TU Bergakademie Freiberg (德國)| 岩土工程| 博士學位| 博士研究生畢業
中南大學| 橋樑與隧道工程| 碩士學位| 碩士研究生畢業
中南大學| 土木工程| 學士學位| 大學本科畢業
土木工程學院| 中南大學 副教授
土木工程學院| 中南大學 講師
Geotechnical Department| 奧地利 ILF Consulting Engineering 研究助理
[1] 中國岩石力學與工程學會水下隧道工程分會 理事
[2] 中國土木工程學會土力學及岩土工程分會 會員
[3] 中國土木工程學會隧道及地下工程分會工程管理及青年工作者專業委員會 秘書長
[4] 國際岩石力學學會(ISRM)會員
[5] 中國岩石力學與工程學會(CSRME)會員
[6] Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, International Journal of Geomechnics、《中國公路學報》、《隧道建設》等期刊審稿人
[1] 盾構隧道工程及其環境影響災變機理
[2] 隧道-地層-結構物相互作用及其環境效應評定
[3] 基於計算機機器視覺的結構健康診斷與評估
[4] 隧道及地下工程結構數值分析方法。
[1] Jinyang Fu*, Zhiwu Yu, Shuying Wang, Junshang Yang. Numerical analysis of framed building response to tunnelling induced ground movements Engineering Structures, 2018, 158(3): 43-66
[2] Jinyang Fu*, Junshang Yang, Herbert Klapperich, Shuying Wang. Analytical prediction of ground movements due to a nonuniform deforming tunnel International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 16(4): 04015089-1-14
[3] Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Shuangting Zhu, Yufeng Shi. Performance of Jet-Grouted Partition Walls in Mitigating the Effects of Shield-Tunnel Construction on Adjacent Piled Structures Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 31(2): 04016096-1-12
[4] Jinyang Fu, Junsheng Yang*, Yan, Li,Syed Muntazir Abbas. An analytical solution for deforming twin-parallel tunnels in an elastic half plane International Journal for Numerical and Analytical, 2015, 39(5): 524-538
[5] Jinyang Fu, Junsheng Yang*, Xuemin Zhang, Herbert Klapperich, Syed Muntazir Abbas. Response of the ground and adjacent buildings due to tunnelling in completely weathered granitic soil Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 43: 377-388
[6] Yufeng Shi, Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Changjie Xu, and Daxin Geng. Performance Evaluation of Long Pipe Roof for Tunneling below Existing Highway Based on Field Tests and Numerical Analysis: Case Study International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(9): 04017054-1-12
[7] Zhiheng Zhu, Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Xuemin Zhang. Panoramic Image Stitching for Arbitrarily Shaped Tunnel Lining Inspection Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineerin, 2016, 31(12): 936-953
[8] Xuemin Zhang, Xuefeng Ou*, Junsheng Yang, and Jinyang Fu. Deformation Response of an Existing Tunnel to Upper Excavation of Foundation Pit and Associated Dewatering International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 17(4): 04016112 -1-14
[9] Jinyang Fu*,Herbert Klapperich,Rafig Azzam,Junsheng Yang. Model ling of surface settlements induced by a non-uniformly deforming tunnel Geotechnik-journal of German Geotechnical Society, 2016, 33(1): 1-12
[10] Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Shuangting Zhu. A Jet-Grouted Wall in Mitigating Tunnelling Effects on Adjacent Structures Geotechnical Special Publication, 2016, 1-9
[11] Zhuang Xie, Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Yufeng Shi, Wenhua Guo. Construction Optimization and Application of Shield Reaction Frame of Large Diameter Shield tunnel Modelling, Measurement and Control B, 2017, 86(1): 185-197
[12] Yufeng Shi, Daxin Geng, Changjie Xu, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*. Performance of a Long Pipe Roof for a Large Span Shallow Tunnel below an Existing Highway Geotechnical Special Publication, 2016,
[13] 周錦強*,王樹英,陽軍生,傅金陽. 基於Mindlin解分析隧道開挖對近鄰樁基的影響 岩土力學, 2017, 38(4): 1075-1081
[14] 陳江*,陳思明,傅金陽,朱雙廳,陽軍生. 盾構側穿鄰近橋樁施工影響及加固措施研究 公路交通科技, 2016, 33(7): 97-102
[15] 石鈺鋒*,張慶彬,謝壯,張學民,傅金陽,陽軍生. 緊鄰鐵路暗挖捷運隧道動力回響實測與數值分析 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2013, 10(4): 63-67
[16] 陽軍生*,李建生,傅金陽. 隧道施工對鄰近結構物影響評價軟體的開發 地下空間與工程學報, 2011, 7(1): 168-173+184
[17] Jinyang Fu*, Feng Yang, Junsheng Yan. The effects of local cavities on the cracking performance of an existing tunnel lining ECI-Shotcrete for Underground Support XIII, 2017,
[18] Jinyang Fu*, Yanan Fang, Shuying Wang, Junsheng Yang, Jiawei Xie. Coupled PFC-FLAC 3D analysis of face stability for EPB shield tunnelling in sandy ground proceedings of the 9th Japan-China Conference on S, 2017,
[19] Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Shuangting Zhu. A Jet-Grouted Wall in Mitigating Tunnelling Effects on Adjacent Structures Geo-China 2016 GSP 260, 2016, 1-9
[20] Junsheng Yang,Jinyang Fu*. Investigation and Rehabilitation of Lining Imperfections and cracks in an Operating Railway Tunnel Shotcrete for Underground Support XII, 2015,
[21] Jinyang Fu *,Herbert Klapperich,Slamet Widodo. Complex variable solutions for ground movement induced by oval-deforming twin tunnels [C]. Thematic Conference EURO: TUN 2013, 2013, 721-728
[22] Jinyang Fu *. The influence of non-uniform soil deformation on tunnel induced ground movement The Syposium Umweltgeotechnik & Geotechnik, 2013, 189-142
[23] Jinyang Fu *,Herbert Klapperich,Nandor Tamskovics. Modelling of tunnel induced ground movements using 2D FE analysis [P]. Proceeding of International Conference on Topical, 2013, 139-142