



  • ISBN:9787562435044
  • 頁數:137頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 重慶大學出版社; 第1版 (2005年12月1日)
叢書名: 普通高中課程標準實驗教科書(任意選修)
平裝: 137頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787562435044
條形碼: 9787562435044
尺寸: 30.4 x 21.4 x 3 cm
重量: 281 g




Teaching Notes for Each Unit
Unit 1 English Sentences and Figures of Speech
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 English Sentences
Lesson 2 Figures of Speech
Unit 2 Nouns, Pronouns and Simile
Time allotment
Teaching'notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Nouns and Pronouns
Lesson 2 Simile
Unit 3 Tenses and Personification
Time alIotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Tenses
Lesson 2 Personification
Unit 4 Adjectives and Transferred Epithet
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Adjectives
Lesson 2 Transferred Epithet
Unit 5 Moda] Verbs and Exaggeration
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Modal Verbs
Lesson 2 Exaggeration
Unit 6 Infinitives and Paral]elism
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Infinitives
Lesson 2 Parallelism
Unit 7 -ing Participles and Puns
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 -ing Participles -ing
Lesson2 Puns
Unit 8 -ed Participles and Antithesis
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 -ed Participles -ed
Lesson 2 Antithesis
Unit 9 Agreement and Synecdoche
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Agreement
Lesson 2 Synecdoche
Unit 10 Direct/Indirect Speech and Oxymoron
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Direct/Indirect Speech
Lesson 2 Oxymoron
Unit 11 Passive Voice and Metonymy
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Passive Voice
Lesson 2 Metonymy
Unit 12 Were-Subjunctive and Euphemism
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Were-Subjunctive were
Lesson2 Euphemism
Unit 13 Noun Clauses and Metaphors
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Noun Clause
Lesson 2 Metaphors
Unit 14 Adjective Clauses and Paradoxes
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Adjective Clauses
Lesson 2 Paradoxes
Unit 15 Adverb Clauses and Rhetorical Questions
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Adverb Clauses
Lesson 2 Rhetorical Questions
Unit 16 Emphatic Sentences and Repetition
Time allotment
Teaching notes and suggestions
Lesson 1 Emphatic Sentences
Lesson 2 Repetition


