冷育噬胞菌,由冷藏的豆製品上分離到一菌株LC 265, 為革蘭氏 陰性, 無鞭毛, 滑行運動, 無鞘, 桿狀或短絲狀, 末端圓。
- 中文學名:冷育噬胞菌
- 屬:噬胞菌屬
- 定名人:李鐘慶 崔存起
編號 | AMS-87-03 |
拉丁菌名 | Actinosporangium puerhense nov. sp. |
中文菌名 | 冷育噬胞菌 |
定名人 | 李鐘慶 崔存起 |
Nomencla | Jiang Dongfu, Ma Ping, Duan RUoling, Yang Yurong, Du Zhongwe |
發表文章 | 嗜冷微生物和冷育微生物的研究 I. 噬胞菌屬中一個新種 |
Article | A New Species of Actinosporangium Isolated From Puerh Tea |
作者 | 李鐘慶 崔存起 |
Author | Jiang Dongfu, Ma Ping, Duan RUoling, Yang Yurong, Du Zhongwen, Sheng Lingling, and Su Ren |
作者單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究所中國普通微生物保 藏中心, 北京 100080 |
摘要 | , 大小為0.6-1.0 X 1.5-15 micrometer, 裂殖生殖.菌落 粘質, 由黃色至橙色, 先凸起微粗糙, 老後擴散成一薄層 , 光滑, 半透明. 其色素無螢光, 含胡蘿蔔素, 其正己烷 提取液經光譜測定最大吸收峰為446nm. 該菌生長的溫 度範圍為5-35'C, 最低為5'C, 最適為18-25'C, 最高35'C (在35'C生長極弱或幾乎不生長). 此菌株於pH5.5-9.0能 生長, 最適pH為6.5-8.0. 耐4%NaCl,80 ug/mL的鏈黴素 或80 ug/mL的氨苄青黴素. LC265菌株為好氣菌, 呼吸 代謝, 利用多種糖但不產酸, 水解澱粉但不分解纖維素, 瓊脂和幾丁質, 水解乾酪素, 腖化石蕊牛奶最後變鹼, 液 化明膠, 還原硝酸鹽,產H2S和吲哚, MR和V.P. 測定陰性, 接觸酶和氧化酶陽性. LC 265菌株DNA中G+C含量為 32.2mol%. 該菌株的特徵與已知的噬胞菌比較有顯著 的差別, 認為是一個新種, 命名為冷育噬胞菌 (Cytophaga psychrotropha sp. nov. Li et Cui).其模 式株保存在中國科學院微生物研究所, 編號為AS 1.1780. |
Abstract | In the study of microbiological ecology of tea, we have isolated a strain of Actinosporangium TK8302 from Puerh tea, Yunnan province, China.It may endure higher temperature in culture. Its growth is well in the range of temperature between 25-60'C. The broth of this strain ofActinosporangium inhibited the growth of Gram negative bacteria, but no inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria was observed.Its antibacterial spectrum is similar to that of tea juice. The strain TK8302 contains LL-diaminopimelic acid in cell wall and glucose,manose, ribose, rhamnoes as well as a little of galactose, arabinose in the whole cell hydrolysates. The strain TK8302 is able to formdense pseudosporangia which differentiate from mycelia in various size and nonmotile spores on aerial mycelia, in stead of the spore chains ofthe genus Streptomyces. The surface of spores possess spines. Its cultural characteristics respossess spines. Its cultural characteristicsdiffer markedly from a known species Actinosporangium. It is considered to reporesent a new species of the genus Actinosporangium.The strain of TK8302 is named Actinosporangium puerhense nov. sp. |
關鍵字 | 噬胞菌屬 , 冷育噬胞菌, 黃桿菌, 屈撓桿菌 |
Key | |
期刊 | 微生物學報 27(4):297-305, 1987. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 27(2):pp.178-180, 1987. |
分享省市 | 北京市海淀區 |
Place | Puerh Hani Nationality and Yi Nationalit |
採集地 | 北京市第二食品廠豆製品車間 冷藏的豆製品 |
Environment | The actinomycetes isolated from fresh Puerh Tea leaves at Puerh Tea Factor. |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境 | 豆製品車間冷藏室 |
寄主 | 豆製品車間冷藏的豆製品 |
Habitat | subtropical monsoon climate tea farm |
Host | fresh Puerh Tea leaves |
採集人 | 李鐘慶 崔存起 |
Isolation Person | Jiang Dongfu, Ma Ping, Duan RUoling, Yang Yurong, Du Zhongwen, Sheng Lingling, and Su Ren |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究所中國普 通微生物保藏中心, 北京 100080 |
Preservation Unit | Mycological Herbarium, Yunnan Institute of Microbilogy, Kunming 650091, Yunnan Province, China |
描述 | |
等模式 | |
Speciman No. | TK8302 |
全文 | |
Note | The strain can be producted an antibiotic. The fermental liquid obviously inhibited Sram negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli etc. |
備註 | 該菌為腐生菌, 嗜低溫, 除了在 食品上, 在空氣中也存在. |