- 中文名:劉晨
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:英國倫敦大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職稱:副教授
- Liu, C., Yang, R., & Xue, D. (forthcoming). Consuming halal food outside from home: Chinese Muslims’ geographies of encounter in urban Guangzhou. Social & Cultural Geography.
- Liu, C., Chen, L., Vanderbeck, R. M., Valentine, G., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2018). Rural–urban inequality and the practice of promoting sustainability in contemporary China. GeoJournal, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-018-9915-y
- Liu, C., Chen, L., Vanderbeck, R. M., Valentine, G., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2018). A Chinese route to sustainability: post-socialist transitions and the construction of ecological civilisation. Sustainable Development, DOI: 10.1002/sd.1743.
- Liu, C., Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R. M., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2018). Placing ‘sustainability’ in context: narratives of sustainable consumption in Nanjing, China. Social & Cultural Geography, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2018.1454978.
- McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Valentine, G., Liu, C., Chen L., Zhang, M. and Diprose. K. (2018) Urban climate change, livelihood vulnerability and narratives of generational responsibility in Jinja, Uganda. Africa, 88(1): 11-37.
- Diprose, K., Fern, R., Vanderbeck, R. M., Chen, L., Valentine, G., Liu, C., & McQuaid, K. (2018). Corporations, Consumerism and Culpability: Sustainability in the British Press. Environmental Communication, DOI: 1080/17524032.2017.1400455.
- McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Valentine, G., Liu, C. and Diprose, K. (2018) ‘An elephant cannot fail to carry its own ivory’: Transgenerational ambivalence, infrastructure and sibling support practices in urban Uganda. Emotion, Space and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2018.07.009
- McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Plastow, J. Valentine, G., Liu, C., Chen, L., Zhang, M. and Diprose, K. (2017). Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 15(4): 389-410.
- Liu, C. (2017). Family‐based food practices and their intergenerational geographies in contemporary Guangzhou, China. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 42 (4): 572-583.
- Liu C. & Yang R. (2017) Consuming popular songs online: Phoenix Legend’s audiences and Douban Music. Cultural Geographies.
- Liu C. (2016) Food practices, gender intimacy and family life in contemporary Guangzhou. Gender, Place & Culture. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2016.126360
- Liu C. (accepted, forthcoming) Food and home-based consumption. In: Jayne M. (ed.) Chinese Urbanism: Critical Everyday Perspectives. London: Routledge
- An N., Liu C. & Zhu H. (2016) Popular geopolitics of Chinese Nanjing Massacre films: A feminist approach. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. 23 (6): 786-800.
- Liu C., Cai X., Zhu H. (2015) Ethical eating in restaurant settings: an qualitative analysis of ethical consumption in a vegetarian restaurant in Guangzhou, China. Geographical Review, 105(4), 551-565.
- Liu C., An N. & Zhu H. (2015) A geopolitical analysis of popular songs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, 1983-2013. Geopolitics, 20(3): 606-625.
- Liu C. & Cai X. (2014) Performing Guangzhou and Guangzhou Ren: Analysing popular music in Guangzhou. Social & Cultural Geography, 15(7): 769-785.
- Liu C. (2014) Noise in Guangzhou: The cultural politics of underground popular music in contemporary Guangzhou. Area, 46(3): 228-234.
- 劉晨, 蔡曉梅. “噪”起來:廣州音樂現場的文化地理研究[J]. 地理科學, 2016, 36(1): 1-7.
- 劉晨,朱竑,安寧. 文學旅遊地的社會文化建構:以鳳凰古城為例[J].旅遊學刊, 2014,29(7):68-76.
- 劉晨,蔡曉梅,曾國軍.西方廚房研究及其對中國文化地理家庭空間研究之啟示[J].熱帶地理,2014,34(4):445-453.
- 安寧,朱竑,劉晨.文學旅遊地的空間重構研究——以鳳凰古城為例[J].地理科學, 2014,34(12):1462-1469.
- 蔡曉梅,劉晨,朱竑.大學的懷舊意象及其空間性建構——以中山大學為例[J].地理科學, 2013,33(6):710-717.
- 蔡曉梅,劉晨,曾國軍.社交媒體對廣州飲食文化空間的建構與重塑[J].人文地理, 2013,134(6):1-8.
- 蔡曉梅,劉晨.人文地理學視角下的國外飲食文化研究進展[J].人文地理, 2013, 133(5):36-41.
- 蔡曉梅,劉晨.學習型酒店的理論與實證研究:廣州案例[J].旅遊論壇, 2012, 5(3):67-74.
- 蔡曉梅,朱竑,劉晨.情境主題餐廳員工地方感特徵及其形成原因——以廣州味道雲南食府為例[J].地理學報, 2012,67(2):239-252.
- 蔡曉梅,朱竑,劉晨.顧客對情境主題餐廳表演的感知研究——以廣州味道雲南食府為例[J].人文地理, 2012,123(1):119-126.