劉慶陽 國際提琴製作比賽獲獎者,中國樂器協會提琴製作師分會理事,國家一級提琴高級技師。其作品用料講究,工藝複雜,音質純正,產量少,每年制琴十餘把。專供專業選校學生、資深愛好者使用,收藏。
As a prize winner of International Violin Makers Competition, director of Violin Makers Association and National-Top-Level Violin Maker, Qingyang Liu is always looking for the best materials for his making. The hand-crafted process is complex and timbre is always in good quality. The annual production is low, with 10 violins/violas/cellos in total. The productions are always aimed at professional students and collectors.
- 中文名:劉慶陽
- 職業:提琴高級技師
- 主要成就:1996年獲得美國國際提琴製作比賽優異證書獎
- 職務:中國樂器協會提琴製作師分會理事