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  • 中文名:劉彥平
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:基礎心理學
  • 任職院校:中山大學


1. 語言(閱讀、雙語、概念)的表征、加工機制及發展
2. (深度)強化學習和決策
3. 注意,視知覺,眼動控制
4. 計算認知(+神經)建模,人工智慧及心理套用



· 2006年-2011年:中山大學心理學系 基礎心理學專業 理學博士(碩博連讀)
· 2009年-2010年:美國匹茲堡大學心理學系、學習和發展研究中心 國家公派博士聯合培養計畫
· 2001年-2005年:中山大學心理學系 套用心理學專業 理學學士


· 2018年7月-現在: 中山大學心理學系 副教授、博士生導師
· 2015年10月-2018年6月:中山大學心理學系 副研究員
· 2013年3月-2015年9月: 中國科學院心理研究所 博士後
· 2011年6月-2013年3月: 匹茲堡大學 研究顧問



1. 教育部人文社會科學研究一般項目,雙眼視覺加工影響中文閱讀效率的研究,8萬,主持
2. 國家自然科學科學基金青年項目,中文閱讀過程中注意的動態分配:來自無意識閱讀的啟示,20萬,主持
3. 中國博士後基金特別資助項目,漢語閱讀中眼跳目標選擇的雙眼優勢,15萬,主持
4. 中國博士後基金面上項目,漢語閱讀中的眼跳目標選擇機理,5萬,主持
5. 高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師培育項目,漢語閱讀過程中的注意分配,7.5萬元,主持


21. Zhu, Z.#, Hu, Y.#, Liao, C.#, Keel, S., Huang, R., Liu, Y.*, & He, M.* (2019). Visual Span and Cognitive Factors Affect Chinese Reading Speed. Journal of Vision.
20. Guo, S., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, L.M.W., & Gao, D.* (2019). Impression Management in Predicting Social Stress and Adaptive Work Behaviors. International Journal of Stress Management. DOI: 10.1037/str0000143.
19. Zhu, Z.#, Hu, Y.#, Liao, C.#, Huang, R., Keel, S., Liu, Y.*, & He, M.* (2019). Perceptual Learning of Visual Span Improves Chinese Reading Speed. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 60, 2357-2368.
18. Liu, Y.*, Yu, L., Fu, L., Li, W., Duan, Z., & Reichle, E. D. (2019). The Effects of Parafoveal Word Frequency and Segmentation on Saccade Targeting during Chinese Reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 1367-1376.
17. Liu, Y.*, Yu, L., & Reichle, E. D. (2019). The Influence of Parafoveal Preview, Character Transposition, and Word Frequency on Saccadic Targeting in Chinese Reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45, 537-552.
16. Liu, Y.*, Yu, L., & Reichle, E.D. (2019). The Dynamic Adjustment of Saccades During Chinese Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements and Simulations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45, 535-543.
15. Liu, Y.*, & Reichle, E.D. (2018). Using Eye Movements to Understand the Leakage of Information during Chinese Reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 2323-2329.
14. Liu, Y.*, & Reichle, E. D. (2018). Eye-Movement Evidence for Object-Based Attention in Chinese Reading. Psychological Science, 29, 278-287.
13. Liu, Y.*#, Guo, S.#, Yu, L.#, & Reichle, E.D.# (2018). Word Predictability Affects Saccade Length in Chinese Reading: An Evaluation of the Dynamic-Adjustment Model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 1891–1899.
12. Liu, Y.*, Huang, R., Gao, D-G., & Reichle, E.D. (2017). Further Tests of a Dynamic-Adjustment Account of Saccade Targeting During the Reading of Chinese. Cognitive Science, 41, 1264–1287.
11. Liu, Y.*#, Huang, R.#, Li, Y., & Gao, D.* (2017). The Word Frequency Effect on Saccade Targeting during Chinese Reading: Evidence from A Survival Analysis of Saccade Length. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 10.
10. Lou, Y., Liu, Y., Kaakinen, J. K , & Li, X.* (2017). Using support vector machines to identify literacy skills: Evidence from eye movements. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 887-895.
9. Liu, Y., Reichle, E.D., & Li, X.* (2016). The effect of word frequency and parafoveal preview on saccade length during the reading of Chinese. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1008-25.
8. Liu, Y., Reichle, E. D., & Li, X.* (2015). Parafoveal processing affects outgoing saccade length during the reading of Chinese. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 1229-1236.
7. Lin, N.*, Wang, X., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Li, X., & Bi, Y. (2015). Premotor Cortex Activation Elicited during Word Comprehension Relies on Access of Specific Action Concepts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 2051–2062.
6. Liu, Y., Reichle, E.D.*, & Gao, D.* (2013). Using reinforcement learning to examine dynamic attention allocation during reading. Cognitive Science, 37, 1507-1540.
5. O’Mara, E. M.*, Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., Zhou, X., & Liu, Y. (2012). A longitudinal-experimental test of the panculturality of self-enhancement: Self-enhancement promotes psychological well-being both in the west and the east. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 157-163.
4. Reichle, E. D.*, Liu, Y., & Laurent, P. A. (2011). The emergence of adaptive eye movement control in reading: Theory and data. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 9, 45-52.
3. Fa, Z., Zhang, R., Li, P., Zhang, J., Zhang, P., Zhu, S., Wu, Q., Huang, F, Liu, Y., Yang, L., Chang, H., Wen, Z., Gao, D.*, Zeng, Y.*, Jiang, X.* (2011). Effects of temporarily disrupting BBB on activity-induced manganese-dependent functional MRI. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 5, 181-188.
2. He, L., Feng, C., Liu, Y., & Zhou, X.* (2010). The pursuit of optimal distinctiveness and consumer preferences. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 411-417.
1. Liu, Y., & Reichle, E. D.* (2010). The emergence of adaptive eye movements in reading. In S. Ohlsson& R. Catrabone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1136-1141). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.


·本科生: 語言心理學、眼動技術與套用
·碩士生: 心理學進展


