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  • 中文名:侯傳信
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山東省淄博市
  • 畢業院校:山東大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職單位:煙臺大學


2018年9月至2019年9月 聯合培養博士, 美國田納西大學UniversityofTennessee at Knoxville);


Ø 一維、二維與三維碳納米複合材料的設計及製備;
Ø 新型鋰離子電池電極材料射棵的性能最佳化及反應機理研究;
Ø 金屬空氣電池電極材料的結構調控和催化機理研究;
Ø 氫演化反應(HER)、氧演化反應(OER)和氧還原反應(ORR)等電極催化反應動力學研究;
Ø 超材料、超構電磁功能複合材料的製備及電磁性能調控;


在照戀漿Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等國際知名刊物上已發表SCI論文60餘篇,其中一作、通訊SCI論文26篇, 13篇論文入選ESI高被引論文,同時11篇論文入選ESI熱點論文;入選2019年英國皇家化學學會(RSC)“Top 1% 高被引作者”;H指數:34;i10指市希埋蘭乃趨數:43;文章總引用次數:3650餘次;已授理髮明專利20餘項,已獲授權只轎婚發明專利6項。申請專利20餘項,已獲授權6項。(數據來源:Google學術;統計截止:2023年墊譽戀兵7月)。
1) C. X. Hou, Z. X. Tai, L. L. Zhao, Y. J. Zhai, Y. Hou, Y. Q. Fan, F. Dang, J. Wang, H. K. Liu, High performance MnO@C microcages with a hierarchical structure and tunable carbon shell for efficient and durable lithium storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 9723-9736.(一區,IF=11.9; 高被引論文;熱點論文)
2) C. X. Hou, Y. Hou, Y. Q. Fan, Y. J. Zhai, Y. Wang, Z. Y. Sun, R. H. Fan, F. Dang, J. Wang, Oxygen vacancy derived local build-in electric field in mesoporous hollow Co3O4 microspheres promotes high-performance Li-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 6967-6976.(一區,IF=11.9; 高被引論文)
3) C. X. Hou, J. Wang, W. Du, J. Wang, Y. Du, C. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Hou, F. Dang, L. Zhao, Z. Guo, One-pot synthesized molybdenum dioxide-molybdenum carbide heterostructures coupled with 3D holey carbon nanosheets for highly efficient and ultrastable cycling lithium-ion storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019, 7, 13460-13472.(一區,IF=11.9;高被引論文;熱點論文,2019年度. Journal of Materials Chemistry A期刊最受歡迎文章)
4) C. X. Hou*, W. Yang, H. Kimur, X. Xie, X. Zhang, X. Sun, Z. Yu, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, B. Xu, D. Sridhar, H. Algadi, Z. Guo, W Du, Boosted lithium storage performance by local build-in electric field derived by oxygen vacancies in 3D holey N-doped carbon structure decorated with molybdenum dioxide, Journal of Materials Science & Technolog, 2023, 142, 185-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2022.10.007.(一區,IF=10. 9;國產期刊; 高被引論文;熱點論文)
5) F. Li, Q. Li, H. Kimura, X. Xie, X. Zhang, N. Wu, X. Sun, B. Xu, H. Algadi, R. Pashameah, A. K. Alanazi, E.Alzahrani, W. Du, Z. Guo, C. X. Hou*, Morphology controllable urchin-shaped bimetallic nickel-cobalt oxide/carbon composites with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption performance, Journal of Materials Science & Technolog, 2023, 148, 250-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2022.12.003(一區,IF=10. 9;國產期刊)
6) C. X. Hou, J. Wang, W. B. Zhang, J. J. Li, R. H. Zhang, J. J. Zhou, Y. Q. Fan, D. L. Li, F. Dang, J. Q. Liu, Y. Li, K. Liang, B. Kong, Interfacial superassembly of grape-like MnO-Ni@C frameworks for superior lithium storage,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 12, 13770-13780. (一區,IF=9.5;封面文章)
7) C. X. Hou, W. Yang, X. Xie, X. Sun, J. Wang, N. Naik, D. Pan, X. Mai, Z. Guo, F. Dang, W. Du, Agaric-like anodes of porous carbon decorated with MoO2 nanoparticles for stable ultralong cycling lifespan and high-rate lithium/sodium storage, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 596, 396-407. (一區,IF=9.9,高被引論文、熱點論文)
8) Q. Mu, R. Liu, H. Kimura, J. Li, H.Jiang, X. Zhang, Z. Yu, X. Sun, H.Algadi, Z.Guo, W. Du, C. X. Hou*, Supramolecular self-assembly synthesis of hemoglobin-like amorphous CoP@N, P-doped carbon composites enable ultralong stable cycling under high-current density for Lithium-ion battery anodes, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-022-00607-y ( 一區, IF=20.1; 高被引論文;熱點論文)
9) C. X. Hou, Y. Oaki, E. Hosono, H. Lin, H. Imai, Y. Q. Fan, F. Dang, Bio-inspired synthesis of xLi2MnO3-(1− x)LiNi0.33Co0.33Mn0.33O2 lithium-rich layered cathode materials, Materials & Design, 2016, 109, 718-725. (二區,IF=8.4)
10) C. X. Hou,* G. Fan, X. Xie, X. Zhang, X. Sun, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, W. Du and R. Fan, TiN/Al2O3 binary ceramics for negative permittivity metacomposites at kHz frequencies, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 855,157499. (二區,IF=6.2, 高被引論文)
11) C. X. Hou, T. Liu, Y. Q. Fan, H. Imai, R. H. Fan, H. Lin, Q. L. He, N. Wang, F. Dang, Z. H. Guo, Selectively assembled 2D microarrays from binary nanocrystals, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3008-3014. (二區, IF=3.756)
12) Y. Zhai, W. Yang, X. Xie, X. Sun, J. Wang, X.g Yang, N. Naik, H. Kimura, W Du, Z Guo, C. X. Hou*, Co3O4 nanoparticles-dotted hierarchical-assembled carbon nanosheet frameworks catalysts with formation/decomposition mechanisms of Li2O2 for smart lithium-oxygen batteries, 2022, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022,9, 1115-1124. (一區, IF=7, 高被引論文;熱點論文)
13) W. Yang, D. Peng, H. Kimura, X. Zhang, X. Sun, R. A. Pashameah, E. Alzahrani, B. Wang, Z. Guo, W. Du C. X. Hou*, Honeycomb-like nitrogen-doped porous carbon decorated with Co3O4 nanoparticles for superior electrochemical performance pseudo-capacitive lithium storage and supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 3146-3157. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-022-00556-6. (一區,高被引論文;熱點論文,IF=20.1)
14) Y. Ma, X. Xie, W. Yang, Z. Yu, X. Sun, Y. Zhang, X.Yang, H. Kimura, C. X. Hou*, Z. Guo, W. Du, Recent advances in transition metal oxides with different dimensions as electrodes for high performance supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2021, 4, 906–924. (一區, IF=20.1,高被引論文;熱點論文)
15) C. X. Hou, Sodium chloride assisted synthesis of porous magnetic carbon nanocomposites containing cobalt nanoparticles for high-performance electromagnetic wave-absorption,Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25, 5148-5158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.07.010(一區,IF=6.4)
16) J. Sun, Q. Mu, H Kimura, V. Murugadoss, M. He, W. Du, C. X. Hou,* Oxidative degradation of phenols and substituted phenols in the water and atmosphere: a review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 627–640 (一區,IF=20.1, 高被引論文;熱點論文)
17) C. X. Hou, B. Wang, V. Murugadoss, S. Vupputuri, Y. Chao, Z. Guo, C. Wang, W. Du, Recent advances in Co3O4 as anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Engineered Science, 2020, 11, 19-30. (18年新刊,220次)
18) C. Dang, Q. Mu, X. Xie, X. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, S. Maganti, M. Huang, Q. Jiang, I. Seok, W. Du* and C. X. Hou,* Recent progress in cathode catalyst for nonaqueous lithium oxygen batteries: a review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 606–626. (一區, IF=20.1,高被引論文;熱點論文)
19) Y. Ma, C. X. Hou*, H. Kimura, X. Xie, H. Jiang, X. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Zhang and W. Du*, Recent advances in the application of carbon-based electrode materials for high-performance Zinc ion capacitors: A mini review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 59. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-023-00636-1 (一區, IF=20.1)
20) X. Du , C. X. Hou*, H. Kimura , X. Xie , H. Jiang , X. Sun , X.Yang , Y.Zhang , Wei Du*, Energy- and cost-efficient CaCO3-assisted nanoarchitectonics of recycled wheat flour-derived carbon matrix decorated with MnO2 nanoparticles for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 72, 108355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2023.108355. (二區,IF=9.4)
21) W. J. Zhang, Z. D. Zhang*, Y. Jiang, C. X. Hou,* X. Fu, H. Du, R. Tian, G. Zhao, S. Wei, R. Fan, Porous Fe@Fe3O4-C nanocomposite using polyvinyl alcohol sponge as template for microwave absorption, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 49, 6394–6402. (IF=2.1)
22) C. X. Hou, G. F. Liu, F. Dang, Z. D. Zhang, J. Chen, Effect of strontium substitution on microstructure and magnetic properties of electrospinning BaFe12O19 nanofibers, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32, 871-874. (IF=1.6)
23) Y. Hou‡, C. X. Hou‡, Enhancing the electrocatalytic activity of 2D microassembly Co3O4 nanosheets for Li-O2 batteries by tuning oxygen vacancies and Co/Co ratio. Electrochimica Acta,2019, 324, 134884 (一區,IF=6.6)
24) F. Li, Z. Bi, H.Kimura, H. Li, L. Liu, X. Xie, X. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Sun, Z. Ma, W. Du and C. X. Hou*, Energy- and cost-efficient salt-assisted synthesis of Nitrogen-doped porous carbon matrix decorated with Nickel nanoparticles for superior electromagnetic wave absorption, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 133. DOI: 10.1007/s42114-023-00710-8. (一區, IF=20.1)
25) Y. Hou‡, C. X. Hou‡, Y. Q. Fan, F. Dang, B. W. Li, Biphasic liquid interface derived magnetite nanocrystals: Synthesis, properties and growth mechanism, Materials Research Express, 2017, 4, 125028. (IF=2.3)
26) Y. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Zhao C. X. Hou*, M. Huang, H. Algadi, D. Li, Q. Xia, J. Wang, Z. Zhou, X. Han, Y. Long, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Sandwich-like CoMoP2/MoP heterostructures coupling N, P co-doped carbon nanosheets as advanced anodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 2601–2610. (一區,高被引論文;熱點論文, IF=20.1)
1) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種金屬空氣電池模具,專利號: ZL2017 1385497
2) 黨鋒、侯傳信等,一種生物凝膠碳化製備雙層碳包覆氧化亞錳電極材料的方法, 專利號: ZL 2017 10369108.1
3) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種花狀四氧化三鈷/石墨烯中空微球鋰離子電池負極材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL2017 1 1017317.6
4) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種Mo2C/MoO2/C電極材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL 201811092203.2;
5) 王俊、侯越、黨鋒、趙蘭玲、侯傳信等,一種高性能反蛋白石結構氧化鈰-碳複合鋰氧氣電池正極催化材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL201810147268.6
6) 黨鋒、黃啟順、王俊、趙蘭玲、侯傳信等,一種Pd@Pd4S-多孔碳納米材料及其製備方法和套用,專利號: ZL201811340058.5.
3) C. X. Hou, J. Wang, W. Du, J. Wang, Y. Du, C. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Hou, F. Dang, L. Zhao, Z. Guo, One-pot synthesized molybdenum dioxide-molybdenum carbide heterostructures coupled with 3D holey carbon nanosheets for highly efficient and ultrastable cycling lithium-ion storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019, 7, 13460-13472.(一區,IF=11.9;高被引論文;熱點論文,2019年度. Journal of Materials Chemistry A期刊最受歡迎文章)
4) C. X. Hou*, W. Yang, H. Kimur, X. Xie, X. Zhang, X. Sun, Z. Yu, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, B. Xu, D. Sridhar, H. Algadi, Z. Guo, W Du, Boosted lithium storage performance by local build-in electric field derived by oxygen vacancies in 3D holey N-doped carbon structure decorated with molybdenum dioxide, Journal of Materials Science & Technolog, 2023, 142, 185-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2022.10.007.(一區,IF=10. 9;國產期刊; 高被引論文;熱點論文)
5) F. Li, Q. Li, H. Kimura, X. Xie, X. Zhang, N. Wu, X. Sun, B. Xu, H. Algadi, R. Pashameah, A. K. Alanazi, E.Alzahrani, W. Du, Z. Guo, C. X. Hou*, Morphology controllable urchin-shaped bimetallic nickel-cobalt oxide/carbon composites with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption performance, Journal of Materials Science & Technolog, 2023, 148, 250-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2022.12.003(一區,IF=10. 9;國產期刊)
6) C. X. Hou, J. Wang, W. B. Zhang, J. J. Li, R. H. Zhang, J. J. Zhou, Y. Q. Fan, D. L. Li, F. Dang, J. Q. Liu, Y. Li, K. Liang, B. Kong, Interfacial superassembly of grape-like MnO-Ni@C frameworks for superior lithium storage,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 12, 13770-13780. (一區,IF=9.5;封面文章)
7) C. X. Hou, W. Yang, X. Xie, X. Sun, J. Wang, N. Naik, D. Pan, X. Mai, Z. Guo, F. Dang, W. Du, Agaric-like anodes of porous carbon decorated with MoO2 nanoparticles for stable ultralong cycling lifespan and high-rate lithium/sodium storage, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 596, 396-407. (一區,IF=9.9,高被引論文、熱點論文)
8) Q. Mu, R. Liu, H. Kimura, J. Li, H.Jiang, X. Zhang, Z. Yu, X. Sun, H.Algadi, Z.Guo, W. Du, C. X. Hou*, Supramolecular self-assembly synthesis of hemoglobin-like amorphous CoP@N, P-doped carbon composites enable ultralong stable cycling under high-current density for Lithium-ion battery anodes, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-022-00607-y ( 一區, IF=20.1; 高被引論文;熱點論文)
9) C. X. Hou, Y. Oaki, E. Hosono, H. Lin, H. Imai, Y. Q. Fan, F. Dang, Bio-inspired synthesis of xLi2MnO3-(1− x)LiNi0.33Co0.33Mn0.33O2 lithium-rich layered cathode materials, Materials & Design, 2016, 109, 718-725. (二區,IF=8.4)
10) C. X. Hou,* G. Fan, X. Xie, X. Zhang, X. Sun, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, W. Du and R. Fan, TiN/Al2O3 binary ceramics for negative permittivity metacomposites at kHz frequencies, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 855,157499. (二區,IF=6.2, 高被引論文)
11) C. X. Hou, T. Liu, Y. Q. Fan, H. Imai, R. H. Fan, H. Lin, Q. L. He, N. Wang, F. Dang, Z. H. Guo, Selectively assembled 2D microarrays from binary nanocrystals, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3008-3014. (二區, IF=3.756)
12) Y. Zhai, W. Yang, X. Xie, X. Sun, J. Wang, X.g Yang, N. Naik, H. Kimura, W Du, Z Guo, C. X. Hou*, Co3O4 nanoparticles-dotted hierarchical-assembled carbon nanosheet frameworks catalysts with formation/decomposition mechanisms of Li2O2 for smart lithium-oxygen batteries, 2022, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022,9, 1115-1124. (一區, IF=7, 高被引論文;熱點論文)
13) W. Yang, D. Peng, H. Kimura, X. Zhang, X. Sun, R. A. Pashameah, E. Alzahrani, B. Wang, Z. Guo, W. Du C. X. Hou*, Honeycomb-like nitrogen-doped porous carbon decorated with Co3O4 nanoparticles for superior electrochemical performance pseudo-capacitive lithium storage and supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 3146-3157. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-022-00556-6. (一區,高被引論文;熱點論文,IF=20.1)
14) Y. Ma, X. Xie, W. Yang, Z. Yu, X. Sun, Y. Zhang, X.Yang, H. Kimura, C. X. Hou*, Z. Guo, W. Du, Recent advances in transition metal oxides with different dimensions as electrodes for high performance supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2021, 4, 906–924. (一區, IF=20.1,高被引論文;熱點論文)
15) C. X. Hou, Sodium chloride assisted synthesis of porous magnetic carbon nanocomposites containing cobalt nanoparticles for high-performance electromagnetic wave-absorption,Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25, 5148-5158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.07.010(一區,IF=6.4)
16) J. Sun, Q. Mu, H Kimura, V. Murugadoss, M. He, W. Du, C. X. Hou,* Oxidative degradation of phenols and substituted phenols in the water and atmosphere: a review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 627–640 (一區,IF=20.1, 高被引論文;熱點論文)
17) C. X. Hou, B. Wang, V. Murugadoss, S. Vupputuri, Y. Chao, Z. Guo, C. Wang, W. Du, Recent advances in Co3O4 as anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Engineered Science, 2020, 11, 19-30. (18年新刊,220次)
18) C. Dang, Q. Mu, X. Xie, X. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, S. Maganti, M. Huang, Q. Jiang, I. Seok, W. Du* and C. X. Hou,* Recent progress in cathode catalyst for nonaqueous lithium oxygen batteries: a review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 606–626. (一區, IF=20.1,高被引論文;熱點論文)
19) Y. Ma, C. X. Hou*, H. Kimura, X. Xie, H. Jiang, X. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Zhang and W. Du*, Recent advances in the application of carbon-based electrode materials for high-performance Zinc ion capacitors: A mini review, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 59. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-023-00636-1 (一區, IF=20.1)
20) X. Du , C. X. Hou*, H. Kimura , X. Xie , H. Jiang , X. Sun , X.Yang , Y.Zhang , Wei Du*, Energy- and cost-efficient CaCO3-assisted nanoarchitectonics of recycled wheat flour-derived carbon matrix decorated with MnO2 nanoparticles for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 72, 108355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2023.108355. (二區,IF=9.4)
21) W. J. Zhang, Z. D. Zhang*, Y. Jiang, C. X. Hou,* X. Fu, H. Du, R. Tian, G. Zhao, S. Wei, R. Fan, Porous Fe@Fe3O4-C nanocomposite using polyvinyl alcohol sponge as template for microwave absorption, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 49, 6394–6402. (IF=2.1)
22) C. X. Hou, G. F. Liu, F. Dang, Z. D. Zhang, J. Chen, Effect of strontium substitution on microstructure and magnetic properties of electrospinning BaFe12O19 nanofibers, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32, 871-874. (IF=1.6)
23) Y. Hou‡, C. X. Hou‡, Enhancing the electrocatalytic activity of 2D microassembly Co3O4 nanosheets for Li-O2 batteries by tuning oxygen vacancies and Co/Co ratio. Electrochimica Acta,2019, 324, 134884 (一區,IF=6.6)
24) F. Li, Z. Bi, H.Kimura, H. Li, L. Liu, X. Xie, X. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Sun, Z. Ma, W. Du and C. X. Hou*, Energy- and cost-efficient salt-assisted synthesis of Nitrogen-doped porous carbon matrix decorated with Nickel nanoparticles for superior electromagnetic wave absorption, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6, 133. DOI: 10.1007/s42114-023-00710-8. (一區, IF=20.1)
25) Y. Hou‡, C. X. Hou‡, Y. Q. Fan, F. Dang, B. W. Li, Biphasic liquid interface derived magnetite nanocrystals: Synthesis, properties and growth mechanism, Materials Research Express, 2017, 4, 125028. (IF=2.3)
26) Y. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Zhao C. X. Hou*, M. Huang, H. Algadi, D. Li, Q. Xia, J. Wang, Z. Zhou, X. Han, Y. Long, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Sandwich-like CoMoP2/MoP heterostructures coupling N, P co-doped carbon nanosheets as advanced anodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 2601–2610. (一區,高被引論文;熱點論文, IF=20.1)
1) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種金屬空氣電池模具,專利號: ZL2017 1385497
2) 黨鋒、侯傳信等,一種生物凝膠碳化製備雙層碳包覆氧化亞錳電極材料的方法, 專利號: ZL 2017 10369108.1
3) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種花狀四氧化三鈷/石墨烯中空微球鋰離子電池負極材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL2017 1 1017317.6
4) 王俊、侯傳信等,一種Mo2C/MoO2/C電極材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL 201811092203.2;
5) 王俊、侯越、黨鋒、趙蘭玲、侯傳信等,一種高性能反蛋白石結構氧化鈰-碳複合鋰氧氣電池正極催化材料及其製備方法,專利號: ZL201810147268.6
6) 黨鋒、黃啟順、王俊、趙蘭玲、侯傳信等,一種Pd@Pd4S-多孔碳納米材料及其製備方法和套用,專利號: ZL201811340058.5.


