



  • 中文名:全國高職高專教育規劃教材:商務英語口語
  • 作者:邱國丹 金秀金
  • 出版社高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年2月1日
  • 頁數:64 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787040349092
  • 語種簡體中文, 英語




Situation 1 Job Hunting
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 2 Office Work
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 3 Companies and Products
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 4 Trade Fair
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 5 Client Reception
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 6 Visiting the Factory
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 7 Enquiries and Offers
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 8 Discussing on Packing and Shipment
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 9 Conclusion of Business
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links
Situation 10 Customer Service
Section One Warming-up
Section Two Useful Patterns and Expressions
Section Three Dialogues for Reference
Section Four Tasks
Section Five Links


