



  • 中文名:劉俊升
  • 畢業院校:華東師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:兒童青少年社會性發展
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學心理與認知科學學院


1998.9-2002.7 華東師範大學心理學系 學士
2002.9-2007.7 華東師範大學心理學系 博士
2007.7-2009.8 上海師範大學心理學系 講師
2009.9-2013.8 上海師範大學心理學系 副教授
2013.9-2016.9 上海師範大學心理學系 教授
兼任中國心理學會發展心理專業委員會委員、中國教育學會學校教育心理學分會理事、上海市心理學會常務理事兼秘書長、上海市心理衛生學會理事、上海市心理學會德育心理專業委員會副主任。Social Development、《心理科學》及《教育生物學雜誌》編委。2010-2011年,加拿大西安大略大學心理酷墊翻酷學系和美國賓夕法尼亞大學套用心理學系訪問教禁達授。
Social Development雜誌編委


1 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2020-2023.
2教育部人文社會科學研究規劃基金項目, 2018-2021.
3 國家自然科學基金青年項目,2014-2017.
4 上海市教育委員會科研創新重點項目,2014-2016.
6 上海市“浦江人才立嘗籃判計畫”項目, 2011-2013.
7 上海教育科學規劃項目,2011-2013
8 國家社科基金教育學青年課題, 2008-2011.
9 上海市教育發展基金會“晨光計畫”項目, 2008-2010.
10 上海市教育委員會科研創新項影笑腿目,2008-2010.
Junsheng Liu, Julie Bowker, Robert Coplan, Panpan Yang, Dan Li, & Xinyin Chen. (2018). Evaluating links among shyness, peer relations, and internalizing problems in Chinese young adolescents.Journal of Research on Adolescence. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12406
Junsheng Liu, Bowen Xiao, Will Hipson, Robert Coplan, Panpan Yang, & Charissa Cheah. (2018). Self-regulation, learning problems and maternal authoritarian parenting in Chinese children: A developmental cascades model.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(12), 4060-4070.
Huiguang Ren, Shuyan Sun, Charissa Cheah, Biao Sang, &Junsheng Liu. (2018). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the parent attributions questionnaire among Asian American mothers.International Journal of Behavior Development.Advance online publication.DOI:10.1177/0165025418798492.
Junsheng Liu, Amanda Bullock, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Ying Zhou. (2018). Developmental cascade models linking peer victimization, depression, and academic achievement in Chinese children.British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36, 47-63.
Xinyin Chen, Rui Fu,Junsheng Liu*, Li Wang, Lynn Zarbatany,& Wendy Ellis. (2018).Social sensitivity and social, school, and psychological adjustment among children across contexts.Developmental Psychology, 54(6), 1124-1134.
Amanda Bullock,Junsheng Liu, Charissa Cheah, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2018). The role of adolescents' perceived parental psychological control in the links between shyness and socio-emotional adjustment among youth.Journal of Adolescence, 68, 117-126.
Yiyang Le,Junsheng Liu, Ciping Deng, & Yun Dai. (2018). Heart rate variability reflects the effects of emotional design principle on mental effort in multimedia learning.Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 40-47.
Nan Zhou, Charissa Cheah,Yan Li,Junsheng Liu, & Shuyan Sun. (2018).The role of maternal and child characteristics in Chinese children’s dietary intake across three groups.Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43(5), 503-512.
Xinyin Chen, Dan Li,Junsheng Liu, Huichang Chen, & Siman Zhao. (2018). Judgments of damage to public versus private property in Chinese children at different historical times.Developmental Science,21(1), e12506
Rui Fu, Xinyin Chen,Junsheng Liu, & Dan Li. (2018). Relations between social comparison orientation and adjustment in Chinese adolescents: Moderating effects of initial adjustment status.International Journal of Psychology, 53(2), 133-141.
Biao Sang, Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan,Junsheng Liu,Tingting Pan, & Xingyi Feng. (2018). Assessment and implications of social avoidance in Chinese early adolescents.The Journal of Early Adolescence,38, 554-573.
Xiaoshi Liu, Rui Fu, Dan Li,Junsheng Liu, & Xinyin Chen. (2018). Self-and group-orientations and adjustment in urban and rural Chinese children.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,49(9),1440-1456.
Junsheng Liu, Xinyin Chen, Ying Zhou, Rui Fu, Dan Li, & Robert Coplan. (2017). Relations of shyness-sensitivity and unsociability with adjustment in middle childhood and early adolescence in suburban Chinese children.International Journal of Behavioral Development,41(6), 681-687.
Junsheng Liu, Bowen Xiao, Will E. Hipson, Robert J. Coplan, Dan Li, & Xinyin Chen. (2017). Self-control peer preference, and loneliness in Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study.Social Development,26(4), 876-890.
Robert J. Coplan,Junsheng Liu*,Jian Cao, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2017). Shyness and school adjustment in Chinese children: The roles of teachers and peers.School Psychology Quarterly,32(1), 131-142.
Dan Li, Rongwei Zhang, Shihong Liu,Junsheng Liu, & Ting Zhang. (2017). The characteristics of Chinese adolescents with suicidal ideation: A mixed-methods approach.Journal of Adolescent Research.Advance online publication.DOI: 10.1177/0743558417723603.
Xinyin Chen,Junsheng Liu*,Wendy Ellis, & Lynne Zarbatany. (2016). Social sensitivity and adjustment in Chinese and Canadian children.Child Development, 87(4), 1115-1129.
Robert Coplan,Junsheng Liu*,Laura Ooi, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Xuechen Ding. (2016). A person-oriented analysis of social withdrawal in Chinese children.Social Development,25(4),794-811.
Mila Kingsbury,Junsheng Liu*, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2016). Assessment and implications of coping styles in response to a social stressor among early adolescents in China.TheJournal of Early Adolescence, 36(2), 222-250.
Ying Zhou, Amanda Bullock,Junsheng Liu*,Rui Fu, Robert Coplan, & Charissa Cheah. (2016). Validation of the self-regulation scale in Chinese children.Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 34(6), 589-594.
Junsheng Liu, Xinyin Chen, Robert J. Coplan, R., Xuechen Ding, Lynn Zarbatany, L., & Wendy Ellis (2015). Shyness and unsociability and their relations with adjustment in Chinese and Canadian children.Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology, 46(3), 371-386.
Junsheng Liu, Dan Li, Urip Purwono, Xinyin Chen, & Doran C. French. (2015). Loneliness of Indonesian and Chinese adolescents as predicted by relationships with parents and friends.Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 61(3), 362-382.
Junsheng Liu, Robert Coplan, Laura Ooi, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2015). Examining the implications of social anxiety in a community sample of mainland Chinese children.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(10), 979-993.
Xuechen Ding, Weeks Murray,Junsheng Liu*,Biao Sang, & Ying Zhou. (2015). Relations between unsociability and peer problems in Chinese children: Moderating effect of behavioral control.Infant and Child Development,24,94-103.
Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan, Biao Sang,Junsheng Liu, Tingting Pan, & Chen Cheng.(2015) Young Chinese children’s beliefs about the implications of subtypes of social withdrawal: A first look at social avoidance.British Journal of Developmental Psychology,33, 159-173.
Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan, Biao Sang,Junsheng Liu, Tingting Pan, & Chen Cheng.(2015) Starting small: Revisiting young children's perceptions of social withdrawal in China.British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33, 183-186.
Junsheng Liu, Robert J. Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, Xuechen Ding, & Ying Zhou. (2014). Unsociability and shyness in Chinese children: Concurrent and predictive relations with indices of adjustment.Social Development, 23(1), 119-136.
Junsheng Liu,Amanda Bullock, & Robert J. Coplan. (2014). Predictive relations between peer victimization and academic achievement in the Chinese children.School Psychology Quarterly, 29(1), 89-98.
Xuechen Ding.,Junsheng Liu*,Robert J. Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, &Biao Sang.(2014). Self-reported shyness in Chinese children: Validation of the Children’s shyness Questionnaire and exploration of its links with adjustment and the role of coping.Personality and Individual difference. 68,183-188.
Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, Dan Li, &Junsheng Liu. (2014). Loneliness. in Chinese children across contexts.Developmental Psychology, 50(10), 2324-2333.
Junsheng Liu,Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Doran French.(2012). Shyness-sensitivity, aggression, and adjustment in urban Chinese adolescents at different historical times.Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(3),393-399.
Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, &Junsheng Liu.(2012) .Adolescent Cultural Values and Adjustment in the Changing Chinese Society. In Gisela Trommsdorff & Xinyin Chen (Eds).Values, Religion, and Culture in Adolescent Development. The Cambridge University Press.
劉俊升,周穎,李丹,陳欣銀. (2015). 兒童中期和青春期早期獨處偏好與心理適應之關係:有調節的中介效應.心理學報, 47(8), 1004-1012.
劉俊升,周穎,李丹(2013).童年中晚期孤獨感的發展軌跡:一項潛變數增長模型分析.心理學報, 45(2):179-192.
李丹,宗麗娟,劉俊升*(2013).外化問題行為與集體道德情緒、集體責任行為之關係:班級氛圍的調節效應.心理學報,45 (9): 1015-1025.


1 2019年,朱智賢心理學獎(卓越獎)
2 2016年,教育部霍英東教育基金會第十五屆高等院校青年教師獎
3 2012年,上海市曙光學者
4 2011年,上海市浦江人才計畫
6 2016年,上海市哲學社會科學優秀成果獎(論文類)二等獎
7 2015年,上海普通高校優秀教材獎
8 2015年,上海市第十一屆教育科學研究優秀成果獎三等獎
9 2014年,上海市哲學社會科學優秀成果獎(論文類)二等獎
Junsheng Liu, Bowen Xiao, Will Hipson, Robert Coplan, Panpan Yang, & Charissa Cheah. (2018). Self-regulation, learning problems and maternal authoritarian parenting in Chinese children: A developmental cascades model.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(12), 4060-4070.
Huiguang Ren, Shuyan Sun, Charissa Cheah, Biao Sang, &Junsheng Liu. (2018). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the parent attributions questionnaire among Asian American mothers.International Journal of Behavior Development.Advance online publication.DOI:10.1177/0165025418798492.
Junsheng Liu, Amanda Bullock, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Ying Zhou. (2018). Developmental cascade models linking peer victimization, depression, and academic achievement in Chinese children.British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36, 47-63.
Xinyin Chen, Rui Fu,Junsheng Liu*, Li Wang, Lynn Zarbatany,& Wendy Ellis. (2018).Social sensitivity and social, school, and psychological adjustment among children across contexts.Developmental Psychology, 54(6), 1124-1134.
Amanda Bullock,Junsheng Liu, Charissa Cheah, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2018). The role of adolescents' perceived parental psychological control in the links between shyness and socio-emotional adjustment among youth.Journal of Adolescence, 68, 117-126.
Yiyang Le,Junsheng Liu, Ciping Deng, & Yun Dai. (2018). Heart rate variability reflects the effects of emotional design principle on mental effort in multimedia learning.Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 40-47.
Nan Zhou, Charissa Cheah,Yan Li,Junsheng Liu, & Shuyan Sun. (2018).The role of maternal and child characteristics in Chinese children’s dietary intake across three groups.Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43(5), 503-512.
Xinyin Chen, Dan Li,Junsheng Liu, Huichang Chen, & Siman Zhao. (2018). Judgments of damage to public versus private property in Chinese children at different historical times.Developmental Science,21(1), e12506
Rui Fu, Xinyin Chen,Junsheng Liu, & Dan Li. (2018). Relations between social comparison orientation and adjustment in Chinese adolescents: Moderating effects of initial adjustment status.International Journal of Psychology, 53(2), 133-141.
Biao Sang, Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan,Junsheng Liu,Tingting Pan, & Xingyi Feng. (2018). Assessment and implications of social avoidance in Chinese early adolescents.The Journal of Early Adolescence,38, 554-573.
Xiaoshi Liu, Rui Fu, Dan Li,Junsheng Liu, & Xinyin Chen. (2018). Self-and group-orientations and adjustment in urban and rural Chinese children.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,49(9),1440-1456.
Junsheng Liu, Xinyin Chen, Ying Zhou, Rui Fu, Dan Li, & Robert Coplan. (2017). Relations of shyness-sensitivity and unsociability with adjustment in middle childhood and early adolescence in suburban Chinese children.International Journal of Behavioral Development,41(6), 681-687.
Junsheng Liu, Bowen Xiao, Will E. Hipson, Robert J. Coplan, Dan Li, & Xinyin Chen. (2017). Self-control peer preference, and loneliness in Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study.Social Development,26(4), 876-890.
Robert J. Coplan,Junsheng Liu*,Jian Cao, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2017). Shyness and school adjustment in Chinese children: The roles of teachers and peers.School Psychology Quarterly,32(1), 131-142.
Dan Li, Rongwei Zhang, Shihong Liu,Junsheng Liu, & Ting Zhang. (2017). The characteristics of Chinese adolescents with suicidal ideation: A mixed-methods approach.Journal of Adolescent Research.Advance online publication.DOI: 10.1177/0743558417723603.
Xinyin Chen,Junsheng Liu*,Wendy Ellis, & Lynne Zarbatany. (2016). Social sensitivity and adjustment in Chinese and Canadian children.Child Development, 87(4), 1115-1129.
Robert Coplan,Junsheng Liu*,Laura Ooi, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Xuechen Ding. (2016). A person-oriented analysis of social withdrawal in Chinese children.Social Development,25(4),794-811.
Mila Kingsbury,Junsheng Liu*, Robert Coplan, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2016). Assessment and implications of coping styles in response to a social stressor among early adolescents in China.TheJournal of Early Adolescence, 36(2), 222-250.
Ying Zhou, Amanda Bullock,Junsheng Liu*,Rui Fu, Robert Coplan, & Charissa Cheah. (2016). Validation of the self-regulation scale in Chinese children.Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 34(6), 589-594.
Junsheng Liu, Xinyin Chen, Robert J. Coplan, R., Xuechen Ding, Lynn Zarbatany, L., & Wendy Ellis (2015). Shyness and unsociability and their relations with adjustment in Chinese and Canadian children.Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology, 46(3), 371-386.
Junsheng Liu, Dan Li, Urip Purwono, Xinyin Chen, & Doran C. French. (2015). Loneliness of Indonesian and Chinese adolescents as predicted by relationships with parents and friends.Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 61(3), 362-382.
Junsheng Liu, Robert Coplan, Laura Ooi, Xinyin Chen, & Dan Li. (2015). Examining the implications of social anxiety in a community sample of mainland Chinese children.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(10), 979-993.
Xuechen Ding, Weeks Murray,Junsheng Liu*,Biao Sang, & Ying Zhou. (2015). Relations between unsociability and peer problems in Chinese children: Moderating effect of behavioral control.Infant and Child Development,24,94-103.
Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan, Biao Sang,Junsheng Liu, Tingting Pan, & Chen Cheng.(2015) Young Chinese children’s beliefs about the implications of subtypes of social withdrawal: A first look at social avoidance.British Journal of Developmental Psychology,33, 159-173.
Xuechen Ding, Robert Coplan, Biao Sang,Junsheng Liu, Tingting Pan, & Chen Cheng.(2015) Starting small: Revisiting young children's perceptions of social withdrawal in China.British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33, 183-186.
Junsheng Liu, Robert J. Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, Xuechen Ding, & Ying Zhou. (2014). Unsociability and shyness in Chinese children: Concurrent and predictive relations with indices of adjustment.Social Development, 23(1), 119-136.
Junsheng Liu,Amanda Bullock, & Robert J. Coplan. (2014). Predictive relations between peer victimization and academic achievement in the Chinese children.School Psychology Quarterly, 29(1), 89-98.
Xuechen Ding.,Junsheng Liu*,Robert J. Coplan, Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, &Biao Sang.(2014). Self-reported shyness in Chinese children: Validation of the Children’s shyness Questionnaire and exploration of its links with adjustment and the role of coping.Personality and Individual difference. 68,183-188.
Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, Dan Li, &Junsheng Liu. (2014). Loneliness. in Chinese children across contexts.Developmental Psychology, 50(10), 2324-2333.
Junsheng Liu,Xinyin Chen, Dan Li, & Doran French.(2012). Shyness-sensitivity, aggression, and adjustment in urban Chinese adolescents at different historical times.Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(3),393-399.
Xinyin Chen, Li Wang, &Junsheng Liu.(2012) .Adolescent Cultural Values and Adjustment in the Changing Chinese Society. In Gisela Trommsdorff & Xinyin Chen (Eds).Values, Religion, and Culture in Adolescent Development. The Cambridge University Press.
劉俊升,周穎,李丹,陳欣銀. (2015). 兒童中期和青春期早期獨處偏好與心理適應之關係:有調節的中介效應.心理學報, 47(8), 1004-1012.
劉俊升,周穎,李丹(2013).童年中晚期孤獨感的發展軌跡:一項潛變數增長模型分析.心理學報, 45(2):179-192.
李丹,宗麗娟,劉俊升*(2013).外化問題行為與集體道德情緒、集體責任行為之關係:班級氛圍的調節效應.心理學報,45 (9): 1015-1025.


1 2019年,朱智賢心理學獎(卓越獎)
2 2016年,教育部霍英東教育基金會第十五屆高等院校青年教師獎
3 2012年,上海市曙光學者
4 2011年,上海市浦江人才計畫
6 2016年,上海市哲學社會科學優秀成果獎(論文類)二等獎
7 2015年,上海普通高校優秀教材獎
8 2015年,上海市第十一屆教育科學研究優秀成果獎三等獎
9 2014年,上海市哲學社會科學優秀成果獎(論文類)二等獎


