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劉偉群,博士,西南交通大學講師,2005年於中國科學技術大學機械設計製造及其自動化專業獲得工學學士學位, 2008年獲取中國科學技術大學機械電子工程專業碩士學位,2014年工程科學博士學位,2015年3月開始在西南交通大學任教。




(2)法國國家研究署(ANR)項目(寬頻能量回收研究 No. ANR-11-JS09-002-01 (REVilaBa Project)),主研.


[1] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa and Y P Wu, A new figure of merit for wideband vibration energy harvesters, Smart Materials and Structures 24 (12), 125012, 2015.
[2] Q Zhu, GD Hu and WQ Liu, Iterative learning control design method for linear discrete-time uncertain systems with iteratively periodic factors, Control Theory & Applications, IET 9 (15), 2305-2311, 2015.
[3] CHP Lorenz, S Hemour, W Liu, A Badel, F Formosa and K Wu, Hybrid Power Harvesting for Increased Power Conversion Efficiency, Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE 25 (10), 687-689, 2015.
[4] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y P Wu, A Agbossou and Nabil Bencheickh, A wideband integrated piezoelectric bistable generator: experimental performances evaluation and potential for real environmental vibrations, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and structures, 26 (7), 872-877, 2015.
[5] W Q Liu, F Formosa, A Badel, Y P Wu and A Agbossou, Self-powered nonlinear harvesting circuit with mechanical switches for a bistable generator with stoppers, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 216, 106-115, 2014.
[6] Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu and A Agbossou, Self-powered optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesting, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and structures, 2014. Doi: 10.1177/1045389X13517315.
[7] Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu and A Agbossou, Nonlinear vibration energy harvesting device integrating mechanical stoppers used as synchronous mechanical switches, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and structures, 2014. Doi: 10.1177/1045389X14533437.
[8] Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu and A E Agbossou, Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting by optimized synchronous electric charge extraction, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and structures, 24 (12), 1445-1458, 2013
[9] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y P Wu and A Agbossou, Wideband energy harvesting using a combination of an optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit and a bistable harvester, Smart Materials and Structures, 22(12), 125038, 2013.
[10] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y P Wu and A Agbossou, Novel piezoelectric bistable oscillator architecture for wideband vibration energy harvesting, Smart Materials and Structures, 22(3), 035013, 2013.
[11] W Q Liu, Z H Feng, J He and R B Liu,Maximum mechanical energy harvesting strategy for a piezoelement, Smart Materials and Structures, 16(6), 2130-2136, 2007.
[12] W Q Liu, Z H Feng, R B Liu and J Zhang,The influence of pre-amplifiers on the piezoelectric sensor’s dynamic property, Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, 125107, 2007.
[13] 趙娟, 劉偉群, 劉永斌,馮志華.壓電等應變梁能量回收裝置研究, 壓電與聲光, 第3期, 第21卷, 2010.
Conference proceeding
[1] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, C Z Liu and G D Hu, An improved switching control law for the optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660 (1), 012097,PowerMEMS2015, Boston, USA.
[2] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y P Wu and A Agbossou, Design and optimization of a novel bistable power generator for autonomous sensor nodes, Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), 2013 Symposium on, Barcelona, Spain.
[3] W Q Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y P Wu and A Agbossou, Integrated bistable generator for wideband energy harvesting with optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 476, PowerMEMS2013, London, British.
[4] Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu and A Agbossou, Two self-powered energy harvesting interfaces based on the optimized synchronous electric charge extraction technique, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 476, PowerMEMS2013, London, British.
[5] Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu and A Agbossou, Vibration Energy Extraction Circuit Optimization by Optimized Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction and Its Self-powered Circuit, The 23rd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies ICAST 2012, Nanjing, China..


