- 中文名:傅平青
- 外文名:Pingqing Fu
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:浙江省磐安縣
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, J. Chen, and Y. Miyazaki (2014) Secondary production of organic aerosols from biogenic VOCs over Mt. Fuji, Japan. Environmental Science & Technology 48(15), 8491-8497, dx.doi.org/10.1021/es500794d.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, Y.F. Cheng, S. Hatakeyama, A. Takami, H. Li, and W. Wang (2014) Aircraft measurements of polar organic tracer compounds in tropospheric particles (PM10) over central China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14(8), 4185-4199.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, J. Chen, B. Charrière, and R. Sempéré (2013) Organic molecular composition of marine aerosols over the Arctic Ocean in summer: contributions of primary emission and secondary aerosol formation. Biogeosciences 10(2), 653-667.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, K. Usukura, and K. Miura (2013) Dicarboxylic acids, ketocarboxylic acids and glyoxal in the marine aerosols collected during a round-the-world cruise. Marine Chemistry 148(20), 22-32.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, J. Chen, J. Li, Y.L. Sun, Y.Liu, E. Tachibana, S.G. Aggarwal, K. Okuzawa, H. Tanimoto, Y. Kanaya, and Z.F. Wang(2012) Diurnal variations of organic molecular tracers and stable carbon isotopic composition in atmospheric aerosols over Mt. Tai in the North China Plain: an influence of biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(18), 8359-8375.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, M. Kobayashi, and B.R.T. Simoneit (2012) Seasonal variations of sugars in atmospheric particulate matter from Gosan, Jeju Island: Significant contributions of airborne pollen and Asian dust in spring. Atmospheric Environment 55, 234-239.
Fu, P.Q.,K. Kawamura, and K. Miura (2011) Molecular characterization of marine organicaerosols collected during a round-the-world cruise.Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 116, D13302, doi:10.1029/2011JD015604.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, Y. Kanaya, and Z.F. Wang (2010) Contributions of biogenic volatile organic compounds to the formation ofsecondary organic aerosols over Mt. Tai, Central East China. Atmospheric Environment 44(38), 4817-4826.
Fu, P.Q. and K. Kawamura (2010) Ubiquity of bisphenol A in the atmosphere. Environmental Pollution 158(10), 3138-3143.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, C.M. Pavuluri, T. Swaminathan, and J. Chen (2010) Molecular characterization of urban organic aerosol in tropical India: contributions of primary emissions and secondary photooxidation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(6), 2663-2689.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, J. Chen, and L.A. Barrie (2009) Isoprene, monoterpene, and sesquiterpene oxidation products in the high Arctic aerosols during late winterto early summer. Environmental Science & Technology 43(11), 4022-4028.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, and L.A. Barrie (2009) Photochemical and other sources of organiccompounds in the Canadian high Arctic aerosol pollution during winter-spring. Environmental Science & Technology 43(2), 286-292.
Fu, P.Q., K. Kawamura, K. Okuzawa, S.G. Aggarwal, G.H. Wang, Y. Kanaya, and Z.F. Wang (2008) Organic molecular compositions and temporal variations of summertime mountain aerosols over Mt. Tai, North China Plain. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 113, D19107, doi:10.1029/2008JD009900.
Fu, P.Q., F.C. Wu, C.-Q. Liu, F.Y. Wang, W. Li, L.X. Yue, and Q.J. Guo (2007) Fluorescence characterization of dissolved organic matter in an urban river andits complexation with Hg(II). Applied Geochemistry 22(8),1668-1679.
Fu, P.Q., F.C.Wu, C.-Q. Liu, Z.Q. Wei, Y.C. Bai, and H.Q. Liao (2006) Spectroscopiccharacterization and molecular weight distribution of DOM in sedimentporewaters from Lake Erhai, southwest China. Biogeochemistry 81(2), 179-189.