



  • 書名:全向縫隙天線技術(英文版)
  • 作者:耿軍平
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年8月1日
  • 頁數:170 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787313271877




l Introduction
1.1 Background and Demand
1.2 Research Development of the Omnidirectional Circularly
Polarized Antennas
1.2.1 Onmidirectional Circularly Polarized Antennas
1.2.2 Research on Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized
TaDered Beam Antenna
1.2.3 Omnidirectional Polarization Reconfigurable
Circularly Polarized Antenna
1.3 Content and Construction ofthe Book
2 Basic Theory of Omnidirectional Antenna and Slot Array
2.1 The Basic Theory ofthe Transmission Line
2.1.1 The Uniform Transmission Line
2.1.2 T11e State Parameters and Impedance ofthe TL
2.1.3 111e Short State ofthe Lossless TL
2.2 The Basic neory of CoaxialⅥrave—Guide
2.2.1 The Main Mode of Coaxial Transmission Lin¨EM
2.2.2 TheParametersoftheMainModeinCTL
2.2.3 High Order Modes in the Coaxial Transmission Line
2.3 The Basic Theory to Slot AnteIma
2.4 Basic Theory ofArray Antenna
2.4.1 Product T11eoremofPaRem
2.4.2 Uniform Linear Array
2.4.3 Grating Lobe andthe Interval
2.5 Summary
3 Principles of Omnidirectional CP Slot Array Antenna
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Geometry Structure and Principle
3.2.1 Antenna Structure
3.2.2 Design Principle to Omnidirectional CP Radiation
3.2.3 Impedance Matching and Feed Design
3.3 Antenna Performance Simulation and Verification
3.4 Experiment Results Analysis
3.5 Improved Omnidirectional CP Coaxial Slots Antenna
with Compact Size and High Gain
3.5.1 Improved Antenna Geometry Structure
3.5.2 Improved Antenna Design
3.5.3 AntennaPerformanceDiscussion
3.6 Summary
4 Principies of Omnidirectional Dual·CP Slot Array Antenna
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Geometry Structure,Principle and Antenna Design
4.2.1 Antenna Structure
4.2.2 Dual CP Principle
4.3 Antenna Performance Analysis
4.4 Summary
5 Dual CP Polarization Diversity and Space Diversity Antennas
Enabled by a Compact T-Shaped Feed Structure
5.1 Introduction
5.2 T-Shaped Feed Structure
5.2.1 TFS Geometry Structure
5.2.2 TFS Impedance Transformation
5.2.3 TFS Performance by Simulation
5.3 The Improved Dual CP Omnidirectional Antenna Fed by TFS
5-3.1 The Principle and Structure ofthe Improved DCPOA
5.3.2 Performance oftheImprovedDCPOA
5_3-3 DCPOA Parametric Study and Analysis
5.3.4 Experimental Verification and Analysis
5.3.5 Comparison with Other Dual CP Antenna
5.4 TFS.Enabled Space Diversity Antealia
5.4.1 The Principle ofthe SDA wim TFS
5.4.2 SDA Structure and Performance
5.4.3 ExperimentalVerification andAnalysis
5.4.4 Comparison with Other Spatial Diversity Antennas
5.5 Summary
6 A Circular Truncated Cone Slot Antenna with Circular
Polarized Conical Beam
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Antenna Design and Analysis
6.3 Parameter Analysis
6.4 Results and Discussion
6.5 Summary
7 Half-Space Covered Antenna for Air-Ground Communication
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 111e Principle of the Half Space Covering Antenna
7.1.2 The Key Parameters of the Half Space Covering
7.2 Performance Analysis
7.3 Summary
8 A Compact Reconligurable Coaxial Slot Antenna
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Design Principle
8.3 Simulation Results
8.4 Summary
9 The Omnidirectional,Directional Switchable Antenna Based
on the Curved Microstrip Antenna with Defected Ground
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Geometry Structure and Analysis Method
9.2.1 Antenna Geometry with Defected Ground
9.2.2 Equivalent Circuit
9.2.3 Simulation Method and Experiment Condition
9.3 ResultAnalysis forPlanarAntennawitIlDGS
9.3.1 Impedance
9.3.2 Lengthl
9.3.3 Length
9.3.4 Cavity
9.3.5 The Opt


