公式是明確的培訓資源好客的專業人士和那些在一般公眾想知道更多的基本面是一個偉大的調酒師。創造了驚人的混合飲品和雞尾酒最喜歡的咖啡師,咖啡,倒談論啤酒像一個迷,這一切都在這裡!請確保您更新您的作業系統IOS 4.0之前下載的公式。 該應用程式包含超過50個教學視頻烈酒,啤酒,咖啡和餐飲設備專業人員,再加上超過200人的圖像和山有用的一步一步的信息,所有的包裝允許您訪問正是你需要快速,輕鬆地。 那些沒有在酒店業也將得到大量的相關信息在啤酒,烈酒和咖啡節 - 曾想像一個傳奇,就像一個咖啡師咖啡和雞尾酒,談論像倒啤酒愛好者 - 公式是您的應用程式! 公式已被設計為一個調酒師的日常生活實踐方面,相關的和易於訪問信息,涉及的領域包括: is definitive training resource for hospitality professionals and those in the general public wanting to know more about the fundamentals of being a great bartender. Create amazing mixed drinks and cocktails, make coffee like the best baristas and pour and talk about beer like an aficionado; it’s all here! Please make sure you update your operating system to IOS 4.0 before downloading FORMULA. The app contains over 50 instructional videos from spirits, beer, coffee and hospitality equipment professionals, plus over 200 helpful images and mountains of useful step by step information, all packaged to allow you to access exactly what you need quickly and easily. Those not in the hospitality industry will also get lots of relevant information across the beer, spirits and coffee sections – ever wanted to make cocktails like a legend, coffee like a barista and talk about and pour beer like an aficionado – Formula is your app! Formula has been designed to cover all practical aspects of the daily life of a bartender, with relevant and easy to access information covering areas such as: Spirits – what they are and how describe and sell them The art of great cocktails – step by step instructions on how to make amazing, consistent drinks every time How understanding 7 basic formulas can allow you to make almost any mixed drink known Coffee – How to make coffee professionally from start to finish, from tamping and dosing to putting the finishing touches on a macchiato Beer – the fundamentals – how to talk about it, what it tastes like and what food goes with it How to pour beer correctly, change kegs and CO canisters What to do when things go wrong with your coffee, beer or post-mix equipment How to clean and maintain all of the important beverage serving equipment in your venue All of the important OH&S issues to look out for in a typical bar We guarantee no hidden agendas or brand fluff, just simple, easy to use and understand practical knowledge and help. Formula is an indispensable resource for a bar professional and a peek into the world of quality bartending for those who want to be in the know... Created by Coca-Cola Amatil Australia. Developed and licensed by Sydney-based company Digital Stampede Pty Ltd.