1.The application of nonlinear programming for detection in CDMA. IEEE Trasactions on wireless communication. Vol.3, No.1, 8-11, 2004.(SCI檢索)
2.Feasible direction algorithm for solving SDP relaxation of the quadratic {-1,1} programming problems.Optimization Methods and Software, Vol.19, No.2. 125-136, 2004.(SCI, EI檢索).
3.Relationships between partial orders of matrices and their Powers. Linear algebra and its Application. Vol.379, No.1,277-287, 2004.(SCI檢索)
4.Generalized set-valued variational inclusions in q-uniformly smooth Banach space. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application. Vol.296, No.2,553-562. 2004. (SCI檢索)
5.The curvature and topological properties of hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. Vol.70, No.1, 35-44.2004. (SCI檢索)
6.Normal mixed difference matrix and the construction of orthogonal array.STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS.Vol.69,No.4,431-437,2004.
7.Level-m scaled circulant factor matrices over the complex number field and the quaternion division algebra,Journal of applied mathematics and computing, Vol.14,No.1-2,81-96,2004.
8.Factorization theorem for strong maps.Discrete Mathematics.Vol.289, No.1-3,187-192,2004.
9.Further Results on the Orthogonal Arrays Obtained by Generalized Hadamard Product.STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS .Vol.68,No.1,17-25,2004.
10.Set-value variation inclusion in convex metric spaces. SOOCHOW Journal of mathematics. Vol.30,No.10,471-481.2004.
11.Some Results on Fuzzy Ideals of BCK(BCI)-Algebras. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics.Vol.28,457-472 2004.
12.Existence, multiplicity and uniqueness results for a second order m-point boundary value problem. Buttelin of the Korean Mathematical Society. Vol.41,No.3,483-492. 2004.
13.Complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in locally symmetric manifold. Advance in Math. Vol.33,No.5,563-569. 2004.
14.Complete space-like submanifolds with constant scalar curvature in a de Sitter space. Balkan. J. of Geometry Applications.Vol.9,No.2,82-91. 2004.
15.Some results on Fuzzy ideals of BCK(BCI)-algebras. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math. Vol.28,No.4,457-472. 2004.
16.FSI-ideals and FSC-ideals of BCI-algebras. Bull. Korean Math.Soc. Vol.41, No.1, 167-179. 2004.
17.Multiplicity and uniqueness resulys for a second order m-point boundary value problem. Bull. Korean Math. Soc, Vol.41, No.3, 483-492. 2004.
24.Reliability models of a bridge System structure under incomplete information. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Quality & Reliability (ICQR4), Beijing, China, August 2005.(SCI, EI,ISTP檢索)
26.A reliable multicast routing algorithm based on reliability test in multimedia communication. 2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, Volume1 (EI檢索).
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3.Solution of A Class of Nonhomogeneous Elliptic System Involving Critical Sobolev Exponent Zhang Guoqing, Liu Sanyang Annals of Differential Equations, 2005, 21(1): 85-92
4.Packing-type Measures of the Sample Paths of Fractional Brownian Motion, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sicnica, English Series, 2005, 21(2): 335-352
22.Solvability of a third-order two-point boundary value problem Applied Mathematics Letters, 2005, 18, 1034-1040
23.Existence of solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic systems with indefinite weights Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 2005, 18(3): 219-226
27.The optimality conditions of set-valued optimization problems in the sense of efficiency , 運籌學學報, 2005, 9(3): 24-30
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48.A modified filled function method for finding global minimizers of a nonsmooth programming , Chinese Journal of Numerical mathematics and applications, 2005, 27(3): 69-78
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35.Graphical model construction based on Evolutionary algorithms,Control Theory and Applications, 4,2006
36.The Constructing of Bayesian Networks Based on Intelligent Optimization, In “Sixth International conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2006)”Edited by Yuehui Chen and Ajith Abraham, IEEE Computer society.Volume I,371-376,2006.
37. An Improvement on Optimal Testing Algorithm for Three defective Coins , IEEE The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,June 21-26,2006,Dalian,China
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