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劉浩文,男,1973年10月出生,漢族,中南民族大學副教授。 2005年7月武漢大學博士畢業,2005年7在中南民族大學工作。主要從事鋰電材料的合成和性能研究。研究方向為固體材料,功能材料。



1. Lin Gao, Xiangru Li, Hao Hu, Guojian Li, Haowen Liu∗, Ying Yu, TiO2 mesoporous microspheres with nanorod structure: facilesynthesis and superior electrochemical performance, Electrochimica Acta 120 (2014) 231– 239.
2. Haowen Liu*, Hefen Liu, Synthesis of nanosize quasispherical MgFe2O4 and study of electrochemical properties as anode of lithium Ion batteries, Journal of electronic materials, 43( 2014)2553-2558.
3. Haowen Liu, Jin Wang , One-pot synthesis of ZnCo2O4 nanorod anodes for high power Lithium ions batteries, Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 371– 375.
4. Xiangru Li, Hao Hu, Sheng Huang, Gaige Yu, Lin Gao, Haowen Liu, Ying Yu, Nano-sized Li4Ti5O12 anode material with excellent performance prepared by solid state reaction: The effect of precursor size andmorphology, Electrochimica Acta 112 (2013) 356– 363.
5. Haowen Liu, Hua Zhu, Hanmin Yang, A low temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline spinel NiFe2O4 and its electrochemical performance as anode of lithium-ion batteries, Materials Research Bulletin 48 (2013) 1587-1592.
6. Tao Wang, Ye Yin, Haowen Liu*, Synthesis of FePO4 from Fe2O3 and its application in synthesizing cathode material LiFePO4, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 28(2013) 207-211.


