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  • 中文名:劉有勝
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新興有機污染物環境歸趨、污染控制
  • 任職院校:華南師範大學




2001.09-2005.07 吉首大學資源與環境學院環境科學專業,理學學士;
2005.09-2008.07 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院環境科學專業,工學碩士;
2009.09-2011.01 澳大利亞聯邦科工組織(CSIRO)水土部,博士聯合培養;
2008.09-2011.12 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所環境科學專業,理學博士;
2012.02-2014.09 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所,助理研究員;
2014.10-2017.12 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所,副研究員;
2018.01-至今 華南師範大學環境研究院,副研究員。


(1)揭示了水環境中紫外吸收劑的污染來源和光消減機理,結合厭氧微生物純培養和高通量測序技術手段揭示紫外吸收劑的微生物降解機理。(2)解析分散性污水處理系統中微生物種群結構特徵與污染物去除的回響關係,為最佳化分散性污水處理技術提供了技術支。(3)揭示了養殖環境中抗生素和耐藥基因的污染輸出和環境遷移,分析了養殖環境中抗生素和抗性基因的污染特徵和環境輸出,以及養殖方式差異對抗生素和抗性基因的豐度、組成及傳輸的影響。共發表SCI論文53篇(第一作者 11篇、通訊作者2篇),SCI論文總他引600次
1.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2012) Occurrence and removal of benzotriazoles and ultraviolet filters in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Pollution
2.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2012) Biodegradation of the UV filter benzophenone-3 under different redox conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
3.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2011) Photostability of the UV filter benzophenone-3 and its effect on photodegradation of benzotriazole in water. Environmental Chemistry
4.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2011) Biodegradation of three selected benzotriazoles under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Water Research
5.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2011) Simultaneous determination of benzotriazoles and ultraviolet filters in ground water, effluent and biosolid samples using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A
6.Liu YS,Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2011) Photolysis of benzotriazole and formation of its polymerized photoproducts in aqueous solutions under UV irradiation. Environmental Chemistry
7.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2013) Biodegradation of three benzotriazoles in aquifer materials under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
8.Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2013) Photodegradation of three benzotriazoles induced by four FeIII-carboxylate complexes in water under ultraviolet irradiation. Environmental Chemistry
9.Liu YS,Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2013) Degradation of six selected ultraviolet filters in aquifer materials under various redox conditions. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation
10.Chen J, Ying GG,Liu YS, Wei XD, Liu SS, He LY, Yang YQ, Chen FR (2017) Nitrogen removal and its relationship with the nitrogen-cycle genes and microorganisms in the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands with different design parameters. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A
11.Chen J,Liu YS, Zhang JN, Yang YQ, Hu LX, Yang YY, Zhao JL, Chen FR, Ying GG (2017) Removal of antibiotics from piggery wastewater by biological aerated filter system: Treatment efficiency and biodegradation kinetics. Bioresource Technology
12.Chen J,Liu YS, Su HC, Ying GG, Liu F, Liu SS, He LY, Chen ZF, Yang YQ, Chen FR (2015) Removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in rural wastewater by an integrated constructed wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
13.Yao L, Zhao JL,Liu YS, Zhang QQ, Jiang YX, Liu S, Liu WR, Yang YY, Ying GG. 2017. Personal care products in wild fish in two main Chinese rivers: Bioaccumulation potential and human health risks. Sci Total Environ, doi: j.scitotenv.2017.
14.Yang YY, Zhao JL,Liu YS, Liu WR, Zhang QQ, Yao L, Hu LX, Zhang JN, Jiang YX, Ying GG (2017) Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and artificial sweeteners (ASs) in surface and ground waters and their application as indication of wastewater contamination. Science of the Total Environment
15.Su HC,Liu YS,Pan CG, Chen J, He LY, Ying GG (2017) Persistence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community changes in drinking water treatment system: from drinking water source to tap water. Science of the Total Environment
16.Shi WJ, Zhao JL, Jiang YX, Huang GY,Liu YS, Zhang JN, Ying GG (2017) Transcriptional and histological alterations in gonad of adult zebrafish after exposure to the synthetic progestin norgestrel. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
17.Yang YY, Liu WR,Liu YS, Zhao JL, Zhang QQ, Zhang M, Zhang JN, Jiang YX, Zhang LJ, Ying GG (2017) Suitability of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and artificial sweeteners (ASs) as wastewater indicators in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Science of the Total Environment .
18.Liu WR, Yang YY,Liu YS, Zhang LJ, Zhao JL, Zhang QQ, Zhang M, Zhang JN, Jiang YX, Ying GG (2017) Biocides in wastewater treatment plants: mass balance analysis and pollution load estimation. Journal of Hazardous Materials
19.Ying GG, He LY, Ying AJ, Zhang QQ,LiuYS, Zhao JL (2017) China must reduce its antibiotic use. Environmental Science & Technology
20.Hu LX, Ying GG, Chen XW, Huang GY,LiuYS, Jiang YX, Pan CG, Tan F, Martin FL (2017) FTIR spectroscopy as a novel application towards providing effect-based endpoints in duckweed toxicity testing. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
21.Pan CG,LiuYS, Ying GG (2016) Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatent plants: Removal efficiency and exposure risk. Water Research
22.Yao L, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Yang YY, Liu WR, Ying GG (2016) Simultaneous determination of 24 personal care products in fish muscle and liver tissues using QuEChERS extraction coupled with ultrapressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometer analyses. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
23.Chen XW, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Hu LX, Liu SS, Ying GG (2016) Evaluation of estrogenic activity in the Pearl River by using effect-directed analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
24.Chen J, Ying GG, Wei XD,LiuYS, Liu SS, Hu LX, He LY, Chen ZF, Chen FR, Yang YQ (2016) Removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from domestic sewage by constructed wetlands: Effect of flow configuration and plant species. Science of the Total Environment
25.Liu WR, Ying GG, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Hu LX, Yao L, Liang YQ, Tian F (2016) Photodegradation of the azole fungicide climbazole by ultraviolet irradiation under different conditions: Kinetics, mechanism and toxicity evaluation. Journal of Hazardous Materials
26.Chen J, Wei XD,LiuYS, Ying GG, Liu SS, He LY, Su HC, Hu LX, Chen FR, Yang YQ (2016) Removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from domestic sewage by constructed wetlands: Optimization of wetland substrates and hydraulic loading. Science of the Total Environment
27.Huang GY,LiuYS, Liang YQ, Shi WJ, Hu LX, Tian F, Chen J, Ying GG (2016) Multi-biomarker responses as indication of contaminant effects inGambusia affinisfrom impacted rivers by municipal effluents. Science of the Total Environment
28.He LY, Ying GG,LiuYS, Su HC, Chen J, Liu SS, Zhao JL (216) Discharge of swine wastes risks water quality and food safety: Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from swine sources to the receiving environments. Environment International
29.Huang GY,LiuYS, Chen XW, Liang YQ, Liu SS, Yang YY, Hu LX, Shi WJ, Tian F, Zhao JL, Chen J, Ying GG (2016) Feminization and masculinization of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) observed in rivers impacted by municipal wastewaters. Scientific Reports .
30.Zhang NS,LiuYS, van den Brink P, Price OR, Ying GG (2015) Ecological risks of home and personal care products in the riverine environment of a rural region in South China without domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
31.Jiang YX,LiuYS, Ying GG, Wang HW, Liang YQ, Chen XW (2015) A new tool for assessing sediment quality based on the Weight of Evidence approach and grey TOPSIS. Science of the Total Environment
32.Zhang QQ, Ying GG, Pan CG,LiuYS, Zhao JL (2015) Comprehensive evaluation of antibiotics emission and fate in the river basins of China: Source analysis, multimedia modelling, and linkage to bacterial resistance. Environmental Science and Technology
33.Liu SS, Ying GG,LiuYS, Yang YY, He LY, Chen J, Liu WR, Zhao JL (2015) Occurrence and removal of progestagens in two representative swine farms: Effectiveness of lagoon and digester treatment. Water Research
34.Liu WR, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Chen ZF, Yang YY, Zhang QQ, Ying GG (2015) Biocides in the Yangtze River of China: Spatiotemporal distribution, mass load and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution
35.Zhang QQ, Ying GG, Chen ZF,LiuYS, Liu WR, Zhao JL (2015) Multimedia fate modelling and risk assessment of a commonly used azole fungicide climbazole at the river basin scale in China. Science of the Total Environment
36.Zhang QQ, Ying GG, Chen ZF, Zhao JL,LiuYS(2015) Basin-scale emission and multimedia fate of triclosan in whole China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
37.Peng FJ, Ying GG,LiuYS, Su HC, He LY (2015) Joint antibacterial activity of soil-adsorbed antibiotics trimethoprim and sulfamethazine. Science of the Total Environment
38.Zhao JL,LiuYS, Liu WR, Jiang YX, Su HC, Zhang QQ, Chen XW, Yang YY, Chen J, Liu SS, Pan CG, Huang GY, Ying GG (2015) Tissue-specific bioaccumulation of human and veterinary antibiotics in bile, plasma, liver and muscle tissues of wild fish from a highly urbanized region. Environmental Pollution .
39.Pan CG, Ying GG, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Liu SS, Du J, Kookana RS (2015) Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in surface sediments of five major rivers in China. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol
40.He LY,LiuYS, Su HC, Zhao JL, Liu SS, Chen J, Liu WR, Ying GG (2014) Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in representative broiler feedlots environments: Identification of indicator ARGs and correlations with environmental variables. Environmental Science & Technology
41.Peng FQ, Ying GG, Yang B,LiuYS, Lai HJ, Zhou GJ, Chen J, Zhao JL (2014) Biotransformation of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) by freshwater microalgae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
42.Zhang QQ, Zhao JL, Ying GG,LiuYS, Pan CG (2014) Emission estimation and multimedia fate modeling of seven steroids at the river basin scale in China. Environmental Science & Technology
43.Pan CG, Ying GG, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Jiang YX, Zhang QQ (2014) Spatiotemporal distribution and mass loadings of perfluoroalkyl substances in the Yangtze River of China. Science of the Total Environment
44.Pan CG, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Zhang QQ, Chen ZF, Lai HJ, Peng FJ, Liu SS, Ying GG (2014) Bioaccumulation and risk assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wild freshwater fish from rivers in the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
45.Su HC, Ying GG, Zhao JL, Zhou LJ,LiuYS, Tao R, Zang RQ, He LY (2014) Contamination profiles of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments at a catchment scale. Science of the Total Environment
46.Pan CG, Ying GG,LiuYS, Zhang QQ, Chen ZF, Peng FJ, Huang GY (2014) Contamination profiles of perfluoroalkyl substances in five typical rivers of the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Chemosphere
47.Huang GY, Ying GG, Liang YQ, Liu SS,LiuYS(2014) Expression patterns of metallothionein, cytochrome P450 1A and vitellogenin genes in western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in response to heavy metals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
48.Peng FJ, Zhou LJ, Ying GG,LiuYS, Zhao JL (2014) Antibacterial activity of soil-bound antimicrobials oxytetracycline and ofloxacin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
49.Chen ZF, Ying GG,LiuYS, Zhang QQ, Zhao JL, Liu SS, Chen J, Peng FJ, Lai HJ, Pan CG (2014) Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: An investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region. Water Research
50.Su HC, Ying GG, He LY,LiuYS, Zhang RQ, Tao R (2014) Antibiotic resistance, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes and ampC gene in two typical municipal wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Sciences: Processes & Impacts
51.Lai HJ, Ying GG, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Chen F,LiuYS(2014) Field dissipation and plant uptake of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in biosolid-amended soils. Environmental Sciences: Processes & Impacts
52.Chen ZF, Ying GG, Jiang YX, Yang B, Lai HJ,LiuYS, Pan CG, Peng FQ (2014) Photodegradation of the azole fungicide fluconazole in aqueous solution under UV-254: Kinetics, mechanistic investigations and toxicity evaluation. Water Research
53.Lai HJ, Ying GG, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Chen F,LiuYS(2014) Occurrence and dissipation of benzotriazoles and benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in biosolid-amended soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
54.Peng FQ, Ying GG, Yang B, Liu S, Lai HJ,LiuYS, Chen ZF, Zhou GJ (2014) Biotransformation of progesterone and norgestrel by two freshwater microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquusandChlorella pyrenoidosa): Transformation kinetics and products identification. Chemosphere
55.Zhang QQ, Zhao JL,LiuYS, Li BG, Ying GG (2013) Multimedia modeling of the fate of triclosan and triclocarban in the Dongjiang River Basin, South China and comparison with the field data. Environmental Sciences: Processes & Impacts
56.Liu S, Ying GG,LiuYS, Peng FQ, He LY (2013) Degradation of norgestrel by bacteria from activated sludge: comparison to progesterone. Environmental Science & Technology
57.Zhang RQ, Ying GG, Su HC, Zhou LJ,LiuYS(2013) Antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity ofEscherichia coliisolates from traditional and integrated aquaculture in South China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health (Part B)
58.Huang GY, Ying GG, Liang YQ,LiuYS, Liu SS (2013) Effects of steroid hormones on reproduction- and detoxification-related gene expression in adult male mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
59.Huang GY, Ying GG, Liang YQ, Zhao JL, Yang B, Liu S,LiuYS(2013) Hormonal effects of tetrabromobisphenol A using a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
60.Zhao JL, Zhang QQ, Chen F, Wang L, Ying GG,LiuYS, Yang B, Zhou LJ, Liu S, Su HC, Zhang RQ (2013) Evaluation of triclosan and triclocarban at river basin scale using monitoring and modeling tools: implications for controlling of urban domestic sewage discharge. Water Research
61.Chen ZF, Ying GG, Lai HJ, Chen F, Su HC,LiuYS, Peng FQ, Zhao JL (2012) Determination of biocides in different environmental matrices using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
62.Su HC, Ying GG, Tao R, Zhang RQ, Zhao JL,LiuYS(2012) Class 1 and 2 integrons, sul resistance genes and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from Dongjiang River, South China. Environmental Pollution
1、NSFC-廣東省聯合基金課題,東江飲用水源區水污染風險與控制原理,2015.1.1 - 2018.12.31,50萬,主持;
2、國家青年基金,東江流域典型河流中紫外吸收劑的污染過程與環境歸趨研究,,2014.1.1 - 2016.12.31,25萬,主持;
3、廣州市科研專項重點項目課題,分散型污水處理系統微生物機制研究與適用技術集成,2015.1.1 - 2017.12.31,80萬,主持;
4、廣東省基金自由申請項目,典型分散型污水處理系統中新型有機污染物去除的微生物學機制,2015.8.1 - 2018.8.1,10萬,主持;
7、國家基金面上項目,污水處理廠與受納水環境中典型家用殺生劑的降解轉化機理研究,2015.1.1 - 2018.12.31,100萬,參加。


