瑞典查爾姆斯理工大學(Chalmers University of Technology);
2015至今,編輯委員會委員,International Journal of Construction Management;
博士論文外部評審:External examiner: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015), National University of Singapore (2014).
2011.9-2012.10,編輯委員會委員,Proceedings of ICE – Management, Procurement and Law ;
2010,專集編輯,EI國際期刊Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 17(6);
[1] 2016至今,負責人,《天津市勘察設計單位信用指標評價體系建設》,天津建委;
[2] 2016.7-2017.12,負責人,《基於角色扮演的“魚缸”教學法的“項目風險管理”課程教學改革》,天津大學研究生創新人才培養;
[3] 2016.9至今,負責人,《國際工程項目匯率風險管理指南》,中石化煉化工程(集團)股份有限公司;
[4] 2016.7-2019.6,負責人,《文化距離對合作績效影響研究:基於聯營體成員心智模式差異的中介作用》,教育部人文社會科學研究規劃基金;
[5] 2016.5-2016.8,負責人,《境外基礎設施投資及產業園區建設模式分析》,外交部;
[6] 2015.6-2017.6,負責人,《基於PBL和Seminar模式的項目風險管理課程教學改革》,天津大學研究生創新人才培養;
[7] 2015.1-2015.12,負責人,《風險決策情境下的“項目風險管理”課程改革》,天津大學2014年本科教學綜合改革立項計畫;
[8] 2014.1-2014.12,負責人,《“自下而上”視角下國際工程企業的全面風險管理體系構建研究》,天津大學;
[9] 2013.1-2013.12,負責人,《中新天津生態城利益相關者協同管理研究》,天津大學自主創新基金;
[10] 2013.1-2015.12,負責人,《國際工程風險管理投入決策最佳化研究》,
[11] 2012.5-2013.4,負責人,《面向課程的研究生國際化教育改革方案研究》,天津大學研究生創新人才培養;
[12] 2011.12-2013.12,負責人,《套用思維導圖的討論式教學研究》,天津市教育科學規劃課題;
[13] 2011.5-2012.5,負責人,《全壽命周期視角下工程風險管理情境教育建設》,天津大學本科教學綜合改革立項項目;
[14] 2011.7.1-2012.06.30,負責人,《項目風險管理課程互動式e-Learning教學平台建設》,天津大學“211創新人才培養”——
[15] 2011.6.15-2011.12.31,負責人,《EPC管道工程項目工程保險最佳化管理研究》,
[16] 2011-2013,第二負責人,《面向過程的工程項目交易方式選擇及其實證研究》,國家自然科學基金;
[17] 2010.1.1-2011.12.31,負責人,《全面風險管理對企業績效的影響機理:中國與新加坡建築企業的實證研究》,天津大學自主創新基金;
[18] 2008.5.8-2010.5.8,第三負責人,《國際工程項目管理交流培訓及策劃諮詢》,寰球工程項目管理(北京)有限公司;
[19] 2008.9.1-2009,負責人,《國際工程項目管理流程規範化》,中國鐵道建設(香港)有限公司;
[20] 2008-2010,第三負責人,《工程項目交易方式及其效率衡量體系研究》,國家自然科學基金;
[22] 2007.1.1-2009.12,負責人,《基於組織學習推動的建築企業風險管理模式》,教育部留學啟動基金資助項目;
[23] 2007.3-2009.3,項目組成員,《我國工程總承包市場資源配置效率研究》,建設部軟科學研究項目;
[24] 2004-2005,項目組成員,《建設工程相關職業責任及職業責任保險研究》,建設部;
[25] 2003.11-2004.12,項目組成員,《監理職業責任及職業責任保險的研究》,
[26] 2000.11-2001.11,項目組成員,《關於CDMA市場拓展研究》,聯通公司;
[27] 2000-2002,項目組成員,《我國建設工程質量保障體系完善的研究》,國家自然科學基金;
[30] 1998-1999,項目組成員,《面向21世紀建設管理體制改革研究—契約與風險管理》,建設部;
[31] 1997-1999,項目組成員,《跨國油氣管道項目契約與政策法規研究》,
[32] 1997,項目組成員,《九七軟——規範住宅價格,使住宅價格成為新的消費熱點和新的經濟成長點,第三子課題:規範住宅建築安裝費用研究》,天津建委。
[1] 李志永,劉俊穎 (2015) 國際工程項目管理實操[M]. 北京:
[2] 劉俊穎主編 (2014) 工程管理研究前沿與趨勢[M]. 北京: 中國城市出版社.
[3] 劉俊穎,李志永 (2013) 國際工程風險管理[M]. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社.
[4] Liu, J. Y. (2011) Best practice and challenges of engineering project management of Chinese contractors, International Reading in Construction Business and Marketing by Khairuddin, A.R., Preece, C.N. & Sharina Farihah, H. Editors, IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0225-52-4.
[5] 劉俊穎譯 (2011) 項目中的風險管理[M]. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, ISBN: 9787112122233. Loosemore, M, Raftery J, Reilly, C and Higgon D (2005) Risk management in projects, Second Edition, E and F N Spon, London.
王雪青主編, 劉俊穎參編 (2011) 工程項目成本規劃與控制[M]. 北京:中國建築工業出版社.
[7] 王雪青, 呂文學, 孫利國, 畢星, 余志峰, 劉俊穎 (2000) 國際工程項目管理(“九五”國家重點圖書, 獲2002年教育部全國普通高等學校優秀教材二等獎)[M]. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社.
[1] Liu, J. Y., Xie, Q. X., Xia, B., Bridge, A. (2017) Impact of design risk factors on the performance of DB projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, (SCI/SSCI)
[2] Liu, J. Y., Geng, L. N., Xia, B., Bridge, A. (2017) "Never let a good crisis go to waste": Exploring the effects of psychological distance of project failure on learning intention. Journal of Management in Engineering. (SCI/SSCI)
[3] Liu, J. Y., Jin, F., Xie, Q. X., Skitmore, M. (2017) Improving risk assessment in financial feasibility of international engineering projects: A risk driver perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2): 204–211. (SSCI)
[4] Liu, J. Y., Zhao, X. B., Li, Y. (2016) Exploring the factors inducing contractors’ unethical behavior: The case of China. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. (SCI/SSCI)
[5] 劉俊穎,韓潔,向文武(2016) 國際EPC項目“步步驚心”,風險管理“保駕護航”,中國管理案例共享中心,2016.
[6] 劉俊穎,閆鵬,尹貽林 (2016) 風險偏好視角下工程項目風險分擔研究. 科技進步與對策,33(16):96-101.
[7] 林森,李志永,劉俊穎 (2016) 國際工程項目中見索即付保函實務及案例分析. 國際經濟合作.
[8] 謝群霞,趙珊珊,劉俊穎 (2016) 國際工程EPC項目設計工作界面風險管理. 國際經濟合作,7:44-48.
[9] 曾令銳,劉俊穎 (2016) 基於情景規劃的工程契約調價風險研究. 國際經濟合作,3:75-78.
[10] Liu, J. Y., Zhao, X. B., Yan, P. (2016) Exploring risk paths in international construction projects: Case study from Chinese contractors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001116, 05016002. (SCI/SSCI)
[11] Liu, J. Y., Low, S. P., Wang, L. F. (2016) Critical success factors for eco-city development in China, International Journal of Construction Management.
[12] Liu, J. Y., Fellows, R. and Meng, F.Y. (2015) An exploratory study of understanding project risk management from the perspective of national culture. International Journal of Project Management, 33:564-575. (SSCI)
[13] Wu, P., Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y., Pienaar, J., Xia, B. (2015) Critical success factors in distance learning construction programs at Central Queensland University: Students’ perspective. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 141(1), 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000217. (SCI)
[14] Liu, J. Y., Zou, P. X. W. and Meng, F.Y. (2014) Does expectation match reality? – An examination of risk management education in China. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 140(3):10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000200, 04014002. (SCI)
[15] 劉俊穎,張強 (2014) “敢問路在何方”中國國際承包商的海外市場開發,第五屆全國百篇優秀管理案例”,2014.
[16] Liu, J. Y., Josephson, Per-Erik, and Rong, S. (2013) Contractors’ practices in bidding processes: a comparative study between China and Sweden. Seventh International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-VII), Challenges in Innovation, Integration and Collaboration in Construction & Engineering, December 19-21, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
[17] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y., Ng, H. M. S. and Liu, X. (2013) Enterprise Risk Management and the performance of local contractors in Singapore. International Journal of Construction Management, 13(2): 27-41.
[18] Liu, J. Y., Zou, P. X. W. and Gong, W. (2013) Managing project risk at enterprise level: Exploratory case studies in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(9): 1268-1274. (SCI/SSCI)
[19] Liu, J. Y., Low, S. P. and Yang, J. (2013) Conceptual framework for assessing the impact of green practices on collaborative working in China's construction industry. Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 139(3): 248-255. (SCI)
[20] 劉俊穎,何溪 (2012) 建築企業全面風險管理成熟度模型. 科技進步與對策,29(18):48-52.
[21] Liu, J. Y., Low, S. P. and He, X. (2012) Green practices in the Chinese building industry: Drivers and impediments. Journal of Technology Management in China, 7(1): 50-63.
[22] Chen, Y. Q., Zhang, Y. B., Liu, J. Y. (通訊作者) and Mo, P. (2012) Interrelationships among critical success factors of construction projects based on structural equation model. Journal of Management in Engineering, 28(3): 243-251. (SCI/SSCI)
[23] Liu, J. Y., Low, S. P. and He, X. (2011) Current practices and challenges of implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Chinese construction enterprises. International Journal of Construction Management, 11(4): 49-63.
[24] Liu, J. Y., Low, S. P. and Niu, M. M. (2011) Challenges and opportunities for cross-border acquisitions by Chinese construction enterprises. Journal of Technology Management in China, 6(2): 140-152.
[25] 劉俊穎,何溪 (2011) 房地產企業開發綠色建築項目的影響因素分析. 國際經濟合作,3:82-85.
[26] Chen, Y. Q., Liu, J. Y. (通訊作者), Li, B. G. and Lin B. S. (2011) Project delivery system selection of construction projects in China. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5): 5456–5462. (SCI/SSCI)
[27] Liu, J. Y. and Low, S. P. (2011) Work-family conflicts experienced by project managers in the Chinese construction industry. International Journal of Project Management, 29(2): 117–128. (SSCI)
[28] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Kumaraswamy, M. (2010) Institutional Compliance Framework and Business Continuity Management in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19(5): 596-614. (SSCI)
[29] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Yang, L. W. (2010) Work-family life of consultant quantity surveyors in Singapore. Journal of Quantity Surveying and Construction Business, 1(1): 1-23.
[30] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Sio, S. (2010) Business continuity management in large construction companies in Singapore. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19(2): 219-232. (SSCI)
[31] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,何溪 (2010) 建築企業的全面風險管理體系研究與實踐探索. 國際經濟合作,3:9-12.
[32] Low, S. P. and Liu, J. Y. (2009) Causes of construction delays and their contractual provisions in Chinese mainland. International Construction Law Review, 26(2): 463-488.
[33] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Wu, P. (2009) Sustainable facilities: Institutional compliance and the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city project. Facilities, 27(9/10): 368-386.
[34] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,陳晨 (2009) 目標價格契約激勵模式及失效原因探究. 國際經濟合作,9:58-62.
[35] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Cheong, A. (2009) Total Quality Management and Hoshin Kanri for construction organizations. Business Review, 4(1): 49-80.
[36] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Tan, I. (2009) PSSCOC and causes of construction delays in Singapore and four selected ASEAN countries. International Construction Law Review, 334-358.
[37] Liu, J. Y. and Low, S. P. (2009) Developing an organizational learning-based model for risk management in Chinese construction firms: a research agenda. Disaster Prevention and Management, 18(2): 170-186. (SSCI)
[38] 薛敬,劉俊穎 (2009) 國際工程聯營體的風險分析與評價. 國際經濟合作,3:62-65.
[39] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and He, S. (2009) External risk management practices of Chinese construction firms in Singapore. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 13(2):85-95. (SCI)
[40] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,趙祺 (2008) 風險感知對於建築業業務連續性管理的影響. 第二屆中國工程管理論壇論文集,鄂爾多斯,9月3日至5日. 306-309.
[41] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Kumaraswamy M (2008) BCM in construction: A regional perspective. The Singapore Engineer, November 35-40.
[42] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and He, S. (2008) Management of external risks: Case study of a Chinese construction firm at infancy stage in Singapore, International Journal of Construction Management, 8(2): 1-15.
[43] 孫曉丹,王勃,劉俊穎 (2008) 國際工程承包項目匯率風險應對. 國際經濟合作,9:57-60.
[44] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Lim, J. (2008) Implications of thermal and building integrity performance on buildability of a worker dormitories project. Structural Survey, 26(2): 142-164.
[45] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,楊菲 (2008) 國際工程聯營體的文化風險管理. 建築經濟,8:92-95.
[46] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Sio, S. (2008) Attitudes towards Business Continuity Management. The Singapore Engineer, Institution of Engineers, Singapore, June: 36-44.
[47] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,葉芃 (2008) 建築企業多元化發展風險辨析與對策. 國際經濟合作, 5:56-59.
[48] 劉俊穎,劉向偉,劉瑞平 (2008) 《道德經》在項目經理非權力性領導力培養的運用. 項目管理技術,58(4):66-69.
[49] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Soh, S. S. (2008) Chinese foreign workers in Singapore's construction industry. Journal of Technology Management in China, 3(2): 211-223.
[50] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Wong, H. L. (2008) Relationship between buildability, indoor air quality and visual performance. Structural Survey, 26(1): 38-54.
[51] Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y. and Oh K. H. (2008) Influence of total building performance, spatial and acoustic concepts on buildability scores of facilities. Facilities, 26(1): 85-104.
[52] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,劉振聚 (2008) 中新生態城項目開發的風險分析. 國際經濟合作, 2:56-59.
[53] Liu, J. Y. and Wu, H. J. (2008) The dragon looks west. International Construction Review, 1: 24-25.
[54] Liu, J. Y. and Low, S. P. (2007) Enhancing buildability in China’s construction industry using Singapore’s Buildable Design Appraisal System. Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3): 264-278.
[55] 詹繼超,劉俊穎,王錚 (2007) 無效溝通引發的風險與對策. 國際經濟合作, 11:53-56.
[56] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平,葛若 (2007) 組織學習型模式在建築企業風險管理中的套用. 天津大學學報(社科版),9(6):517-520.
[57] 趙珊珊,劉俊穎,李海麗 (2007) 海外工程項目中雇員安全健康的風險應對. 國際經濟合作,8:67-70.
[58] 劉俊穎,李海麗,季國忠 (2007) 工程保險業務承保方式相關問題辨析. 國際經濟合作,5:67-69.
[59] Liu, J. Y., Li, B. G., Lin, B. S. and Nguyen, V. (2007) Key issues and challenges of risk management and insurance in China's construction industry: An empirical study. Journal of Industrial Management and Data Systems (IMDS), 107(3): 382-396.
[60] Liu, J. Y. and Kang L. Q. (2007) China takes the stage. International Construction Review, 3: 10-11.
[61] Liu, J. Y. (2007) Ready to go, Higher Education China. International Construction Review, 3: 25-27.
[62] 劉俊穎,劉瑞平 (2007) 建立組織學習模式提升風險管理能力. 國際經濟合作,2:51-54.
[63] 劉俊穎,張炯,許劍濤 (2006) 國際工程保險索賠中的保險原則問題. 國際經濟合作,12:40-43.
[64] Liu, J. Y., Flanagan, R., Jewell, C. and Li, B. (2006) An empirical study of risk management for the construction industry in China. Proceedings of 37th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. November: 7.
[65] 劉俊穎,李海麗,劉欣 (2006) 在國際工程市場如何選擇保險經紀. 國際經濟合作,10:46-48.
[66] 劉俊穎,劉欣,曹威 (2006) 工程潛在缺陷保險研究. 國際經濟合作,9:43-45.
[67] Liu, J. Y., Flanagan, R. and Jewell, C. (2006) The transfer of construction risks in China - an insurance industry perspective. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management & the 1st International Conference on Asian Industrial Engineering and Management, Qingdao. August: 7.
[68] 劉俊穎,李志永,劉夢嬌 (2006) 海外工程保險索賠問題及對策. 國際經濟合作,8:49-51.
[69] 劉俊穎,李賽,劉欣 (2006) 對外工程承包公司的恐怖險研究. 國際經濟合作,6:39-42.
[70] 劉俊穎,劉欣,張振宇 (2006) 國際承包工程保險:中國建築企業面臨挑戰. 國際經濟合作,3:53-55.
[71] Liu, J. Y., and Flanagan, R. (2005) Insurance and construction project risks. Proceedings of the First Annual Built Environment Education Conference. 5-6 September, RICS, London.
[72] Liu, J. Y., Flanagan, R. and Li, Z. Y. (2003) Why does China need risk management in its construction industry. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management. September, University of Brighton. 453-462.