- 中文名:劉玉煥
- 出生地:1987年
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:環境微生物與蛋白質工程
- 任職院校:中山大學
- Cao Li‑chuang,Liu Yu-huan, Xie Wei.*, and Wang Z.(*)Structures of a glucose-tolerant β-glucosidase provide insights into its mechanism.Journal of Structural Biology.2017,198 (3): 154-162.
- Xiaolong Liu, Mingjun Liang 1 Yuhuan Liu and Xinjiong Fan*. Directed evolution andsecretory expression ofa pyrethroid-hydrolyzing esterase withenhanced catalytic activity andthermostability.Microb Cell Fact. 2017. 16:81
- Guang-hui Ren, Li-chuang Cao, Wei Kong, Zhi-jun Wang, and Yu-huan Liu* . Efficient Secretion of the β‑Galactosidase Bgal1‑3 via both Tat- Dependent and Tat-Independent Pathways in Bacillus subtilis.J. Agric. Food Chem.2016, 64, 5708−5716
- Xiwen Liu, Li-chuang Cao, Xin-jiong Fan, Yu-huan Liu* & Wei Xie*. Engineering of a thermostable esterase Est816 to improve its quorum- quenching activity and the underlying structural basis.Scientific Reports.2016, 6:38137
- Lichuang Cao, Zhijun Wang, Guang‑hui Ren, Wei Kong, Liang Li, Wei Xie andYuhuan Liu*.Engineering a novel glucose-tolerant β- glucosidase assupplementation toenhance the hydrolysis ofsugarcane bagasse athigh glucose concentration.Biotechnol. Biofuels.2015, 8:202. 2015.
- Qingnan Tian, Caiyan Wang,Yuhuan Liuand Wei Xi*. Structural basis for recognition of G-1-containing tRNA by histidyl-tRNA synthetase.Nucleic Acids Research.2015, 43: 5, 2015
- Li-chuang Cao#, Ran Chen#, Wei Xie*, andYuhuan Liu*. Enhancing the Thermostability of Feruloyl Esterase EstF27 by Directed Evolution and the Underlying Structural Basis.J. Agric. Food Chem.2015, 63, 8225−8233.
- Liang Li#, Gang Li#, Li-chuang Cao, Guang-hui Ren, Wei Kong, Si-di Wang, Geng-shan Guo,andYuHuan Liu*. Characterization of the Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates of a Novel β-Galactosidase, a Potential Catalyst for the Synthesis of Galacto-Oligosaccharides.J. Agric. Food Chem.2015, 63, 894−901.
- Jian Yao, Geng Shan Guo, Guang Hui Ren,Yuhuan Liu*.Production, characterization and applications of tannase.J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym.2014, 101: 137– 147.
- Si-di Wang, Geng-shan Guo, Liang Li, Li-chuang Cao, Ling Tong,Guang-hui Ren,Yuhuan Liu*.Identification and characterization of an unusualglycosyltransferase-like enzyme withβ-galactosidaseactivity from a soil metagenomic library.Enzyme and Microbial Technology,2014, 57: 26–35.
- Jian Yao, Qinglong Chen, Guoxiang Zhong, Wen Cao, An Yu andYuhuan Liu*.Immobilization and Characterization of Tannase from a MetagenomicLibrary and Its Use for Removal of Tannins from Green Tea InfusionJ. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2014, 24(1): 80–86.
- Jian Yao, Qing Long Chen, Ai Xi Shen, Wen Cao,Yuhuan Liu*.A novel feruloyl esterase from a soil metagenomic library with tannase activity. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym.2013, 95: 55– 61.
- Sidi Wang, Kui Wang, Liang Li ,Yuhuan Liu*.Isolation and characterization of a novel organic solvent-tolerant and halotolerant esterase from a soil metagenomic library.J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym.2013, 95: 1– 8.
- Xia Zhang#, He Li#, Chang-Jie Li, Teng Ma, Gang Li*.andYuhuan Liu*. Metagenomic approach for the isolation of a thermostable β-galactosidase with high tolerance of galactose and glucose from soil samples ofTurpanBasin.BMC Microbiol.2013, 13:237.
- Gang Li, Yang Jiang, Xin-jiong Fan,Yuhuan Liu*.Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel b-glucosidase with high hydrolyzing ability for soybean isoflavone glycosides and glucose-tolerance from soil metagenomic library.Bioresource Technol.2012, 123; 15–22.
- Xinjiong Fan, Xiaolong Liu,Yuhuan Liu*.The cloning and characterization of one novel metagenome-derivedthermostableesterase acting onN-acylhomoserine lactones.J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym.2012, 83:29-37.
- Xinjiong Fan, Xiaolong Liu, Rui Huang andYuhuan Liu*.Identification and characterization of a novel thermostable pyrethroid-hydrolyzing enzyme isolated through metagenomic approach.Microbial Cell Factories.2012, 11:33.
- Shi-Qin Yu,Yuhuan Liu*.Expression and one-step purification ofβ-galactosidase by fusion with elastin-like polypetides.Process Biochem. 2012,47: 1108–1114,
- Kui Wang, Yi Lu, Wei Qu Liang, Si Di Wang, Yang Jiang, Rui Huang, and Yu Huan Liu*. Enzymatic Synthesis of Galactooligosaccharides in an Organic−Aqueous Biphasic System by a Novel β-Galactosidase from a Metagenomic Library.J. Agric. Food Chem.2012,60, 3940−3946,
- Shangke Chen, Kui Wang,Yuhuan Liu*and Xiaopeng Hu*. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a novel halotolerant feruloyl esterase identified from a soil metagenomic library.Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications (Acta Cryst. ).2012, F68:767-770.
- Jian Yao, Xin Jiong Fan, Yi Lu,Yuhuan Liu*. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Tannase from a Metagenomic Library.J. Agric. Food Chem.2011,59: 3812–3818.
- Xinjiong Fan, Xiaolong Liu, Kui Wang, Sidi Wang, Rui Huang,Yuhuan Liu*.Highly soluble expression and molecular characterization of an organic solvent-stable and thermotolerant lipase originating from the met genome.J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym.2011, 72: 319– 326.
- Shu Li Sang, Gang Li, Xiao Peng Hu,Yuhuan Liu*.Molecular Cloning, Overexpression and Characterization of a Novel Feruloyl Esterase from a Soil Metagenomic Library.J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2011, 20:196–203.
- Liping Zhang, Kui Wang,ZhongxingMo,Yuhuan Liu*and Xiaopeng Hu*.Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a cold-activeβ- galactosidase from the psychrotrophic and halotolerantPlanococcussp. L4.Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications (Acta Cryst. ).2011, F67: 911–913.
- Yuhuan Liu, Mao Ye, Yi Lu, Xia Zhang and Gang Li. Improving the decolorization for textile dyes of a metagenome-derived alkaline laccase by directed evolution.Appl. Microbiol .Biotechnol.2011, 91:667–675.
- Ye M,Li G, Liang WQ,Y.H Liu*.Molecular cloning and characterization of a novelmetagenome-derivedmulticopper oxidase with alkalinelaccase activityand highly soluble expression.Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol.2010, 87:1023-1031.
- Kui Wang, Gang Li, Shi Qin Yu, Chen Ting Zhang,Yuhuan Liu*. A novel metagenome-derivedβ-galactosidase: gene cloning, overexpression, purification and characterization.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2010, 88:155–165.
- Gang Li, Kui Wang,YuhuanLiu*.Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel pyrethroid-hydrolyzing esterase originating from the Metagenome.Microbial Cell Factories.2008, 7:38.
- Lixiang Cao, Min Jiang, Zhirui Zeng, Aixue Du, Hongming Tan,Yuhuan Liu*.Trichoderma atroviride F6 improves phytoextraction efficiency of mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Coss. var. foliosa Bailey) in Cd, Ni contaminated soils.Chemosphere. 2008, 71: 1769–1773
- Ji M. Hu,He. Li, Li X. Cao, Pei C.Wu,Chen T. Zhang, Shu L.Sang,Xiao Y. Zhang, Min J.Chen, Jia Q. Lu,YuhuanLiu*.Molecular cloning and characterization of the gene encoding cold-active β-galactosidase from apsychrotrophic and halotolerantPlanococcussp. L4.J. Agric. Food Chem.2007, 55:2217-2224.
- Li HUAPING, Lian JIE, Wang ZHIFENG, Zhong YINGCHANG, and Liu Yuhuan*. Cloning and Functional Expression of Ubiquitin-Like Protein Specific Proteases Genes from Candida.Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2007, 30(10): 1851—1855.
- 劉玉煥,李剛,王魁。DNA序列在乳品業領域中的套用,2011.12,中國,ZL200910214209.7
- 劉玉煥,李剛,余世琴。一種利用類彈性蛋白標籤純化乳糖酶的方法,2012.5,中國,ZL201010244640.9
- 劉玉煥,梁衛驅,劉孝龍,羅華建,范新炯,胡珊,羅詩,劉遠星。一種新型酯酶及其套用,2012.6,中國,ZL201010547206.8
- 劉玉煥,劉孝龍,王魁,范新炯,魯毅,一種具有高效轉糖基β-半乳糖苷酶的新基因及套用技術.2012.12,中國,ZL201110001568.1
- 劉玉煥,范新炯。一種新型酯酶及其套用。2013.9,中國,授權號:ZL201210196902.8
- 劉玉煥,汪思迪,李良,曹立創,童鈴,郭耿珊。一種糖基轉移酶的新基因及套用。2014.9,中國,專利授權號:ZL201310149841.4
- 劉玉煥,童鈴,曹立創,李良,郭耿珊,汪思迪。一種高效水解大豆異黃酮苷的β-葡萄糖苷基因與套用。2015.8,中國,專利授權號:ZL201310149771.2
- 生物酶製劑在液體洗滌劑中的結構研究與套用,2016年廣東省科技進步二等獎(第二完成人)
- 生物酶製劑在液體洗滌劑中的結構研究與套用,2015年廣州市科技進步二等獎(第二完成人)
- 菊酯類農藥降解酶高效表達工程菌的構建及發酵條件最佳化,2014年東莞市科學技術進步三等獎(第三完成人)