Built in the great orbital shipyards of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the 115-meter long Consular-class Republic Cruiser is a direct predecessor to the Corellian corvette found in the Alliance Fleet. 115米長的“領事級”共和國遊船建於科雷利亞工程公司的軌道大船塢內,是同盟艦隊中科雷利亞輕型護衛艦的直系前身。 The striking scarlet color scheme of the Republic Cruiser declares the ship's diplomatic immunity and serves as a warning against attack. Red was the color of neutrality for spacecraft of the Galactic Republic before the dark times. In its role as a consular ship, the Republic Cruiser is typically unarmed, but does feature three powerful Dyne 577 radial atomizer engines, a Longe Voltrans tri-arc CD-3.2 hyperdrive, and sturdy deflector shields as protection. 共和國遊船的醒目紅色塗裝表明了這艘飛船享有外交豁免權,同時向任何攻擊行為發出警告。黑暗時代前,對銀河共和國的太空船來說,紅色是中立的顏色。作為一種領事船,共和國遊船一般沒有武器,但有三台強大的“達因577”放射噴霧引擎、一台朗格沃爾特倫“三弧CD-3.2”超空間驅動器和堅固的偏導護盾作為保護措施。 Mounted on the ship's dorsal spine is a wide range of dish and antennae-communications systems, which are manned by two communications officers who specialize in deciphering strange languages and decoding complex alien signal pulses. 各類碟形天線通訊系統被安裝在飛船背脊上,由兩名通訊官操控,他們專門負責解讀各類奇怪的語言和破譯複雜的異族信號脈衝。 An interchangeable diplomatic salon pod rests in the forward section of the ship, just below the bridge. In this insulated safe haven, critical negotiations take place and crises are averted. In the event of attack or other emergency situations, the entire salon pod can break away from the cruiser and rocket the diplomatic party to safety. 一個可更換的外交會客艙被安裝在飛船前部,就在艦橋下方。在這個與世隔絕的安全區內,會舉行重要的談判,化解各類危機。如果遇到攻擊或其它緊急情況,整個會客艙能脫離遊船,把外交人員送到安全地帶。 The vessel that transported Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Naboo was the Radiant VII, which had served the diplomatic corps of Coruscant for 34 standard years prior to its destruction. 將奎-岡·金和歐比-旺·克諾比送至納布的那艘飛船是“光點七號”,在被摧毀前,已在科洛桑外交使團服役34標準年了。
The distinctive shape and hue of a Republic Cruiser is instantly recognizable throughout the galaxy, indicating a vessel on a mission for the Galactic Senate, the Supreme Chancellor, or the Jedi order. 在全銀河,共和國遊船的獨特外形和顏色十分醒目。它表明這是一艘正為銀河議會、最高議長或絕地武士團執行任務的飛船。 Chancellor Valorum dispatched a Republic Cruiser carrying two important Jedi ambassadors to negotiate an end to the Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo. Though the cruiser was a capital ship -- a vessel of impressive size -- it was nonetheless dwarfed by the immense Trade Federation battleships encircling the peaceful planet. The cruiser docked within a battleship's cavernous landing bay. 瓦洛倫議長派了兩位重要的絕地特使搭乘一艘共和國遊船去說服貿易聯盟結束對納布的封鎖。儘管這艘遊船是主力艦——體積巨大的飛船——但與包圍那顆和平行星的貿易聯盟巨型戰列艦相比,還是小得多。這艘遊船停泊進了一艘戰列艦的寬敞機庫內。 On the orders of the shadowy Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation ambushed the Jedi ambassadors. The crew of the cruiser was caught by surprise. With its shields down, the cruiser was no match for the destructive power unleashed by a concealed turbolaser turret inside the hangar bay. 在神秘的達斯·西迪厄斯的指使下,貿易聯盟伏擊了絕地特使。隱藏在機庫內的渦輪雷射炮塔向遊船開火,遊船船員猝不及防。在護盾關閉的狀態下,遊船根本不是這毀滅性力量的對手。
The early designs of the Radiant VII had a smooth, Coruscant look to it. After several iterations, George Lucas and Doug Chiang decided that the cruiser should have a strong visual link to the original Star Wars trilogy. With that direction, Chiang and the Art Department devised a ship with a more rectilinear profile that echoed the design of A New Hope's blockade runner. One of the last additions to the cruiser was the small antenna array that rests above the cockpit. Lucas felt that the ship needed a "little extra something" to guide the audience's eyes to that section of the ship. “光點七號”的早期設計有著科洛桑風格的平滑外表。幾易起稿後,喬治·盧卡斯和道格·蔣決定這艘遊船應該同《星球大戰》正傳三部曲有明確的視覺聯繫。在這個思路的指導下,蔣和藝術部門設計了一艘外形更平直的飛船,類似《新的希望》中的封鎖突擊船造型。最後添加到遊船上的元素之一是駕駛艙上方的小天線,盧卡斯覺得這艘飛船需要一個“額外的小東西”將觀眾的視線引向飛船的那個部位。設定稿