- 中文名:劉寶利
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:北京中醫藥大學、上海中醫藥大學
- 職業:醫生
- 性別:男
- 職稱:副教授
- Immunological Pathogenesis of Membranous Nephropathy: Focus on PLA2R1 and Its Role.[J]. Liu Wenbin,Gao Chang,Dai Haoran,Zheng Yang,Dong Zhaocheng,Gao Yu,Liu Fei,Zhang Zihan,Liu Zhiyuan,Liu Weijing,Liu Baoli,Liu Qingquan,Shi Jialan. Frontiers in immunology.
- How Does Herbal Medicine Treat Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy?[J]. Feng Zhendong,Liu Wenbin,Jiang Han Xue,Dai Haoran,Gao Chang,Dong Zhaocheng,Gao Yu,Liu Fei,Zhang Zihan,Zhao Qihan,Zhang Lei,Liu Baoli. Frontiers in pharmacology.
- Research Progress on Mechanism of Podocyte Depletion in Diabetic Nephropathy[J]. Haoran Dai,Qingquan Liu,Baoli Liu,Wei J. Liu. Journal of Diabetes Research.
- Alleviation by Mahuang Fuzi and Shenzhuo Decoction in High Glucose-Induced Podocyte Injury by Inhibiting the Activation of Wnt/ β -Catenin Signaling Pathway, Resulting in Activation of Podocyte Autophagy[J]. Haoran Dai,Fei Liu,Xinping Qiu,Wenbin Liu,Zhaocheng Dong,Yingmin Jia,Zhendong Feng,Zhiyuan Liu,Qihan Zhao,Yu Gao,Zihan Zhang,Chang Gao,Songge Sun,Xuefei Tian,Baoli Liu,Sakthivel Muniyan. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.