將白蘿蔔切成塊狀,煮至八成熟,撈起瀝乾剁成泥狀,配以油、鹽、醬油、辣椒粉、味素、蔥花等佐料。入鍋快速翻炒,待出味時,用澱粉勾芡,成半糊狀時出鍋。再將豬肉、魚肉切成指甲大小的薄片,拌上醬油、味素。 以上餡料備好後,再進行擀皮。擀皮時,先將薯粉倒入加熱的鍋中,加適量冷水,待水沸後用鍋鏟快速拌勻,起鍋時,將粉倒在案板上,反覆搓勻,最後搓成長圓條,掐成小臍,然後用擀麵杖擀成圓皮。包餃時,一手托皮,一手執蓮花刀把蘿蔔餡下臍中間,再下魚、肉各一片,然後包成月牙形的餃子,入籠用旺火蒸15分鐘即成。
White radish, potato flour, pork, fish.
The white radish cut into blocks, boil eight mature, Dish and drain chopped mashed together with oil, salt, soy sauce, chili powder, monosodium glutamate, green onion and other condiments. Wok stir fry quickly until the taste, the use of starch, starch, into a semi-paste when the pan. Then pork, fish, cut into fingernail-sized flakes, mix soy sauce, MSG. Filling more than ready, and then a roll skin. Paper roll, the first flour into the heated pot, add appropriate amount of cold water until the water boiling quickly mix with the spatula, pot, it will be documented on-board powder down repeatedly rub evenly, rubbing the final round of the growth , pinch into small navel, and then use a rolling pin roll into a round leather. Package dumplings in the primary Topi, one holding a lotus under the knife umbilical radish filling the middle, then the next fish, meat of the piece, then pack into a crescent-shaped dumplings, steamed into the cage for 15 minutes Serve with stir.
To bring up a good sesame oil, soy sauce, chili Zhan Shi. Wrappings, transparent and smooth, stuffing fresh meat Spicy.