- 中文名:傅志堅
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:西南交通大學
(1) 行人與疏散動力學模型研究
(2) 基本圖關係研究
(3) 疏散策略與行人規劃與管理
[1]Fu Z, Jia Q, Chen J, Ma J, Han K(*), Luo L(*). A Fine Discrete Field Cellular Automaton for Pedestrian Dynamics Integrating Pedestrian Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Time-Dependent Characteristics.Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies. (2018 In Press)
[2]Fu Z, Luo L, Yang Y, Zhuang Y, Zhang P, Yang L, Ma J, Yang H, Zhu K, and Li Y. Effect of Speed Matching on Fundamental Diagram of Pedestrian Flow. Physica A. 458:31-42 (2016)
[3]Fu Z, Zhou X, Chen Y, Gong J, Peng F, Yan Z, Zhang T, and Yang L. The influence of random slowdown process and lock-step effect on the fundamental diagram of the nonlinear pedestrian dynamics: An estimating-correction cellular automaton. Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. 20(3): 832-845 (2015)
[4]Fu Z, Zhou X, Kong J, Chen Y, Zhuang Y, Hu Y, Yang L, Chen C, and Li J. A floor field cellular automaton for crowd evacuation considering different walking abilities. Physica A. 420: 294-303 (2015)
[5]Fu Z, Yang L, Chen Y, Kong J, and Zhu S. The effect of individual tendency on crowd evacuation efficiency under inhomogeneous exit attraction using a static field modified FFCA model. Physica A. 392(32): 6090-6099 (2013)
[6]Fu Z, Yang L, Rao P, and Zhang T. Interactions of pedestrians interlaced in T-shaped structure using a modified multi-field cellular automaton. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 24(04) (2013)
[7]Ding Y, Yang L, Weng F, Fu Z, Rao P.Investigation of combined stairs elevators evacuation strategies for high rise buildings based on simulation. Simul. Model Pract. Th. 53: 60-73 (2015)
[8]Chen Y, Zhou X, Zhang T, Fu Z, Hu Y, Yang L.Numerical Analysis of Combined Buoyancy-induced and Pressure-driven Smoke Flow in Complex Vertical Shafts during Building Fires. Int. J.Numer. Method H. 26(4) (2016)
[9]Chen Y, Zhou X, Fu Z, Zhang T, Cao B, Yang L.Vertical Temperature Distributions in Ventilation Shafts during a Fire. Exp.Therm.Fluid.Sci. 26(4) (2016)
[10]Luo L,Fu Z, Zhou X, Zhu K, Yang H, Yang L.Fatigue Effect on Phase Transition of Pedestrian Movement: Experiment and Simulation Study. J.Stat.Mech-Theory E. (accepted paper)
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2. 吃苦耐勞