周六夜現場 Saturday Night Live (1975) .....Various (1998-)
周末的狂熱 SNL
NBC's Saturday Night
Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, Chris Parnell enrolled at Germantown High School where he took drama and auditioned for every play. In 1985, when he was a senior at Germantown, he was voted "Most Talented" by his classmates. Right after graduating high school, Chris attended North Carolina School of Arts in Winston-Salem, where he received his BFA in Drama. He later performed with the Berkshire Theatre in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas. Afterwards Chri...( 出生和長大,在美國田納西州孟菲斯,克里斯帕內爾就讀於germantown高中,他採取了戲劇和auditioned每發揮。在1985年,當他的一名高級在germantown ,他是贊成“最有才華的”由他的同學。權後,高中畢業,克里斯出席北卡羅萊納州的學校藝術在Winston - Salem的,在那裡他獲得了博鰲亞洲論壇在戲劇。後來他的表現與伯克郡劇院在stockbridge ,麻省,和巷劇院在德克薩斯州的休斯頓。事後chri 。。。