劉懷舉,男,1986年10月出生,副教授,碩士生導師。2013年7月獲University of Warwick, UK工學博士學位,2013年8月被聘為重慶大學機械傳動國家重點實驗室專任教師,重慶大學高速重載齒輪傳動創新研究團隊導師。長期從事傳動機械學方面的研究,獲重慶市優秀碩士學位論文及國家公派留學獎學金等榮譽,以第三完成人獲教育部高等學校優秀成果科技進步二等獎1項。主持國家自然科學基金、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金、重慶市前沿與套用基礎研究計畫、國家博士後科學基金、重慶博士後特別資助、中央高校基本科研業務費、國家重點實驗室自主課題、重慶大學引進人才科研啟動基金及企業橫向等項目10餘項,在齒輪潤滑接觸、熱彈流耦合機理、強度與疲勞等方面取得了原創性成果,在Tribology International、Journal of Tribology、Tribology Transactions、Journal of Heat Transfer、Journal of Vibration and Control、Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology、Mechanism and Machine Theory、Renewable Energy、Part J: J Engineering Tribology等期刊發表SCI論文30餘篇,參加齒輪、摩擦學等領域國際會議10餘次。擔任2015年重慶國際滾動軸承研討會分會場主席、2016年重慶國際動力傳動大會分會場主席,指導博士生/碩士生/留學生6人,講授運動學與動力學、固體力學、專業外語等研究生/本科生中英文課程5門。
[1] Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Zonglin Gu, Zhanjiang Wang, Jinyuan Tang, Effect of thermal properties of a coated elastohydrodynamic lubrication line contact under various slide-to-roll ratios. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2017
[2] Ye Zhou, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, Chaosheng Song, Zufeng Li. A numerical study on the contact fatigue life of a coated gear pair under EHL. Industrial lubrication and tribology. 2017. IF 0.406.
[3] Liu H*, Zhu C, Wang Z, Ye Zhou and Yuanyuan Zhang. A theoretical tribological comparison between soft and hard coatings of spur gear pairs, Journal of Tribology. 2016. doi:10.1115/1.4035028.
[7] Yuanyuan Zhang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Mingyong Liu, Chaosheng Song. Oil film stiffness and damping in an elastohydrodynamic lubrication line contact-vibration. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(7): 3031-3039. First Online: 08 September 2016
[8] Yuanyuan Zhang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Chaosheng Song, Zufeng Li. Influence of lubrication starvation and surface waviness on the oil film stiffness of EHL line contact. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016: 1077546316655024.
[9] Mingyong Liu, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, Chenhui Wu, Parametric studies of lubrication performance of a helical gear pair with non-Newtonian fluids, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30 (1): 317-326. First Online: 13 January 2016
[10] Zhai Hongfei, Zhu Caichao*, Song Chaosheng, Liu Huaiju, Dynamic modeling and analysis for transmission system of high-power wind turbine gearbox, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 29, 4073-4082.
[11] Zhai H, Zhu C, Song C, et al. Influences of carrier assembly errors on the dynamic characteristics for wind turbine gearbox. Mechanism & Machine Theory, 2016, 103:138-147.
[12] Caichao Zhu, Zhangdong Sun, Huaiju Liu, Chaosheng Song, Zonglin Gu, Study on starved lubrication performance of a cycloid drive, Tribology Transactions, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1129569. Volume 59, 2016.
[13] Caichao Zhu, Zhangdong Sun, Huaiju Liu, Zonglin Gu, Effect of tooth profile modification on lubrication performance of a cycloid drive, Proc IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2015, 229, 7: 785-794. February 9, 2015
[14] Caichao Zhu, Shuang Chen, Chaosheng Song, Huaiju Liu, Houyi Bai, Fei Ma, Dynamic analysis of a megawatt wind turbine drive train, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015, 29(5): 1913-1919.
[15] Chaosheng Song, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, Gaoxiang Ni, Dynamic analysis and experimental study of a marine gearbox with crossed beveloid gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015, 92: 17-28. October 2015. Accepted 4 May 2015, Available online 23 May 2015.
[16] Caichao Zhu, Shuang Chen, Huaiju Liu, Huaqing Huang, Guangfu Li, Fei Ma, Dynamic analysis of the drive train of a wind turbine based upon the measured load spectrum, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(6): 2033-2040.
[17] Caichao Zhu, Mingyong Liu, Huaiju Liu, Effects of working conditions on TEHL performance of a helical gear pair with non-Newtonian fluids, Journal of Tribology, 2014, 136, 2: 021502-10.
[18] Mingyong Liu, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, A micro-TEHL finite line contact model for a helical gear pair, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 7 (1), 104790, DOI: 10.1155/2014/104790.
[19] Zhu C, Liu L, Song C, et al. Pitch cone design and tooth contact analysis of intersected beveloid gears for marine transmission. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2014, 82: 141-153.
[20] C. Zhu, X. Xu, H. Liu, T. Luo, H. Zhai, Research on dynamical characteristics of wind turbine gearboxes with flexible pins, Renewable Energy, 2014, 68: 724-732.
[22] Caichao Zhu, Mingyong Liu, Huaiju Liu*, Xiangyang Xu, Libin Liu. A thermal finite line contact EHL model of a helical gear pair. Proc IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2013, 227(4): 299–309.
[23] Huaiju Liu*, Ken Mao, Caichao Zhu, Xiangyang Xu. Mixed lubricated line contact analysis for spur gears using a deterministic model. Journal of Tribology, 2012, 4 (134): 021501(1-7).
[25] Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu*, JiajiaTian, Qiang Xiao, and Xuesong Du, Experimental investigation on the efficiency of the pulley-drive CVT,” International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2010, 11: 257-261.
[26] Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu*, JiajiaTian, Qiang Xiao, and Xuesong Du, Experimental research on the effect of structural parameters on the governing characteristics of a pulley-drive, continuously variable transmission, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224: 775-784.
[1] Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Chaosheng Song, Tribological behaviour of coated spur gear pairs with tooth surface roughness, 6 World Tribology Congress, Beijing, to be held Sept. 2017.
[2] S. Wang, H. Bai, C. Zhu, C. Song, H. Liu, Research on dynamic characteristic of wind turbine gearbox considering elastic support, International Conference on Power Transmissions, China, October 2016.
[3] Z.Li, C.Zhu, H.Liu, C.Song, Y.Zhang, Effect of oil film stiffness and the tooth friction force on time-varying meshing stiffness of a spur gear pair, International Conference on Power Transmissions, China, October 2016. Power Engineering Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Transmissions 2016 (ICPT 2016), Chongqing, P.R. China, 27–30 Octoberober 2016 Edited by DatongQin YiminShao Pages 147–154
[4] Yuanyuan Zhang, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Chaosheng Song. Lubrication film stiffness of a spur gear pair. Power Engineering. International Conference on Power Transmissions (ICPT'2016) China, October 2016, Pages 981–986
[5] Zhangdong Sun, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, Effect of the shape of inlet oil-supply layer on starved lubrication performance of a cycloid drive, ASME, 12th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, DETC2015-46730
[6] Huaqing Huang, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu*, Condition monitoring and fault diagnosing of multi-megawatt wind turbine gearbox, presentation in International Conference on Gears, Lyon Villeurbanne, France, 26-28 August 2014
[7] Zonglin Gu, Caichao Zhu*, Huaiju Liu, Gear lubrication analysis, exhibition in International Conference on Gears, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Garching (near Munich), Germany, 7-9 Oct. 2013
[8] Xuesong Du, Huaiju. Liu, Caichao Zhu*, Huafeng Ding. "Longitudinal dynamic modeling of the snowmobile considering fuel economy." International Conference on Power Transmission, Xi’an, 25-29 Oct 2011 (20113814342933 Pages: 333-336 ISSN: 16609336 DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.86.333)
[9] Huafeng Ding, Caichao Zhu*, Huaiju Liu. "Influence of Flyweight Profile on Regulating Characteristic of rubber V-belt CVT." International Conference on Power Transmission, Xi’an, 2011.