

凱瑞·柯蘭1964年11月6日出生於密西根州弗林特,英文名字Kerry Conran,是著名的導演


  • 中文名:凱瑞·柯蘭
  • 外文名:Kerry Conran
  • 出生日期:1964年11月6日
  • 出生地密西根州弗林特


凱瑞科蘭來自一個有抱負的藝術世家:他的哥哥凱文康仁是在一家廣告公司的插畫和他的妹妹基爾斯滕康仁藝術總監。 Growing up watching classic sci-fi films such as Metropolis(1927), King Kong(1933) and Superman(1941), Kerry often imagined recreating the atmospheres of those films as his own, and spent most of his childhood making short super-8 movies, imagining his fantasy worlds.看著經典科幻片長大,如都市(1927年), 金剛(1933年), 超人(1941) ,常常想像重現克里作為自己的這類影片的氣氛,想像他的幻想世界


Pursuing his dream to become an illustrator and an animator, Kerry went to and graduated from the animation school, CalArts.追求他的夢想成為插畫和動畫,克里前往和動畫學院,加州藝術學院畢業。 It was there that he started to form the idea of his own sci-fi serial in the spirit of those of the 1930s, entitled The World of Tomorrow(2005) (V).在那裡,他開始形成自己的科幻想法音響系列中的20世紀30年代的精神,有權在明日(2005)(五) 世界。 With the digital technologies he had at his disposal, he planned to make an entire feature-length film without even having to leave his apartment.由於他在自己掌握的數位技術,他計畫利用甚至不必離開自己的公寓整個正片長度的電影。 Working independently with help from his brother and a few friends, Kerry created his fantasy world on his personal computer and set up a blue screen in his apartment, using other friends as actors.獨立,幫助他的兄弟和幾個朋友合作,克里在他的個人電腦上的幻想世界,以及在他的公寓在藍色螢幕上,以此作為演員的其他朋友。 After four years of working on his own time, he had completed only six minutes of footage, but it was these six minutes that would set his career in motion.經過4年的時間對自己的工作里,他僅完成了6分鐘的膠片,但它是這6分鐘,將設定運動生涯。
His brother Kevin invited a friend of his wife's and the only person in the film industry he knew, Marsha Oglesby, to take a look at the short.他的兄弟凱文邀請了妻子和電影業,他知道, 瑪莎奧格爾斯比的唯一的人,要在短期看朋友。 Oglesby, deeply impressed by their work, immediately referred them to producer Jon Avnet( Risky Business(1983), Fried Green Tomatoes(1991)), who agreed to finance their project, with Kerry directing as well as penning the script.奧格爾斯比,深受他們的工作留下深刻印象,他們立即交由製片人喬恩安富利( 冒險事業(1983), 油炸綠西紅柿(1991)),誰同意資助他們的項目,與克里一樣彭寧導演腳本良好。 Now armed with a studio, a team of over 100 animators, and a cast of A-list actors ( Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolieamong others, all of whom signed on immediately after seeing the 6-minute reel), Kerry was able to complete his project, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow(2004), the first film entirely shot on blue screens.目前裝備有1室,100多個動畫製作團隊,以及阿列表演員等( 裘德洛, 格溫妮絲帕特洛和安吉麗娜朱莉,所有這些人看到後,立即簽署了6分鐘的捲筒上鑄),克里能夠完成他的計畫, 天空上尉和明日(2004年) 的世界,在拍攝第一部電影完全在藍色螢幕上。 The film, though not a box-office success, was a relative hit among critics, impressive for a newcomer with no major writing or directing experience.這部影片雖然沒有在票房上的成功,被批評者之間的相對沉重打擊,一個沒有主要的書寫或指揮新人深刻的印象。


