


  • 中文名:侯登錄
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1965年1月
  • 畢業院校:河北師範大學


侯登錄教授主要從事磁學與磁性材料、納米複合材料、半導體物理、自旋電子學方面的研究工作,多次參加國家自然科學基金項目、主持河北省自然科學基金項目,發表學術論文60餘篇,其中發表在Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Applied Physics等雜誌被SCI/EI收錄論文40餘篇。


1982 年 9 月 -1986 年 7 月,河北師範大學物理系讀本科;
1986 年 7 月 -1994 年 9 月,河北師範大學物理系工作;
1994 年 9 月 -1997 年 7 月,河北師範大學物理系攻讀凝聚態物理專業碩士學位研究生;
1997 年 7 月 -1999 年 9 月,河北師範大學物理系工作;
1999 年 9 月 -2002 年 7 月,天津大學理學院攻讀材料物理與化學專業博士學位研究生。
2000 年 8 月 -2001 年 8 月,加拿大馬尼托巴大學物理系訪問學習。師從Allan H Morrish和Gwyn Williams.2009 年11月,任河北師範大學物理學院院長。
2002 年 7 月,河北師範大學物理學院任教授,副院長
2004 年 3 月,聘為博士生導師。
2009 年 11月,河北師範大學物理學院院長


1.Qiaoshuang, Hou Denglu et. al Ferromagnetism in MnxGe1-x films prepared by magnetron sputtering, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials321 (2009) 2446–24502.X. J. Ye, R. B. Zhao,D. L. Hou, X. Y. Zhao, H. J. Meng, H. J. Zhou, X. L. Li, C. M. Zhen, and G. D. Tang, Magnetic Properties in Co and Mn-Doped ZnO Powders and Thin Films, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (2009)951–954
3.R. B. ZHAO, D. L. HOU, Y. Y. WEI, Z. Z. ZHOU, C. F. PAN, C. M. ZHEN and G. D. TANG,Ferrromagnetism in Fe-doped ZnO Thin Films,Modern Physics Letters B, 23(6) (2009) 815–824
4.G. D. Tang, S. P. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. G. Zhang, D. H. Ji, Y. F. Li, W. H. Qi, W. Chen, and D. L. Hou,Study of the free energy of the La1−xCaxMnO3 manganites based on the temperature dependence of the crystal cell volume,Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 121906
5.Weixia Gao, Denglu Hou, Yuchan Hua, Shiqiang WeibStructure and magnetic properties of FexGe1-x films, Solid State Communications 149 (2009) 1924-1927
6.YE XiaoJuan, HOU DengLu, ZHONG Wei, AU ChakTong, DU YouWei, The magnetic mechanism of Zn0.93Co0.07O thin films, Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & AstronomyJan. 52(1)(2009)21-25
7.Deng Lu Hou, Rui Bin Zhao, Hai Juan Meng, Li Yun Jia, Xiao Juan Ye, Hong Juan Zhou, Xiu Ling Li, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in Cu-doped TiO2 thin films, Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) 3223–3226
8.Qiao shuang, Hou Denglu,Zhang Qian,Zhen Congmian, Structure, magnetic and transport properties of MnxGe1-x, Physica B 403 (2008) 3916–3920
9.C.M. Zhen , J.J. Zhang, Y.J. Zhang, C.X. Liu, C.F. Pan, D.L. Hou, Fluorinated nanoporous SiO2 films with ultra-low dielectric constant, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids354 (2008) 3867–387
10. WBMi, J J Shen, D L Hou, X L Li, E Y Jiang and H L Bai, Structure, magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline Fe3O4–Ge nanocomposite films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 055009
11. Qiao Shuanga, Hou Denglu, Zhang Qian and Zhen Congmian,Structure, magnetic and transport properties of MnxGe1-x,Advanced Materials Research 47-50 (2008)570-574
12. Wei Yanyan, Hou Denglu, Zhao Ruibin, Zhou Zhenzhen, Zhen Congmian, Tang Guide, Structural and magnetic properties of cobalt and aluminum co-doped ZnO powders,Advanced Materials Research 47-50 (2008) 600-603
13. C.M. Zhen, X.Q. Wang, X.C. Wu, C.X. Liu, D.L. Hou, Au/p-diamond ohmic contacts deposited by RF sputtering, ,Applied Surface Science 255 (2008)2916–2919
14. Wei yanyan, Guo junmei, Hou denglu, Qiao shuang. Preparation and properties of Mn-doped GaN powders, Solid State Communications 148 (2008) 234–236
15. Deng-Lu Hou, Xiao-Juan Ye, et al,Room-Temerature Ferromagnetism in n-type Cu-doped ZnO Thin Films Journal of Applied Physics 102 (2007) 033905
16. Ru-Fen Chen ,Lei Zhang, Yu Wei , Deng-Lu Hou, Preparation of rutile (TiO2) nanostructured materials at low temperature from TiCl4 aqueous solution, J Mater Sci 42 (2007)7141–7146
17. Deng-Lu Hou, Hai-Juan Meng, et al.Oxygen vacancy enhanced the room temperature ferromagnetism in Ni-doped TiO 2 thin films, Physics Letters A, 364 (2007) 318–322
18. D. L. Hou, Z. X. Du, Studies on Magnetic Aftereffect of Fe 3 O 4 Nano-particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 429 (2007) 40–45
19. G. D. Tang, D. L. Hou, and W. Chen, Estimation of Mn4+ ion content ratio in self-doped compound La1-x MnO3, Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007)152503
20. Gui-De Tang, Deng-Lu Hou, et al, A quantum-mechanical model for estimating the number ratio between different valence cations in multi-atom compounds, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007)144101
21. Deng-Lu Hou, Xiao-Juan Ye, Huai-Juan Meng, Hong-Juan Zhou, Xiu-Ling Li, Cong-Mian Zhen and Gui-De Tang, Magnetic properties of n-type Cu-doped ZnO thin films, Applied Physics Letters 90(2007)142502
22. Deng-Lu Hou , Xiao-Juan Ye, Huai-Juan Meng, Hong-Juan Zhou, Xiu-Ling Li, Cong-Mian Zhen and Gui-De Tang, Magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO powder and thin films, Materials Science and Engineering: B 138(2) (2007) 184-188
23. D. L. HOU, X. J. YE, H. J. MENG, X. Y. ZHAO, H. J. ZHOU, X. L. LI, C. M. ZHEN and G. D. TANG, Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in (N, Co)-codoped ZnO Thin Films, Modern Physics Letters B, 21 (13) (2007) 799-806
24. D.L. Hou, H.J. Meng, L.Y. Jia, X.J. Ye, H.J. Zhou and X.L. Li, Impurity concentration study on ferromagnetism in Cu-doped TiO2 thin films,Europhysics Letters, 78 (2007) 67001
25. H. J. Meng, D. L. Hou, L. Y. Jia, X. J. Ye, H. J. Zhou, and X. L. Li, Role of oxygen vacancies on ferromagnetism in Fe-doped TiO2 thin films,Journal Applied Physics 102 (2007) 073905
26. Rufen Chen, Haixia Chen, Yu Wei, and Denglu Hou, Photocatalytic Oxidation of Fe(OH)2 Suspension with Visible Light Irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. C 111( 2007) 16453
27. Deng-Lu Hou, Cai-Xia Yue, Yun Bai, Qing-Hua Liu, Xiu-Ying Zhao, Gui-De Tang, Magnetocaloric effect in La 0.8-x Nd x Na 0.2 MnO3 , Solid State Communications 140 (2006) 459–463
28. Gui-De Tang, Deng-Lu Hou, et al. Influence of cohesive energy on unit cell volume of perovskite manganites La1-xMxMnO3, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006) 261919
D.L. Hou., Z. Zhao, J. Xu, Z. X. Du, G.D. Tang, Preisach Modeling on the Magnetic Properties of Nano-Particle Fe3O4, Chinese Physics Letters, 22(4) (2005) 946


