



  • 中文名:劉勇政
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:美國喬治亞州立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:公共經濟學;發展經濟學;中國經濟


副主編: Applied Economic Analysis (SSCI);Economic and Political Studies
審稿人: Review of Economic Studies; Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Public Economics; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Reveiw of Finance; European Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Regional Science; International Tax and Public Finance; Public Budgeting and Finance; Public Administration; Public Finance Review; FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis; Hacienda Publica Espanola/Reviews of Public Economics; Public Finance and Management; World Development; Social Choices and Welfare; Growth and Change; Journal of International Trade and Economic Development; Applied Economics; China Review; China-An International Journal; Computers, Environment and Urban Systems; Economics E-Journal; Journal of Asian and African Studies; Post-Communist Economies; World Economy; Economic Modelling; Contemporary Economic Analysis; Journal of Urban Affair; Annals of Regional Science; China Economic Review; Economic and Political Studies;《經濟研究》;《管理世界》;《金融研究》;《經濟理論與經濟管理》






財政競爭是財政聯邦制理論和實踐發展中的一個重要話題,也是過去二三十年間學術界非常活躍的一個研究領域。 《財政競爭:基本理論與中國經驗》從多個不同的角度拓展了有關財政競爭的基本理論研究,並為現有文獻提供了來自世界上的開發中國家——中國的經驗證據。全書緊緊圍繞兩大主題展開:一是從理論上探討財政競爭...


[1] "How do Tax Incentives Affect Investment and Productivity? Firm-Level Evidence from China,"(with J. Mao).American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,forthcoming.
[2] "Financial Constraints and Firm Tax Evasion," (with J. Alm and K. Zhang).International Tax and Public Finance,26(1), 2019, pp. 71-102.
[3] "Competition Policy and Trade Barriers: Empirical Evidence from China," (with G. Ye).Review of Industrial Organization,54(2), 2019, pp. 193-219.
[4] "Rawlsian vs. Utilitarian: Teachers' Incentives and the Distribution of Student Performance," (with Y. Xu).Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,174(3), 2018, pp. 548–569.
[5] "Internet and Income Inequality: A Research Note,"Economics Bulletin, 37(4), 2017, pp. 2846-2853.
[6] "Corruption, Taxation, and Tax Evasion," (with J. Alm).eJournalofTaxResearch, 15(2), 2017, pp. 161-189. (Invited)
[7] "Fiscal Decentralization, Equalization, and Intra-Provincial Inequality in China," (with J. Martinez-Vazquez and M. Wu).International Tax and Public Finance,24, 2017, pp. 248-281.
[8] "'Province-Managing-County' Fiscal Reform, Land Expansion, and Urban Growth in China," (with J. Alm).Journalof Housing Economics,33, 2016, pp. 82-100.
[9] "Do Government Preferences Matter for Tax Competition?",International Tax and Public Finance,23(2), 2016, 343-367.
[10] "Frozen in Time: The Much Needed Reform of Expenditures Assignments in China," (with J. Martinez-Vazquez and B. Qiao),Public Finance and Management,15(4), 2015, 297-325.
[11] "Public Input Competition underStackelberg Equilibrium: A Note," (with J. Martinez-Vazquez),Journal of Public Economic Theory,17(6), 2015, 1022-1037.
[12]"The Growth-Inequality Tradeoff in the Design of Tax Structure: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries," (with J. Martinez-Vazquez),Pacific Economic Review,20(2), 2015, pp. 323-345.
[13] "Rural Bound: Determinants of Metro to Non-metro Migration in the U.S." (with A. Rupasingha and M. Partridge),American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(3), 2015, pp. 680-700.
[14] "Tax Structure and Corruption: Cross-Country Evidence," (with H. Feng),Public Choice, 162(1), 2015, pp57-78.
[15] "Falling Short: Intergovernmental Transfers in China,"(with J. Martinez-Vazquez and B. Qiao),Public Finance and Management, 14(4), 2014, pp.374-398.
[16] "Inter-jurisdictional Tax Competition in China," (with J. Martinez-Vazquez),Journal of Regional Science, 54(4), 2014, pp. 606-628.
[17] "Does Competition for Capital Discipline Governments? The Role of Fiscal Equalization,"International Tax and Public Finance, 21(3), 2014, pp. 345-374.
[18] "China's Tax-for-Fee Reform and Village Inequality," (with J. Alm),Oxford Development Studies,42(1), 2014, pp.38-64.
[19] "Did China's Tax-for-Fee Reform Improve Farmers' Welfare in Rural Areas?"Journal of Development Studies,49(4), 2013, pp.516-532 (with J. Alm).
[20] "Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Local Tax Effort: Evidence from Provinces in China,"Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 14(4), 2011, pp.295-300 (with J. Zhao).
[21] "Measuring the Extent of Fiscal Decentralization: An Application to the U.S. States," in OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies: Measuring Fiscal Decentralization, ed. by J. Kim, J. Lotz and H. Blochliger, OECD Publishing, 2013 (with J. Martinez-Vazquez and A. Timofeev).
[22] "Direct versus Indirect Taxation: Trends, Theory and Economic Significance,"Papeles de Economia Espanola125-126, 2010, pp.77-111 (with J. Martinez-Vazquez and V. Vulovic).
--Reprinted in The Elgar Guide to Tax System, ed. by E. Albi and J. Martinez-Vazquez, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011.
[23] "Philippines: Designing a Local Government Enhancement Fund,"Asian Development Bank, 2011 (with J. Martinez-Vazquez).
[24]《“自上而下”與“自下而上”融合的政策設計——基於農村發展扶貧項目的經驗分析》,中國社會科學, 2017年第9期(與賈俊雪、秦聰合作).
[25]《中國的高速鐵路建設與城市經濟成長》,《金融研究》, 2017年第11期(與李岩合作).
[26]《中國的財政分權與政府信任》,《政治學研究》, 2015年第1期(與馮海波合作).
[27]《腐敗、公共支出效率與長期經濟成長》,《經濟研究》, 2011年第9期(與馮海波合作).
[28]《多重目標制約下的中國房產稅改革》,《財貿經濟》, 2011年第6期(與馮海波合作).
[8] "Inter-jurisdictional Tax Competition and the Loss of Farmland in China." Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Co-PI with J. Martinez-Vazquez. 2011-2012.(已結項)
2017: the China Public Finance Forum (Shanghai, China); the 73th IIPF Congress (Tokyo, Japan); the 5th International Conference on “the Shadow Economy, Tax Evasion and Informal Labor” (Warsaw, Poland); Workshop on PMM China IGR theme (Hong Kong, China); 2017 CCER Summer Institute (Yantai, China);中央財經大學;上海交通大學;廈門大學
2016: the ASSA meeting (San Francisco, USA); the China Public Finance Forum (Xiamen, China);中央財經大學;浙江大學
2015: the ASSA meeting (Boston, USA); the Chinese Economists Society (Chongqing, China); the International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China (Beijing, China); the 71th IIPF Congress (Dublin, Ireland); the China Public Finance Forum (Beijing, China);華中科技大學;中南財經政法大學華南師範大學
2014年:the Southern Economic Association Conference (Atlanta, GA, USA); the Biennial Conference of Hong Kong Economic Association (Jinan, China).
2013年:National Tax Association Conference (Tampa, FL, USA); the Southern Economic Association Conference (Tampa, FL, USA).
2012年:the Southern Economic Association Conference (New Orleans, LA, USA); the Chinese Economists Society (Kaifeng, China); the International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China (Guangzhou, China).
2011年:Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (Ann Arbor, MI, USA); Western Economic Association Conference (San Diego, CA, USA); the Allied Social Science Associations Conference (Denver, CO, USA).


[1]2018年,中國留美經濟學會“鄒至莊最佳論文獎”(Gregory Chow Best Paper Award), 1st Runner-up
[2] 2016年,第二屆“中國財政學論壇優秀論文獎”
[3] 2015年,中國留美經濟學會“最佳青年經濟學者獎”(The CES Best Junior Economist Award)
[4] 2015年,教育部第七屆高校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社會科學)三等獎
[5] 2014年, Dudley Seers Prize (Honorable Mention),Journal of Development Studies.
[6] 2013年,教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”
[7] 2013年,國家留學基金委“國家優秀留學生獎學金”
[8] 2013年, The Irving Fisher Article Award, Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society
[9] 2012年, The Best Third-Year Paper Award,美國喬治亞州立大學經濟系
[10] 2011年, The E.D. (Jack) Dunn Fellowship,美國喬治亞州立大學經濟系


