《元基因組學-方法和步驟》是2012年3月1日出版的圖書,作者是wolfgang R.Streit。
- 書名:元基因組學-方法和步驟
- ISBN: 9787030338587
- 出版時間:2012年3月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
出版社:; 第1版 (2012年3月1日)
外文書名:Metagenomics Methods and Protocols
叢書名: 生命科學實驗指南系列
平裝: 341頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787030338587
條形碼: 9787030338587
商品尺寸: 26 x 18.6 x 2 cm
商品重量: 635 g
作者:(德)wolfgang R.Streit
1 Molecular Methods to Study Complex Microbial Communities
2 Construcion of Small-Insert and Large-Insert Metagenomic Libraries
3 Construction and Screening of Marine Metagenomic Libraries
4 Metagenomic Analysis of Isotopically Enriched DNA
5 Wide Host-Range Cloning for Functional Metagenomics
6 Cloning and Expression Vectors for a
7 Heterologous Gene Expression in the Hyperthermophilic
8 Novel Tools for the Functional Expression of Metagenomic DNA
9 Screening of Functional Promoter from Metagenomic
10 Substrate-Induced Gene Expression Sxreening:A Method
11 Screens for Active and Stereoselecctive Hydrolytic Enzymes
12 Screening for Cellulase-Encoding Clones in Metagenomic Libraries
13 Screening Metagenomic Libraries for Laccase Activities
Screening for N-AHSL-Baded Signaling Interfering Enzymes
15 Identification of Molecular Markers to Follow Up the Bioremediation
16 Methods for the Isolation of Genes Encoding Novel PHB
17 Metagenomic Approaches to Identify and Isolate Bioactive Natural Products from Microbiota of Marine Spoonges
18 Screening for Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes
19 Novel Metal Resistance Genes from Microorgaisms : A Functional Metagenomic Approach
20 Retrieval of Full-Length Functional Genes Ising Subtractive Hybridization Magnetic Bead Capture
21 Detection and Isolation of Selected Genes of Interest from Metagenomic Libraries by a DNA Microarray Approach
22 Application of DNA Microarray for Screening Metagenome Library Clpnes
23 MetaGenome Threader A Software Tool for Predicting Genes in DNA-Sequences of <ETAGENOME Projects