



  • 中文名:劉祖岩
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:哈爾濱工業大學


1987.8-1989.7 大連開發區技術開發公司--設計員
1989.8-1991.3 大連開發區赤外線公司-工程師
1991.4-1993.2 大連金州熱電廠-工程師
1995.5-1997.6 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院任教-講師
1997.7-2002.6 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院任教-副教授
2002.7-2002.11 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院任教-教授
2002.11-2004.4 美國塔斯克基大學-高訪
2004.5-2008.5 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院任教-教授
2008.10-2009.11 美國喬治亞理工大學-高訪
2009.11-至今 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院任教-教授




1. Z.Y.Liu, J.S.Zhang and W.C.Huo. Heat Transfer at Metal Mold Interface during Squeeze Casting. J. of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1996, E 3(3): 82-84
2. Liu Zuyan, Liang Guoxian and Wang Erde. Effect of Milling Intensity on Structural Changes of Mixed Al Fe Ni Powders in Mechanical Alloying Process. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 1996, 6(3): 143-145
3. Liu Zuyan, Wang Yongqian, Liang Guoxian and Wang Erde. Plastic Deformation of Powders Aggregates Sprayed on a Hard Ball Under Impact of Another Hard Ball. J. of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1997, E 4(2): 118-121
4. Liu Zuyan, Liang Guoxian, Wang Erde and Z.R.Wang. The Effect of Large Strain on the Structure of Aluminum Alloy 2024. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 1997, 7(2): 160-162
5. Z.Y.Liu, G.X.Liang, E.D.Wang and Z.R.Wang. The Effect of Cumulative of Large Plastic Strain on the Structure and Properties of Cu Zn Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering, 1998, A242: 137-140
6. Z.Y.Liu, L.X.Hu and E.D.Wang. A Further Study on Effect of Large Strain on Structure and Properties of a Cu Zn Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering 1998, A255: 16-19
7. Z.Y.Liu, E.D.Wang. Strain Analysis of Lateral Extrusion Process. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 1999, 9(1): 89-92
8. Liu Zuyan, Wang Zhongjin. Finite Element Analysis of the Load of Equal cross Section Lateral Extrusion. J. of Materials Processing Technology, 1999, 94: 193 196
9. Liu Zuyan, Wang Zhongjin and Wang Erde. Finite Element Simulation of the Stress Distribution of Equal cross Section Lateral Extrusion. Materials Science and Engineering 1999, A262: 137-140
10. Liu Zuyan, Liu Gang and Wang Zhongren. Finite Element Simulation of A New Deforming Type Occurred in Changing Channel Extrusion. J. of Materials Processing Technology 2000, 102: 30-32.
11. Hu Lianxi, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 2024 Consolidated from Rapidly Solidified Alloy Powders, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2002, A323: 213-217.
12. Yu Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Hydrogen storage properties of nanocomposite Mg-Ni-Cu-CrCl3 prepared by mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2002, A335: 43-48.
13. Yu Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Hydrogen Storage Properties of the Mg-Ni-CrCl3 Nanocomposite, J. of Alloys and compounds, 2002, 333: 207-214.
14. Wang Erde, YU Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan. Hydrogen storage properties of nanocomposite Mg-Ni-MnO2 made by mechanical milling. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2002, 12(2): 227-232
15. Liu Jinglei Liu Zuyan. Structures, properties and responses to heat treatment of deformation processed Cu-15wt%Cr composite powders prepared by mechanical alloying. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2002, 12(5):837-840.
16. H.A.Aglan, Z.Y.Liu, M.F.Hassan. Mechanical and fracture behavior of bainitic rail steel. J. of Materials Processing Technology, 2004, 151(1-3): 268-274.
17. Jing-Lei Liu, Er-De Wang, Zu-Yan Liu, Lian-Xi Hu, Wen-Bin Fang. Phases interface in deformation processed Cu-15wt.%Cr composite prepared by elemental powders. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004, A382: 301-304.
18. Zuyan Liu, Erde Wang, Zhenglong Lei. Cyclic hydrogen storage properties of Mg- 3Ni-2MnO2(wt.%) milled with nickel nano-powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 443(2007)121-124.
19. Zuyan Liu, Zhenglong Lei, Erde Wang. Research on hydrogen storage properties of Mg–3Ni– 2MnO2(wt.%) milled with nickel powders of different particle sizes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 431(2007)212-216.
20. Daren Li, Zuyan Liu, Erde Wang. Numerical simulation of hot hydrostatic extrusion of W-40wt.%Cu. The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing. 2007, p61.
21. Shujin Liang, Zuyan Liu, Erde Wang. Simulation of extrusion process of AZ31 magnesium alloy. The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing. 2007, p102.
22. Daren Li, Zuyan Liu, Erde Wang. Research on the densification of W-40 wt.%Cu by liquid sintering and hot-hydrostatic extrusion. Inter. J. of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 2007, July 16.
23. Shujin Liang, Zuyan Liu, Erde Wang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Al–Zn alloy deformed by cold extrusion. Materials Letter. 2007.
24. Daren Li, Zuyan Liu, Yang Yu, Erde Wang.The influence of mechanical milling on the properties of W-Cu composite produced by hot extrusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007, August 24.
25. Daren Li,Zuyan Liu,Yang Yu,et al.The influence of mechanical milling on the properties of W-40 wt.%Cu composite produced by hot extrusion.Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2008,462:94-98.
26. Daren Li.Zuyan Liu.Yang Yu.Et al.Research on the Densification of W-40wt.%Cu by Liquid Sintering and Hot-hydrostatic Extrusion.International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2008,26(4):286-289
27. Daren Li.Zuyan Liu.Yang Yu.Et al.Numerical simulation of hot hydrostatic extrusion of W-40wt.%Cu.Materials Science and Engineering A.2009,499(1-2):118-122
28. S. J. Liang, Z. Y. Liu, E. D. Wang. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy Deformed by Cold Extrusion. Materials Letters. 2008, 62: 3051-3054.
29. S. J. Liang, Z. Y. Liu, E. D. Wang. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy Sheet Fabricated by Cold Extrusion. Materials Letters. 2008, 62: 4009-4011.
30. S. J. Liang, Z. Y. Liu, E. D. Wang. Simulation of Extrusion Process of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2009, 499: 221-224.
31. S. J. Liang, H. F. Sun, Z. Y. Liu, E. D. Wang. Mechanical Properties and Texture Evolution during Rolling Process of an AZ31 Mg Alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009, 472: 127-132.
32. Liu Zuyan, Liang Guoxian, Wang Erde and Wang Zhongren. Analysis of large strain of plane pure shear deformation. J. of Plasticity Engineering, 1997, 4(1): 42-46
33. Liu Zuyan, Liang Guoxian and Wang Erde. Analysis and calculation of the strain of twist compress deformation. J. of Plasticity Engineering, 1997, 4(2): 47-51
34. Wang Erde, Liu Zuyan and Liang Guoxian. The experimental study of effect of large plastic strain on the structure of 2024 aluminium alloy and H62 copper alloy. Academic Periodical Abstracts of China, 1997, 3(1): 119
35. Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde and Wang Zhongren. Calculation of the strain of plane pure shear deformation. New progress of the plastic theory and technology, 1997, 285-288
36. Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde and Wang Zhongren. Strain analysis of equal cross section lateral extrusion. Material Science and Technology, 1998, 6(2): 21-23
37. Liu Zuyan, Liu Gang and Wang Erde. Finite element simulation of equivalent strain distribution of equal cross section lateral extrusion. J. of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1999, 6(3), 65-67
38. Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. FE simulation of stress distribution of equal cross section lateral extrusion. Proceeding of the 3rd youth conference on mechanical engineering. 1998, Beijing, 514-517
39. Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde and Wang Zhongren. FE analysis of the load of equal cross section lateral extrusion. J. of Plasticity Engineering, 1999, 6(3): 7-11
40. Yu Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Influence of CrCl3 on hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Ni systems. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2001, 11(6): 1031-1036
41. Wang Erde, Yu Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan. Study on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Ni-V2O5 nanocomposite. Functional Materials, 2002, 33(3): 280-283
42. Yu Zhenxing, Wang Erde, Liu Zuyan. Research on the hydriding/dehydriding properties and the ‘ignition’ phenomena of Mg-Ni-CrCl3. Material Science and Technology, 2002, 10(2): 126-130
43. Yu Zhenxing, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Hydrogen properties of Mg-based composite materials(Mg-NiMo) prepared by mechanically alloying. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2002, 16(3): 327-330
44. Yu Zhenxing, Wang Erde, Liu Zuyan, Xian Hengze. Properties of hydriding and dehydriding of nanocrystalline composite of Mg-Ni-Cr2O3. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2002, 12(4): 743-748
45. Liu Zuyan, Yu Zhenxing, Wang Erde. Study on the “Ignition” Phenomenon of Mg-Based Hydrogen Materials during Absorbing Process, Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Wuhan, China, 2001
46. Liu Jinglei, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Study on the structure of Cu-Cr powder made by mechanically alloying, Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Wuhan, China, 2001
47. Wang Erde, Liu Jinglei, Liu Zuyan. The research progression on the kinetics of extension solid solubility induced by mechanical alloying, Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2002, 20(2): 109-112
48. Liu Jinglei, Liu Zuyan, Yu Yang, Wang Erde. Preparation of Cu-Cr deformation processed composite powders by mechanical milling . Material Science and Technology, 2001, 9, supl. 709-711
49. Liu Jinglei, Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. Microstructures of deformation processed Cu-15%Cr composite by mechanical milling and hot hydrostatic extrusion. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2002, 12(suppl.2): 16-20
50. Liu Jinglei, Liu Zuyan Wang Erde. Study on the density of the Cu-15wt%Cr composite powders synthesized by mechanical milling. Material Science and Technology, 2003. 11(2): 136-139
51. Wang Hong, Liu Zuyan. Crystal structure analysis on maximum hydrogen capacity of LaNi5. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2004, 33(3): 239-241
52. Wang Hong, Liu Zuyan, Jiang Feilong. Theoretical analysis of hydrogen stored in magnesium crystal interstics and cylindrical grain. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005, 34(Suppl.2): 124-126
53. Liu Zuyan, Xu Wei, Wang Erde. Numerical simulation of extrusion process of magnesium alloys AZ31. Materials for Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 30(10): 77-79
54. Liu Zuyan, Yu Yang, Wang Erde. Hot hydrostatic extrusion and its application in processing og tungsten-copper materials. Forging and Metalforming, 2006, 6: 28-34
55. Yu Yang, Wang Erde, Liu Zuyan. Microstructure and properties of W-35wt%Cu powders composite consolidated by deformation strengthening. Materials Science and Engineering, 2007, 15(5): 645-648
56. Liu Zuyan, Wang Erde. The classification of extrusion methods and the characteristics of lateral extrusion. J. of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2007, 39(3): 409-411
57. Liu Zuyan, Liu Gang, Liang Shujin. Measurement of the stress-strain relationship of AZ31 magnesium alloy and its four-dimensional description. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36(Suppl.3): 304-307
58. 李達人,于洋,劉祖岩等.機械球磨對熱擠壓W-40Cu材料組織和性能的影響.稀有金屬材料與工程.2009,38(4):738-741
59. 李達人,劉祖岩,于洋等.W-40%Cu熱加工摩擦因子與換熱係數測定.粉末冶金技術.2009,27(3):178-181
60. 蘇新艷,劉祖岩,李達人等.W-40%Cu合金應力-應變曲線的測定與描述.粉末冶金技術.2009,27(2):91-94
61. 梁書錦, 王欣, 劉祖岩, 王爾德. AZ31鎂合金擠壓工藝與組織性能的研究. 稀有金屬材料與工程.


