- 中文名:剛鐸人
- 第一防線:黑暗魔君索倫
- 位置:魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
- 主要兵種:重甲步兵
- 類型:民族
索倫的主要戰略是擊敗最強的敵對國剛鐸,他須攻陷剛鐸的都城米那斯提力斯(Minas Tirith)。為此,魔多(Mordor)的軍隊都集中於南方,企圖各個擊破。索倫為了防止剛鐸盟國洛汗支援,他鼓動薩魯曼在洛汗以西的艾辛格發兵牽制洛汗,使洛汗集中應付西面的威脅,不能呼應剛鐸的援助。除此之外,索倫又命其盟友昂巴海盜襲擊剛鐸的南部沿岸地區,以分化北剛鐸米那斯提力斯的守軍應付南方海盜的襲擊。索倫的戰略終失敗了,剛鐸及洛汗聯軍與魔多大軍正式交鋒。
三千年以來,剛鐸一直受到東方黯影的威脅。第三紀元末,剛鐸國力衰落,這為索倫出兵提供契機。剛鐸攝政王迪耐瑟之子法拉墨(Faramir)分兵駐守前線,其中最重要的兩支部隊駐守在凱爾安卓斯(Cair Andros)及奧斯吉力亞斯(Osgiliath)。米那斯魔窟及末日火山的信號亮起,亦即是入侵剛鐸之始。魔多大軍首先攻擊奧斯吉力亞斯,很快便攻陷奧斯吉力亞斯,法拉墨被迫退守堡壘,但也旋即被攻陷。魔多大軍進逼米那斯提力斯,戒靈徘徊在空中,對剛鐸守軍造成很大的壓力。魔多的攻城塔開始嘗試占領城牆,但攻城塔都被守軍摧毀。不過,米那斯提力斯的城門被擊破。正在此危急之時,希優頓率領六千騎兵抵達,舒緩了剛鐸守軍的壓力。雖然如此,剛鐸及洛汗聯軍依然陷入劣勢,直至亞拉岡率亡靈大軍自南剛鐸趕至,擊敗了魔多大軍。
剛鐸人 (Kandorian) 在美國漫畫《超人》中,剛鐸人 (Kandorian)是剛鐸 (Kandor)城市的市民,剛鐸是超人所在星球氪星的首都。剛鐸在氪星被摧毀的幾年前被超級大反派Brianiac縮小並竊取。後來超人打敗超級大反派Brianiac後在另一個星球上恢復了剛鐸,但是新的問題又出現了……(實在是懶得翻譯了,下面我貼出來英文原文,有興趣的話童鞋們自己翻譯下吧)
Kandor was once the capital of Krypton until it was shrunken and stolen by the supervillain Brainiac, several years before the planet was destroyed. Superman discovered the city in Brainiac's possession when the android came to Earth decades later to harvest more cities (Action Comics #242, July 1958) and rescued it, keeping it in his Fortress of Solitude while looking for a way to restore it to full size. In return, the Kandorians provided the superhero with a place where he was an honored guest who was occasionally invited to participate in matters of local government, various professionals to assist him when asked and even occasionally assisted him in the outside with the Superman Emergency Squad.
Eventually (Superman #338, Aug 1979), Superman was able to restore the population to normal size and they settled on another planet that revolved around a red sun. The Kandorians decided to name their new homeworld Rokyn, which is the Kryptonian word for "gift from God" (Rokyn had first been revealed as existing in the 30th century in Adventure Comics #356, May 1967). Superman constructed a replica of the bottle-sized city to keep as a memento but was surprised when thousands of tiny aliens, fleeing the destruction of their home planet, moved into it (Superman #371, Aug 1982). When told the city's original name was Kandor, the aliens decided to call it that as well. On a trial basis, Superman restored two inhabitants to normal size to introduce them to life on Earth, but discovered that population has a dangerous reaction to the planet's environment which transforms them into mindless, powerful and rampaging beasts who were difficult for Superman to control. As such, Superman decided that for the time being, the New Kandorians would have to remain in the bottled city with a carefully filtered atmosphere until that medical problem was solved