



  • 中文名:全球油氣儲量併購折扣實證研究:英文
  • 作者:王強宇
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • 出版社:海洋出版社
  • ISBN:9787502790387
  • 類別:海洋學
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


《全球油氣儲量併購折扣實證研究(英文版)》研 討了影響全球石油和天然氣資產併購價格的三類主要 因素:國際油氣市場價格、油氣資產所在國家(地區 )的政治經濟風險、每件併購的具體交易條款和資產 屬性。作者王強宇以1999年4月至2012年10月間全球 公布的1664件油氣併購交易為樣本,首先對數據進行 多重分層和分組,採用非參數檢驗方法對各組交易的 併購價格進行了定性對比分析,在此基礎上,繼而采 用多元線性回歸模型針對上述各種影響因素對油氣並 購價格的解釋力(相關係數)進行了量化分析。
  作者在書中創造性地採用了“單位儲量風險”這 一核心度量指標,嚴格遵循了風險/收益對價理論、 油氣市場現貨/期貨理論、併購理論等金融理論,是 金融方法論在油氣能源行業實證套用的一次全新實踐 。


1 Introduction
2 General Literature
3 General Data
 3.1 Global Oil and Gas M&A Database
 3.2 Oil and Gas Markets
 3.3 The International Country Risk Guide
 3.4 Data Structure of 1,664 Oil and Gas Deals
 3.5 Preliminary Results
4 Methodology
 4.1 Group Comparison
 4.2 Theoretical Model of Reserve Takeover Discount
5 Oil and Gas Markets
 5.1 Further Insights on Oil and Gas Markets
 5.2 Backwardation Effect on Reserve Takeover Discount
 5.3 Correlation Effect on Reserve Takeover Discount
6 Oil Dominated Deals vs. Gas Dominated Deals
  6.1 The Idiosyncratic Behavior of Reserve Takeover Discount in Oil Dom- inated Deals vs. Gas Dominated Deals
  6.2 Effect of Gas Reserve Percentage on Oil and Gas Deal Pricing
7 High-Risk Deals vs. Low-Risk Deals
 7.1 Comparative Results in High-Risk Deals vs. Low-Risk Deals
 7.2 Using A Specific Risk-to-Reserve Metric to Measure Deal Risk
8 Cash Dominated Deals vs. Noncash Dominated Deals
 8.1 Comparative Results in Cash Dominated Deals vs. Noncash Domi-nated Deals
 8.2 The 'Control' Issue and Choice of Payment Method in Oil and Gas Reserve Acquisitions
9 Equity Purchase Deals vs. Asset Purchase Deals
 9.1 Comparative Results in Equity Purchase Deals vs. Asset Purchase Deals
 9.2 The Choice of Transaction Structure in Oil and Gas Reserve Acqui- sitions
 9.3 Segmentation of Oil and Gas Deals in Cash-Noncash / Equity-Asset Groups
10 Overall Regression Results and Conclusion
 10.1 Regression Results
 10.2 Conclusion
List of Tables
List of Figures




