- 中文名:全斌
- 出生日期:1968年
- 籍貫:湖南衡陽
- 性別:男
[1] 全斌. 中國西北與東南土地利用變化及比較,北京:中國環境科學出版社,2010 | ||
[2] Bin Quan, Guo, T., Liu, P.L., Ren, H.G. Spatiotemporal patterns and its instability od land use change in five Chinese node cities of the Belt and Road. Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Volume XLII-2/W7, 2017. ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017, 18–22 September 2017, Wuhan, China. 1327-1339. [3] 任紅鴿,全斌,陳潔,劉沛林,王鵬,胡最.土地利用轉移次數與地類的時空變化研究—以長沙為例,水土保持通報,2018, 38(1): 183–186 [4] 任紅鴿,全斌*,王道平,王鵬,胡最. 長沙市1990-2010年土地覆被變化及其預測,江西農業學報,2017, 29(10): 93–99 [5] Bin Quan, Yijun Bai, M.J.M. RÖmkens, Kang-tsung Zhang, Hui Song, Tao Guo, Shi Lei. Urban land expansion in Quanzhou City, China, 1995-2010. Habitat International 48(2015):131–139. [6] 全斌,宋慧,李朝奎,白一君. 泉州土地利用變化與區域比較,土壤, 2015, 47(6): 1199–1208 [7] Bin Quan, Zhikun Xiao, M. J. M. Römkens, Yijun Bai, Shi Lei. 2013. Spatiotemporal Urban Land Use Changes in the Changzhutan Region of Hunan Province in China. Journal of Geographic Information System. 5(2): 136-147. [8] Bin Quan, M. J. M. Römkens, Ron Bingner, etc. 2013. Changes in Spatiotemporal Land Use Patterns in Selected Hydrogeomorphic Areas of China and USA. International Journal of Geosciences. 4(3):537-548. [9] Bin Quan, M. J. M. Römkens, Rui Li, Fang Wang, Jie Chen. 2011. Effect of land use and land cover change on soil erosion and the spatio-temporal variation in Liupan Mountain Region, southern Ningxia, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 5(4):564-572. |