼,牛竹葉,王哲鵬,劉福柱*,閔育娜 日糧蛋白質水平對育雛期略陽烏雞生長性能和血清生化指標的影響,中國家禽,2016,38(18):32-36
張靜,閔育娜,劉少凱,王哲鵬,李華磊,何祖富,孫彤彤,劉福柱*,牛竹葉. 略陽烏雞13~18周齡蛋氨酸需要量的研究[J]. 畜牧與獸醫,2015,01:9-15.
張靜,閔育娜,牛竹葉,劉少凱,王哲鵬, 李華磊,何祖富,劉福柱* 略陽烏雞7~12周齡可消化蛋氨酸需要量的研究.動物營養學報,2014,26(3):739-746
劉少凱,閔育娜,牛竹葉,張靜,王哲鵬,李華磊,何祖富,劉福柱* 日糧蛋白水平對13--18周齡略陽烏雞生長性能、屠體性能和血清生化指標的影響. 畜牧與獸醫. 2014,46(11):24-28
劉少凱,閔育娜,牛竹葉,王哲鵬,何祖富,張靜,李華磊,孫彤彤,劉福柱* 日糧蛋白質水平對7--12周齡略陽烏雞免疫及抗氧化性能的影響 中國家禽. 2014, 36(8):27-31
何祖富,閔育娜,牛竹葉,王哲鵬,焦培鑫,孫彤彤,劉福柱* 飼糧中添加VC和VE對夏季略陽烏雞種公雞繁殖性能的影響 中國家禽. 2014, 36(17):24-28
孫彤彤,閔育娜,劉福柱,王哲鵬,焦培鑫,何祖富,牛竹葉* VC和VE對氧化應激略陽烏雞抗氧化及免疫性能的影響,中國家禽. 2014, 36(18):18-22
劉福柱 表觀遺傳學研究進展簡評及其在家禽生產中的套用展望《第十六次全國家禽學術討論會論文集》--中國家禽2013增刊,122-125
李華磊,王娟娟,劉少凱,張 靜,孫彤彤,閔育娜*,劉福柱*.玉米乾酒糟及其可溶物對21日齡肉雞生長性能、抗氧化能力和免疫性能的影響動物營養學報報 2013,25(11):2713-2719
王娟娟,牛竹葉,閔育娜,王 錦,孫彤彤,劉少凱,李華磊,張靜,劉福柱*宰前免疫應激對肉雞抗氧化性能和肉品質的影響家畜生態學報2012,6:90-96
魏鳳仙,徐 彬,薩仁娜,李紹鈺*,劉福柱*,孫全友.不同濕度和氨水平對肉仔雞抗氧化性能及肉品質的影響.畜牧獸醫學報,2012 43(10):1573-1581
李麗,閔育娜,張偉,劉福柱*,牛竹葉,張靜,王錦,王娟娟,劉少凱,李華磊.茶多酚對高酒糟日糧肉雞生產性能和抗氧化特性的影響 畜牧與獸醫 2012, 44(3):17-22
王錦,侯曉風,閔育娜,王娟娟,劉福柱*,牛竹葉,王哲鵬,李麗,孫彤彤,劉少凱,張靜,李華磊. 硒和維生素E對氧化應激對肉雞生長性能、肉品質、免疫反應和抗氧化特性的影響《第十一次動物營養學術研討會論文集》.中國農業科學技術出版社.2012,147
高春起,武書庚,齊廣海,岳洪源,張海軍,劉福柱. 三聚氰胺對蛋鴨產蛋性能、血清指標和肝腎組織結構的影響. 中國農業科學2010,43(5):1050-1056
王顯慧,劉福柱,牛竹葉*,高玉鵬,張彥飛,高勇紅,,沈輝,王愛印,楊正軍.維生素C對肉仔雞生產性能、胴體品質、免疫機能和抗氧化特性的影響. 西北農林科技大學學報,2010,38(2):1-10
李衛春,焦衛民,劉福柱,牛竹葉,高玉鵬,吳艷麗. 日糧添加茶多酚對肉雞生產性能及肌肉抗氧化性能的影響. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),2008, 36(11):16-28
牛竹葉,劉福柱,吳艷麗,陳新科,劉亞力,林海燕. 小麥型日糧中添加酶製劑對肉仔雞生產性能的影響. 中國糧油學報,2008,23(2):155-158
牛竹葉,劉福柱,王繼強,趙堅麗. 蛋雞小麥型日糧中添加葉黃素對雞蛋品質的影響. 家畜生態學報,2008,29(1):53-57
吳艷麗,劉福柱,牛竹葉,高玉鵬, 李衛春, 閔育娜. 早期限飼開始日齡對肉仔雞生產性能和胴體品質的影響. 西北農業學報 2008 ,17(4):14-18
魏立民, 劉福柱,侯水生,黃 葦, 謝 明. 0~2 周齡北京鴨維生素A 需要量的研究. 西北農業學報 2008 ,17(5):26-28
秦緒光,劉福柱.中草藥複方添加劑對繁殖後期種公雞精液品質及種蛋受精率的影響.中國飼料,2007, 16:12-15
李龍,劉福柱,利用螢光實時定量PCR 法測定豬肌肉解偶聯蛋白3 mRNA 豐度.中國畜牧雜誌, 2007,11:22-25
楊正平, 劉福柱,殼聚糖對肉仔雞生長性能和血清生化指標的影響. 中國畜牧雜誌, 2007,7:22-25
柏華, 牛竹葉, 劉福柱, 高玉鵬.日糧添加複方中草藥對產蛋後期蛋種雞繁殖性能和新城疫抗體的影響. 飼料工業, 2007,9:23-26
馬廣興,劉福柱,侯水生. 日糧煙酸水平對北京鴨生產性能和血液生化指標的影響.安徽農業科學, 2006,10:12-16
翟少偉, 齊廣海, 劉福柱. 優質蛋白米在蛋雞日糧中的套用研究. 中國糧油學報,2006,4:45-48
秦緒光,牛竹葉,劉福柱. 中草藥複方添加劑對繁殖後期種公雞精液品質和血漿激素濃度的影響. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),2006,6:34-36
閻秋良,牛竹葉,劉福柱. 酶製劑在蛋雞雜粕日糧中的套用效果. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),2006,3:45-48
牛竹葉, 王繼強, 劉福柱, 丁莉. 玉米型日糧與小麥型日糧飼餵蛋雞效果比較試驗. 中國農學通報 2005, 21(12):20-22
牛竹葉,劉福柱,劉亞力, 陳新科, 林海燕.複合酶製劑在蛋雞小麥型日糧中的套用 中國農學通報 2005, 21(11)29-32


