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1982.09-1986.07 湖南農業大學(現),農業系,學士
1991.09-1994.07 中國農業大學資源與環境學院,碩士
1994.09-1996.02 中國農業大學資源與環境學院,博士生
1998.10-2002.12 德國蒂賓根大學植物分子生物學中心(ZMBP),博士 (生物學)


1986.08-1991.08 湖南保靖農業局 (土肥站), 站長
1996.03-1998.09 德國霍因海姆大學(Hohenheim Uni.)、蒂賓根大學(Tübingen Uni.)工作、學習
2002.12-2004.10 英國劍橋大學植物科學系,博士後
2004.11-2006.01 英國劍橋大學植物科學系,兼 (獨立性) 博士後研究員
2004.10- 中國農業大學特殊引進學術人才,資源與環境學院,教授


1. 國際學術刊物 《Plant Signaling & Behavior》的編委 ( 2006- )
2. 國際學術刊物《植物學研究》期刊的主編 ( 2012.03- )
3. 中南民族大學(生物學院)兼職特聘教授 ( 2011.01-2013.12 )
4. 湖南農業大學(農學院)特聘講座教授 (2013.03-2017.12)
5. 重慶郵電大學特聘教授 (2019.09-2020)
6. 科技部國際項目評審專家 ( 2011.01- )
7. 教育部學位中心評審專家 ( 2007.11- )
8. 教育部國家科技計畫項目評審專家 ( 2010.07- )
9. 北京市自然科學基金項目評審專家 ( 2013.05- )
10. 浙江省自然科學基金項目外省評審專家 ( 2012.08- )


1. 養分及代謝物跨膜轉運的分子生理
2. 作物(水稻、菸草、棉花等)氮、磷吸收利用的分子生理機制
3. 根系生長發育與環境信號感應
4. 谷氨酸受體的分子功能


湖南農業大學“神農學者講座教授” ( 2013.03- )



1. 中國菸草總公司湖南中煙科技計畫項目(主持,316萬)“低溫下菸草有效吸收利用氮的關鍵基因及其功能調控研究(2019.01-2022.12)
2. 中國菸草總公司中南站科技計畫項目(主持,214萬)“菸草磷高效的關鍵功能基因挖掘及分子生理調栽培技術研究(2019.01-2022.12)
3. 湘源弘農牧業發展有限公司技術開發項目(主持,50萬)“水稻根組織細胞特異性表達的啟動子發掘、克隆及其套用研發(2018.5-2021.04)
4. 中國菸草重慶公司科技計畫項目(主持)“發掘菸草有效轉運及利用NH4+、NO3-的基因及生物學功能” ( 2014.01-2017.12 )
5. 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(主持)“水稻脲酶輔助蛋白基因UreD突變影響植物氮代謝及再利用的分子生理解析” ( 2014. 06.01-2016.5.31 )
6. 湖南省技術研發基金項目(主持)“發掘控制基因在根細胞特異性表達的啟動子” ( 2013.06-2016.5.31 )
7. 國家自然科學基金項目(主持)“谷氨酸受體基因參與擬南芥根系生長回響外源胺基酸的分子功能研究” ( 2013.01-2013.12 )
8. 國家自然科學基金項目(主持)“發掘水稻轉運和同化尿素的功能基因以探索氮肥高效利用的新途徑” ( 2011.01-2013.12 )
9. 科技部(中國生物技術發展中心, CNCBD)與德國學術交流中心(DAAD)的“青年科學家德-中小組計畫項目(主持)” “Improving nitrogen use efficiency of rice by biotechnological modification of urea uptake and metabolism” ( 2009.1-2013.12 )
10. 國家自然科學基金項目(主持)“谷氨酸作為信號分子調控根系生長發育的分子生物學機理研究” ( 2008.1-2010.12 )
11. 科技部“863”專項課題基金(主持)“水稻有效吸收和同化尿素的基因分離、克隆及其功能鑑定” ( 2006.12-2010.1 )
12. 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(主持)“谷氨酸信號傳遞與根系形態形成的分子機理” ( 2006.7-2009.6 )
13. 中國農業大學引進人才基金課題 (主持,2005.1-2007.12 )


1. Lu Liu, Xin-Yuan Bi, Song Sheng, Chao Qi, Yi-Long Liang, and Lai-Hua Liu*. (2020). Evidence that external urea acts as a potent cue to relief ammonium-suppressed root growth of cotton. New Phytologist, under review.
2. Xiao-Qian Chang, Xia-Yuan Cheng, Dong-Xue Shi, Hai-Lan Cheng, Ming-Jie He, Guan-Yong Gong, Feng-Qiu Cao and Lai-Hua Liu*. (2020). Evidence of L-Leu-, -Lys- and -Met-regulated root hair growth of oilseed rape. J. Experimental of Botany, in submission.
3. Lei Zhang, Miao-Jing Qin, Yi-Long Liang and Lai-Hua Liu*. (2020). Growth modification of Arabidopsis root system by external L-Leu requires the root tip-specific expression of AtLHT11 that permeates both Leu and Ile with a high affinity. Nature Plant, in submission.
1. Lei Zhang, Li-Na Qin, Zi-Rui Zeng, Chang-Zheng Wu, Lai-Hua Liu*and Feng-Qiu. Cao*. (2019). Molecular identification of a root apical cell-specific and stress-responsive enhancer from an Arabidopsis enhancer trap line. Plant Methods, 15:8.
2. Bing Wang, Guoqiang Xie, Zhonglai Liu, Rui He, Jiao Han, Shengcai Huang, Laihua Liu and Xianguo Cheng*. (2019). Mutagenesis Reveals That the OsPPa6 Gene Is Required for Enhancing the Alkaline Tolerance in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.10:759. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00759.
1. Yi-Chen Sun, Song Sheng, Teng-Fei Fan, Lu Liu, Jie Ke, Dai-BinWang, Jin-Ping Hua, Lai-Hua Liu* and Feng-Qiu Cao*. (2018). Molecular identification and functional characterization of GhAMT1.3 in ammonium transport with a high affinity from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Physiologia Plantarum, 11, doi:10.1111/ppl.12882.
2. L-H. Liu*, T-F. Fan, D-X. Shi, C-J. Li, M-J. He, Y-Y. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Yang, X-Y. Cheng, X. Chen, D-Q. Li, and Y-C. Sun. (2018). Coding-sequence identification and transcriptional profiling of nine AMTs and four NRTs from tobacco revealed their differential regulation by developmental stages, nitrogen nutrition and photoperiod. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:210. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00210.
3. T-F. Fan, M-J. He, C-J. Li, D-X. Shi, J. Ke,Y-X. Chen, C. Yang, Y-Y. Chen, D-Q. Li, C. Xu, and L-H. Liu*. (2018). Physiological dissection revealed that both uptake and assimilation are the major components regulating different growth responses of two tobacco cultivars to nitrogen nutrition. Plant Biology, 20(1):39-49.
1. T-F. Fan, X-Y Cheng, D-X. Shi, M-J. He, C. Yang, L. Liu, C-J. Li, Y-C. Sun, Y-Y. Chen, C. Xu, and L-H. Liu*. (2017). Molecular identification of tobacco NtAMT1.3 that mediated ammonium root-influx with high affinity and improved plant growth on ammonium when overexpressed in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Science, 264: 102-111.
2. Miaojing Qin,Yangyang,Fengqiu Cao,Ying Yu,Diqin Li, Xiaoyan Peng*,and Laihua Liu* (2017). Impact of OsUreD mutation on rice growth phenotype and nitrogen nutritional physiology. J. Agricul. Sci. & Tech. 19 (3): 9-16. 秦淼晶,楊陽,曹鳳秋,楊超,李常軍,程海蘭, 於穎,李迪秦,鄭華斌,彭曉燕,WITTE Claus Peter,劉來華*. (2017). OsUreD基因突變對水稻生長及其氮素營養生理的影響. 中國農業科技導報,19( 3) : 9-16
3. Ming-Jie He, Teng-Fei Fan, Chao Yang, Yi-Yin Cheng, Di-Qin Li, Chang-Jun Li*, Lai-Hua Liu* (2017). Physiological characterization of NO3− and NH4+ uptake kinetics of tobacco ‘K326’ and ‘Honghuadajinyuan’ using a short-time 15N-substrate labeling approach. Plant Physiology Journal, 53 (4): 572-580. 何明潔, 范騰飛, 楊超, 陳益銀, 李迪秦, 李長軍*, 劉來華*. (2017). 15N短時標記法鑑定菸草‘K326’和‘紅花大金元’吸收NO3–和NH4+的生理動力學特徵. 植物生理學報, 53 (4): 572-580.
1. Mingjie He, Yicheng Sun, Xiaoyuan Cheng, Diqin Li, Dongxue Shi, Yiyin Chen, Yongkun Feng, Lu Liu, Tengfei Fan, Chao Yang, Fengqiu Cao*, Laihua Liu* (2016). Current research advances on glutamate receptors (GLRs) in plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, Vol.51(6) (In Chinese with the abstract in English). 何明潔,孫伊辰,程曉園,時冬雪,李迪秦,陳益銀,馮永坤,劉璐,范騰飛,楊超,曹鳳秋*,劉來華*. (2016). 植物谷氨酸受體(GLRs)的研究進展. 植物學報, Vol.51(6).
1. Gongyao Shi, Xiaoyan Guo, Jinyan Guo, Laihua Liu, Jinping Hua*. (2015). Analyzing serial cDNA libraries revealed reactive oxygen species and gibberellins signaling pathways in the salt response of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Cell Report, Vol.34 (6): 1005-1023.
2. Guowei Liu, Aili Sun, Diqin Li, Asmini Athman, Matthew Gilliham, Laihua Liu* (2015). Molecular identification and functional analysis of a maize (Zea mays) DUR3 homolog that transports urea with high affinity. Planta, 241:861-874.
1. Yuanyong Gong, Yongkun Feng, Wanchao Nie, Hongmei Shu, SHuqiao Guo, and Laihua Liu* (2013). Construction and Verification of s Plant Expression Vector pCAMBIA2300-35S-GUS-CaMVterm. China Biotechnology, 33(3): 86-91 (In Chinese with the abstract in English). 鞏元勇,馮永坤,倪萬潮,束紅梅,郭書巧,劉來華*. (2013). 植物表達載體pCAMBIA2300-35S-GUS-CaMVterm的構建及驗證。中國生物工程雜誌, 33(3): 86-91.
2. D. Tapken, U. Anschütz, L-H. Liu, T. Huelsken, G. Seebohm, D. Becker and M. Hollmann. (2013). A Plant Homolog of Animal Glutamate Receptors Is an Ion Channel Gated by Multiple Hydrophobic Amino Acids. Science Signaling, Vol 6 Issue 279 ra47.
3. W-H. Wang, G-W. Liu, F-Q. Cao, X-Y. Cheng, B-W. Liu, L-H. Liu*. (2013). Inadequate root absorption may represent a major component limiting rice to use urease sole nitrogen source for growth. Plant & Soil, 363:191-200.
1. Q-C. Song, F-Q. Cao, Y-Y. Gong, X-Y. Cheng, X-Y. Bi, L-H. Liu*. Current research progresses of amino acids uptake, transport and their biological roles in higher plants. Plant Nutrition & Fertilizer Science (2012), 18(6):1507-1717. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 宋奇超,曹鳳秋,鞏元勇, 程曉園,畢昕媛,劉來華*. 高等植物胺基酸吸收與轉運及生物學功能的研究進展。植物營養與肥料學報 (2012), 18(6):1507-1717.
2. W-H. Wang, B. Köhler, F-Q. Cao, G-W. Liu, Y-Y. Gong, S. Sheng, Q-C. Song, X-Y. Cheng, T. Garnett, M. Okamoto, R. Qin, B. Mueller-Roeber, M. Tester, and L-H. Liu*. (2012). Rice DUR3 mediates high-affinity urea transport and plays an effective role in improvement of urea acquisition and utilization when expressed in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 193(2): 432-444.
1. E. Michard, P.T. Lima, F. Borges, A.C. Silva, J.E. Carvalho, M. Gilliham, L-H. Liu, G. Obermeyer and J.A. Feijó. (2011). Glutamate-Like-Receptors function as Ca2+ channels in pollen tubes and are regulated by D-serine produced by the pistil. Science, Vol. 332 (6028): 434-437.
2. Y-Y. Gong, X-Q. Qu, Q-C. Song, Z-R. Zeng, S. Sheng, and L-H. Liu*. (2011). Research progress on formation of Regulation root system morphology by glutamate. J. Agricul. Sci. & Tech. (2011), 13(1): 34-43. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 鞏元勇, 瞿小青, 宋奇超, 曾子芮, 盛崧, 劉來華*. (2011). 谷氨酸調節根系形態建成的研究進展. 中國農業科技導報, 3(1):34-43.
1. F-Q. Cao, AK. Werner, K. Dahncke, T. Romeis, L-H. Liu, and C-P. Witte. (2010) Identification and Characterization of Proteins Involved in Rice Urea and Arginine Catabolism. Plant Physiology, 154(1): 98-108.
2. 鞏元勇,瞿小青,程曉園,劉來華*. (2010). 擬南芥超矮生型突變體的發現及其生長表型的鑑定. 中國科技論文線上精品論文, 3(19): 1974-1977.
3. 鞏元勇,瞿小青,劉來華*(2010). 擬南芥根生長發育與應答外源谷氨酸機理中的第一個遺傳因子的發現. 中國科技論文線上精品論文, 3(7): 660-664.
1. F-Q. Cao, G-W. Liu, W-H. Wang, X-M. Wu, L-H. Liu*. (2009). Molecular processes of urea metabolism and transport in higher plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 44(3): 273-282. (In Chinese with the abstract in English) 曹鳳秋,劉國偉,王偉紅,吳學民,劉來華*. (2009). 高等植物尿素代謝及轉運的分子機理. 植物學報,44(3): 273-282.
1. W-H. Wang, B. Köhler, F-Q. Cao and L-H. Liu*. (2008). Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Urea Transport in Higher Plants. Plant Science, 175:467-477.
2. S.J. Roy, M. Gilliham, B. Berger, P.A. Essah, C. Cheffings, A.J. Miller, L. Widdowson, R.J. Davenport, L-H. Liu, M.J. Skynner, J.M. Davies, P. Richardson, R.A. Leigh, and M. Tester. (2008). Investigating glutamate receptor-like gene co-expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31(6): 861-871.
1. P. Walch-Liu, L-H. Liu, T. Remans, M. Tester, and B.G. Forde. (2006). Evidence that L-glutamate can act as an exogenous signal to modulate root growth and branching in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiology, 47(8): 1045-1057.
1. L-H. Liu, Y. Nakagawa-Yokoi, M. Gilliham, T. Fujiwara, J. Davies and M. Tester. (2005). Molecular identification of the first crop urea transporter OsDUR3 in rice (Oryza sativa). C.J. Li et al. (Eds), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. pp. 106-107. Tsinghua University Press. Printed in Beijing, China.
2. P.A. Essah, L-H. Liu, R. Davenport, R. Leigh, M.Tester. (2005). Using the chemical-inducible RNA interference (RNAi) system to elucidate the function(s) of glutamate receptor homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana. C.J. Li et al. (Eds), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. pp. 122-123. Tsinghua University Press. Printed in Beijing, China.
1. L-H. Liu, U. Ludewig, B. Gassert, WB. Frommer and N. von Wirén. (2003). Urea transport by nitrogen regulated tonoplast intrinsic proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. Vol.133(3): 1220-1228.
2. L-H. Liu, U. Ludewig, WB. Frommer and N. von Wirén. (2003). AtDUR3 encodes a new type of high-affinity urea/H+ symporter in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, Vol.15: 790-800.
3. L-H. Liu and Nicolaus von Wirén Nicolaus. Identification of members of the MIP family as urea transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana. WJ. Horst et al. (Eds.) Plant nutrition- Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems, pp. 26-27. Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001), Netherlands.
1. 李韻珠, 王鳳仙, 劉來華. (1999). 土壤水氮資源的利用與管理. 植物營養與肥料, 5(3): 206-213.
2. 劉來華, 李韻珠, 綦雪梅, 黃元仿. (1996).冬小麥水氮有效利用的研究. 中國農業大學學報, 1(5): 67-73.


