





1999.09~2003.07,貴州師範大學 地理系,學士.





(1) 2018.08~2021.08,Nitrogen isotopes in precipitation at urban and rural sites of China,PI,International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Coordinated Research Project [Global monitoring of nitrogen isotopes in atmospheric waters (F32008)].
(2) 2018.01~2022.12,森林植物氮利用關鍵過程及其對大氣氮輸入的回響 (批准號: 41730855),主持,國家自然科學重點基金項目..
(3) 2018.01~2020.12,大氣氮污染物的穩定同位素示蹤研究,主持,天津市傑出青年基金.
(4) 2017.07~2020.12,區域氮、硫沉降時空分布與來源特徵(2017YFC0210101),課題負責人,國家重點研發計畫‘大氣污染成因與控制技術研究’專項項目(影響區域排放與沉降回響的關鍵大氣過程)課題.
(5) 2016.09~2021.09,生態系統碳氮耦合循環生物學機制(2016YFA0600802),項目骨幹,國家重點研發計畫-全球變化及應對專項(中國北方森林和草地生態系統碳氮耦合循環與碳源匯效應研究)課題.
(6) 2016.01~2018.12,氮同位素地球化學(批准號:41522301),主持,國家自然科學優秀青年基金.
(8) 2013.01~2016.12,苔蘚氮素利用機理及其穩定同位素分餾(批准號:41273026),主持,國家自然科學面上基金.
(9) 2010.01~2012.12,貴陽地區大氣氮沉降在石生苔蘚及其基質中的動態和效應研究(批准號:40903012),主持,國家自然科學青年基金.


Liu XY, Koba K, Makabe A, Li XD, Yoh M, Liu CQ. Ammonium first: natural mosses prefer atmospheric ammonium but vary utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen depending on habitat and nitrogen deposition. New Phytologist, accepted.
Liu XY, Koba K, Takebayashi Y, Liu CQ, Fang YT, Yoh M. (2012). Dual N and O isotopes of nitrate in natural plants: first insights into individual variability and organ-specific pattern. Biogeochemistry, in press.
Liu XY, Koba K, Liu CQ, Li XD, Yoh M. (2012). Pitfalls and new mechanisms in moss isotope bio-monitoring of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Science and Technology
Liu XY, Koba K, Yoh M, Liu CQ. (2012). Nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects of tissue nitrate associated with nitrate acquisition and utilization in the moss Hypnum plumaeforme. Functional Plant Biology
Liu XY, Koba K, Takebayashi Y, Liu CQ, Fang YT, Yoh M. (2012) Preliminary insights into δ15N and δ18O of nitrate in natural mosses: A new application of the denitrifier method. Environmental Pollution
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ. (2011) Physiological and isotopic signals in epilithic mosses for indicating anthropogenic sulfur on the urban-rural scale. Ecological Indicators
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Li YY, Xiao HW, Wang YL. (2010) Response of stable carbon isotope in epilithic mosses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Xiao HW, Wang YL. (2009) Assessment of atmospheric sulfur with the epilithic moss Haplocladium microphyllum: Evidences from tissue sulfur and δ34S analysis. Environmental Pollution,
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Li YY, Xiao HW. (2008) Atmospheric transport of urban-derived NHx: Evidences from nitrogen concentration and δ15N in epilithic mosses at Guiyang, SW China. Environmental Pollution,
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Li YY, Xiao HW. (2008) Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of the moss Haplocladium microphyllum in an urban and a background area (SW China): the role of environmental conditions and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Atmospheric Environment
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Li YY, Xiao HW. (2008) Tissue nitrogen and 15N natural abundance in epilithic mosses for indicating atmospheric N deposition at Guiyang area, SW China. Applied Geochemistry
Liu XY, Xiao HY, Liu CQ, Li YY (2007) δ13C and δ15N of moss (Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth) for indicating environment variations and canopy retention on atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Atmospheric Environment
Fang YT, Koba K, Yoh M, Makabe A, Liu XY. (2012) Pattern of foliar δ15N and its controls in Eastern Asian forests. Ecological Research, in press.
Fang YT, Koba K, Makabe A, Zhu FF, Fan SY, Liu XY, Yoh M. (2012). Low δ18O values of nitrate produced from nitrification in temperate forest soils. Environmental Science and Technology
Fang YT, Koba K, Wang XM, Wen DZ, Li J, Takebayshi Y, Liu XY, Yoh M. (2011) Anthropogenic imprints on nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation nitrate in a nitrogen polluted city of southern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Xiao HY, Tang CG, Xiao HW, Liu XY, Liu CQ. (2010) Stable sulphur and nitrogen isotopes of the moss Haplocladium microphyllum at urban, rural and forested sites. Atmospheric Environment
Xiao HY, Tang CG, Xiao HW, Liu XY, Liu CQ. (2010) Mosses indicating atmospheric nitrogen deposition and sources in the Yangtze river drainage basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Xio HY, Tang CG, Xiao HW, Wang YL, Liu XY, Liu CQ. (2010) Tissue S/N ratios and stable isotopes (δ34S and δ15N) of epilithic mosses (Haplocladium microphyllum) for showing air pollution in urban cities in Southern China. Environmental Pollution
Xiao HY, Tang CG, Xiao HW, Liu XY, Liu CQ. (2009) Identifying the change of atmospheric sulphur sources in China using isotopic ratios in mosses. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere
Xiao HY, Tang CG, Liu XY, Xiao HW, Liu CQ. (2008) Sulphur isotopic ratios in mosses indicating atmospheric sulphur sources in southern Chinese mountainous areas. Geophysical Research Letters.




