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  • 中文名:凡星
  • 職位:副研究員,碩士研究生導師
  • 畢業學校四川農業大學
  • 貢獻:發表論文35篇


於凡星,博士,副研究員,碩士研究生導師。2002年在廣西大學獲理學學士學位,分別於2005和2009年在四川農業大學獲理學碩士和博士學位,發表論文35篇,SCI收錄期刊論文29篇,第一作者論文10篇,其中在PLoS One、BMC Evolutionary Biology、Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution、Plant Science等進化遺傳學國際主流期刊發表SCI論文4篇。主持國家自然科學基金1項,省部級項目2項。主研國家自然科學基金、農業部公益性行業專項、中國科學院、四川省科技廳等項目6項。




1. Fan X, Sha LN, Zeng J, Kang HY, Zhang HQ, Wang XL, Zhang L, Yang RW, Ding CB, Zheng YL, Zhou YH. Evolutionary dynamics of the Pgk1 gene in the polyploid genus Kengyilia (Triticeae: Poaceae) and its diploid relatives. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(2): e31122. (SCI, IF=4.41)
2. Sha LN, Fan X (並列第一), Yang RW, Kang HY, Ding CB, Zhang L, Zheng YL, Zhou YH. Phylogenetic relatioships betweenHystrix and its closely related genera (Poaceae: Triticeae) based on nuclearAcc1, DMC1 and choroplast trnL-F sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2010, 54: 327-335. (SCI, IF=3.89)
3. Fan X, Sha LN , Yang RW, Zhang HQ, Kang HY, Ding CB, Zhang L, Zheng YL, Zhou YH. Phylogeny and evolutionary history of Leymus (Triticeae; Poaceae) based on a single-copy nuclear gene encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase. BMC Evolution Biology, 2009, 9: 247. (SCI, IF=4.29)
4. Fan X, Zhang HQ, Sha LN, Zhang L, Yang RW, Ding CB, Zhou YH. Phylogenetic analysis among Hystrix, Leymus and its affinitive genera (Poaceae: Triticeae) based on the sequences of a gene encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Plant Science, 2007, 172: 701-707. (SCI, IF=2.95)
5. Fan X, Song ZJ, Kang HY, Yang RW, Zhou YH. Identification and characterization of HMW glutenin subunits and their coding sequences in Dwarfing polish wheat.International Journal of Agricultural Research, 2009,4(8): 237-249. (重要核心期刊)
6. Kang HY, Zeng J, Xie Q, Tao S, Zhong MY, Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Xu LL, Zhou YH. Molecular cytogenetic characterization and stripe rust response of a trigeneric hybrid involving Triticum, Psathyrostachys, and Thinopyrum. Genome, 2012, 55: 383-390. (SCI, IF=1.65)
7. Zeng J, Fan X, Sha L N, Kang HY, Zhang HQ, Liu J, Wang XL, Yang RW, Zhou YH. Nucleotide polymorphism pattern and multiple maternal origin within Thinopyrum intermedium inferred by trnH-psbA sequences. Biologia Plantarum, 2012, 56: 254-260. (SCI, IF=1.97)
8. Kang HY, Zhong MY, Xie Q, Zhang HQ,Fan X, Sha LN, Xu LL, Zhou YH. Production and cytogenetics of trigeneric hybrid involving Triticum,Psathyrostachys and Secale. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2012, 59: 445-453. (SCI, IF=1.55)
9. Wang XL, Fan X, Zeng J, Sha LN, Zhang HQ, Kang HY, Yang RW, Zhang L, Ding CB, Zhou Y H. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the DMC1 gene within the StH genome species in Triticeae (Poaceae). Genes & Genomics, 2012, 34: 237-244. (SCI, IF=0.44)
10. Kang HY, Lin LJ, Song ZJ, Yuan JY, Zhong MY, Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Wang Y, Xu LL, Zeng J, Zhou YH. Identification, fine mapping and characterization of Rht-dp, a recessive wheat dwarfing (reduced height) gene derived from Triticum polonicum. Genes & Genomics, 2012, in press. (SCI, IF=0.44)
11. Luo XM, Tinker NA, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Sha LN, Kang HY, Ding CB, Liu J, Zhang L, Yang RW, Zhou YH. Phylogeny and maternal donor of Kengyilia species (Poaceae: Triticeae) based on three cpDNA regions (matK, rbcL andtrnH-psbA) seqences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012, 44: 61-69. (SCI, IF=0.93)
12. Chen WJ, Fan X, Zhang B, Liu BL, Yan ZH, Zhang LQ, Yuan ZW, Zheng YL, Zhang HG, Liu DC. Novel and ancient HMW glutenin genes from Aegilops tauschii and their phylogenetic positions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2012, (SCI, IF=1.55)
13. Chen WJ, Yuan ZW, Zhang LQ, Fan X, Yan ZH, Wang JR, Zheng YL, Zhang HG, Liu DC. Novel HMW glutenin genes from Aegilops tauschii and their unique structures. Genes & Genomics, 2012, 34: 339-343. (SCI, IF=0.44)
14. Kang HY, Wang Y, Fedak G, Cao WG, Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Xu LL, Zheng YL, Zhou YH. Introgression of chromosome 3Ns from Psathyrostachys huashanica into wheat specifying resistance to stripe rust. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(7): e21802. (SCI, IF=4.41)
15. Liao JQ, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Sha LN, Kang HY, Wang XL, Liu J, Zhou YH. Molecular phylogeny of RNA polymerase II gene reveals the relationships of tetraploid species with St genome (Triticeae: Poaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2011, 39 (4-6): 609-618. (SCI, IF=0.93)
16. Wang XL, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Zhang C, Sha LN, Kang HY, Yang RW, Zhang L, Ding CB, Zhou YH. Phylogeny of the species with StH genomes in Triticeae (Poaceae): evidence from chloroplasttrnL-F and mitochondria coxII intron sequences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2011, 39 (4-6): 758-765. (SCI, IF=0.93)
17. Wang Y, Kang HY, Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Yang RW, Zhou YH. Distribution of chromosome numbers in BC2 and BC1F1 progenies derived from Triticum aestivum ×Psathyrostachys huashanica.Caryologia, 2011, 64: 67-74. (SCI, IF=0.53)
18. Wang Y, Yu KF, Xie Q, Kang HY, Lin LJ, Fan X, Sha LN, Zhang HQ, Zhou YH. The 3Ns chromosome of Psathyrostachys huashanica carries thegene(s) underlying wheat stripe rust resistance. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 2011, 134 (2): 136-143. (SCI, IF=1.53)
19. Wang Y, Xie Q, Yu KF, Poysa V, Lin LJ, Kang HY, Fan X, Sha LN, Zhang HQ, Zhou YH. Development and characterization of wheat-Psathyrostachys huashanica partial amphiploids for resistance to stripe rust. Biotechnology Letters, 2011, 33:1233-1238. (SCI, IF=1.68)
20. Kang HY, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Sha LN, Sun GL, Zhou YH. The origin of Triticum petropavlovskyi Udacz. et Migusch.: demonstration of the utility of the genes encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase sequence. Molecular breeding,2010, 25: 381-395.(SCI, IF=2.85)
21. Zeng J, Fan X, Zhang L, Wang XL, Zhang HQ, Kang HY, Zhou YH. Molecular phylogeny and maternal progenitor implication in the genus Kengyilia (Triticeae: Poaceae): Evidence from COXII intron sequences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010, 38: 202-209. (SCI, IF=0.93)
22. Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Kang HY, Wang XL, Zhou YH. Morphological variation in Elymus hystrix L. (Poaceae: Triticeae).Caryologia, 2010, 63(4): 359-366. (SCI, IF=0.53)
23. Zhang C, Fan X, Yu HQ, Zeng J, Zhang HQ, Wang XL, Zhou YH. Phylogenetic relationships among the species of Elymus sensu lato in Triticeae (Poaceae) based on nuclear rDNA ITS sequences. Russian Journal of Genetics, 2009, 45(6): 696-706.(SCI, IF=0.43)
24. Zhang C, Fan X, Yu HQ, ,Zhang L Wang XL, Zhou YH. Different maternal genome donor to Kengyilia species inferred from chloroplast trnL-F sequences. Biologia Plantarum, 2009, 53(4): 759-763.(SCI, IF=1.97)
25. Kang HY, Wang Y, Sun GL, Zhang HQ, Fan X , Zhou YH. Production and characterization of an amphiploid between common wheat and Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng ex Kuo. Plant Breeding, 2009, 128: 36-40. (SCI, IF=1.60)
26. Zhang HQ, Fan X, Sha LN, Zhang C, Yang RW and Zhou YH. Phylogeny of Hystrix and related genera (Poaceae: Triticeae) based on nuclear rDNA ITS sequences. Plant Biology, 2008, 10(5): 635-642.(SCI, IF=2.40)
27. Yu HQ, Fan X, Zhang C, Ding CB, Wang XL, Zhou YH. Phylogenetic relationships of species in Pseudoroegneria (Poaceae: Triticeae) and related genera inferred from nuclear rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences.Biologia, 2008, 63: 498-505. (SCI, IF=0.56)
28. Zeng J, Zhang L, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Yang RW, Zhou YH. Phylogentic analysis of Kengyilia species based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences. Biologia Plantarum, 2008, 52(2): 231-236. (SCI, IF=1.97)
29. Kang HY, Zhang HQ,Fan X, Zhou YH. Morphological and cytogenetic studies on the hybrid between bread wheat and Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng ex Kuo. Euphytica, 2008, 162: 441-448. (SCI,IF=1.55)
30. Sha LN, Yang RW, Fan X, Wang XL, Zhou YH. Phylogenetic analysis of Leymus (Poaceae: Triticeae) inferred from nuclear rDNA ITS sequences.Biochemical Genetics, 2008, 46(10): 605-619. (SCI, IF=0.86)


